Next gear upgrade? Nautilus and vv/vw

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Nov 2, 2014
Cardiff, uk
Hi all, I'm after a little information from those who know more than me,
i recently upgraded from a basic eGo type ecig to a aspire et-s and spinner II battery, I'm loving the et-s tanks as they are 100% better than anything else I have used but they aren't 100% perfect
I'm seeing a lot of comments about the aspire nautilus, if you have used one would you recommend it? And would I find it to be much better than the et-s?

my second question is about batteries,
im using a spinner II vv but I'm seeing a lot about variable wattage batteries, again do they make a big difference and if so are there any good ones around that don't cost the earth? I'd prefer one similar to the size and shape of the spinner,


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Sep 30, 2014
I can't say I know a lot. Only been at this about 3 months. the Vision Spinner II VV is a nice pen-style battery. I was going to pick one up at a local B&M (on sale) and got talked into an MVP2 when they didn't have the color Spinner I was looking for - the MVP was on sale for $45. If you want to stick to pen style at this time, the Vision Spinner will work for you. I also happen to have an Evod VV and a Aspire CF VV - both pen styles. I love them both. I don't know of any pen-style batteries, in this class, that do variable wattage.

As far as tanks, you really can't go wrong with Aspire or Kanger. I've heard both positive and negative about both but overall, they are pretty solid. The tank type will be determined by the size you're looking for. I like the Kanger tanks that hold 2.5 ml and I'm on the lookout for an Aspire Nautilus mini to add to my collection


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Apr 8, 2014
Hi I used the spinner in the past and now I vape with a high variable wattage mod. The chip inside adjusts the volts to compensate for my wattage. So vlots self adjust. My highest wattage is 150 watts for my mod.with wattage the higher the watts basically speaking the more powerful and warmer the vape. In my expirence the higher wattage the more vapor as well. This is a very basic explanation. Wattage in my opinion gives you the ability of a more customized vape. With your juices you can really bring out the flavors and sweetness by adjusting your wattage. It's all a matter of what YOUR taste is on how high or low you go with wattage. Some juices really taste great at 15 watts others juices taste great at 30 watts while some taste best at 10 watts. It's just a matter of personal taste. But by getting a variable wattage device you have the ability to find YOUR sweet spot with different juices. That's why I really recommend a veriable wattage device. No matter what wattage you choosee you have the ability to really bring out the flavor of your juices. I hope this helps you understand about wattage. One thing to note is with higher wattages store bought coils usually wont handle any thing over 9 or 10 watts without burning. So to vape at a higher wattage than that you will be using a rda or rba and winding your own coils because depending on your builds will determine how high you can go without burning. So if your continuing to use store made coils you would keep your wattage rather low. Hope this helps. Their are many great variable wattage devices wishes
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Oct 2, 2013
Sharon, ND, USA
The only variable wattage device close to that shape is the Innokin ITaste VV v3, which I love. It does, however, need to be charged frequently because it is only 800 ma. It is also square, rather than round, but still in the skinny pen style as opposed to box mods.

There is also the Eleaf Istick, which would probably be considered a mini box mod, but is brand new to the market and does have some problems with using low voltage or wattage and possibly with the quality of the 510 connector.

VV v3s with MVPs:


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Nov 24, 2013
Upstate sc
I'm not familiar with the et-s, but the naut is a good tank and is the best one I've have tried that uses factory made coils. A naut however will look like a lolly-pop on your spinner. For some people thats a problem. On bats as mentioned the V3 is comparable in size to the spinner with more options. Also as mentioned it does need frequent charging. VV and VW are the same thing really. In theory wattage gives you a more consistent vape at different resistance coils. So if I place a 2.4 coil and use 10 watts and a 1.6 coil at 10 watts the vape should be the same. I say in theory because that has not been my experience. As far as finding your sweet spot on power, you can just as easily find it with volts but many find it more user friendly to go the watts route. If you are wanting 'more' from your vape let us know what your priorities, budget, and goals for vaping ( looking to vape long term, or a short term to quit nic all together) and this community will give you some opinions on how to get the most bang for your buck.


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Sep 4, 2014
Started with Kanger Aerotanks (v2) and bought a Nautilus mini a couple weeks back. Both are great tanks and inhale to say I like the NM best as it produces better flavor.

I rotate my Aerotanks and NM between the MVP 2 and istick. Given this MVP 3 Indy for release later this year, I'd wait for it rather than spending the $ on a 2.0 now. The Nautilus mini will work just fine on the Spinner 2.


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Oct 10, 2014
Ohio, USA
Vision Spinner II is pretty great.

I second the Innokin iTaste VV v3. It's got all of the features of the MVP but in the style you're looking for. Shorter battery life though.

The iStick is great and tiny for a box mod. Worth looking at for ~30$, even if you aren't used to box style mods. This thing disappears in my hand it's so small.

As for clearomizers, anything with BVC coils will do great. The Nautilus Mini is wonderful - not sure how much better than the ET-S it is. But it does have adjustable airflow which can really change the vape. Worth a buy for anyone using clearomizers, imo.


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May 11, 2009
I was vaping back then when they had those rip off kiosks at the mall. Can't believe I paid $125 for a barely working ecig. Then I moved on to ego's with the tornado tanks. Then stopped vaping for a couple of years. Then a couple weeks ago, my friend introduced me to the kecig k100. I told myself wth, time to really quit smoking. So I bought myself a kecig....then an m16 clone the same week. Then the week after, a Vamo V6 which I love. Now I also have a nemesis and a carbon fuhattan and also a kaiser RBA on the way. Oh and im trying my hand at making juice this week too. Yes I spent a bit of money. But whatever keeps my mind off the cancer sticks. I've been smoking for 20 yrs and its time to stop. Hopefully this time im successful.

and yes the nautilus brings out the flavor way more than the protanks. I have both.

photo (4).jpg


ECF Guru
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Oct 2, 2012
England and Wales
I use ET-S during the day (Spinner or iTasteVV) and mini Nautilus (mod or iStick) at home.

(I also have Kayfuns and RDAs etc, which are mostly for fun t.b.h.)

Yes, the mini is better than the ET-S. Would I put one on an eGo battery (VV/VW)? Nope.

Also, running a mini Nautilus on the itasteVV v.3. might be a bit of a let down. Depends on what you are used to.

I can try it if you like. :)


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Jun 18, 2014
Kanger has a new pen style mod. That is variable wattage. Is is hitting shops in the next few weeks. It will go up to 15 watts. It's 1600mah. And handles business

The nautilus is amazing. Can not lie. Produces amazing flavor and vapor. With the new BVC coil. Issue is tho. You have to be running at 12-14 watts to really get it working correctly. In voltage that's between 4.2-5 volts Depending on the ohm of the coil.


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Oct 27, 2014
I'm seeing a lot of comments about the aspire nautilus, if you have used one would you recommend it? And would I find it to be much better than the et-s?

If your ET-S has BVC coils then your only benefit to getting a Nautilus Mini will be having adjustable air flow control (AFC) and an increased tank size.

For some peoples vape style AFC is a huge factor. For me, AFC was a nice luxury, but in the end I am happier with my $8 Aspire K1 with BVC coils and a smaller form factor.


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Feb 26, 2012
DONT BUY A SPINNER II. The authentic Vision Spinner II is total trash. Vision knows this battery is seriously flawed, has publicly promised to remedy the charging issue but over a year has passed and they still have not done so. Also, it has proven to be a fire hazard (DHL will not even ship them because of this), yet Vision continues to market them without addressing these issues. SHAMEFUL!

This advice about "double-dipping" to get proper charging is an insult to the average person's intelligence. That is Vision's solution to the problem and is even stated on their website. Can you imagine any reputable manufacturer offering such a lame solution instead of just fixing the problem.

What's more, they refuse to provide refunds without making you jump through hoops. First they told me to submit a serial number which does not exist on the unit but supposedly is printed on the flimsy packaging which would naturally be discarded before realizing that there is an issue. Then they told me I would need to submit a detailed video that demonstrated the issues I was having). What a joke!

Vision is now on my BLACK LIST for such shameful behavior.

Anyone offering a positive review of this battery is either extremely lucky to have a received a working battery or they have less than scrupulous motives for doing so. Most retailers are no longer offering the product and those that are should also be black-listed as well because they are well aware of the issues and are simply trying to unload their inventory on unsuspecting customers. JUST AS SHAMEFUL!

I will NEVER purchase anything marketing by Vision again...EVER! They are just another Chinese manufacturer that produced a great product (I own a couple of the original Spinners which have worked flawlessly for over two years) and then followed up with a defective product and a total unwillingness to make things right for their customers. The terms "quality control" and "customer loyalty" seem to NOT be part of the Chinese language IMHO.


Full Member
Nov 7, 2014
Kanger has a new pen style mod. That is variable wattage. Is is hitting shops in the next few weeks. It will go up to 15 watts. It's 1600mah. And handles business

The nautilus is amazing. Can not lie. Produces amazing flavor and vapor. With the new BVC coil. Issue is tho. You have to be running at 12-14 watts to really get it working correctly. In voltage that's between 4.2-5 volts Depending on the ohm of the coil.

i completely agree with you that the nautilus is amazing, i changed out the the old coils with the BVC ones and what a difference. I'm running it at 15.5watts, or 5.1 volts. no dry hits, flavor and vapor production in phenomenal. this tank with the new coils has been my go to tank.


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Nov 2, 2014
Cardiff, uk
i picked up a nautilus mini today, loving it so far but found my personal sweet spot to be about 10.2w i did post a thread about watts, but im loving the mini so far! im not finding it a massive improvement over the et-s, just a bit different and a little more suited to me

EDIT: let me take that last bit back, now I've run the mini for the best part of the day the flavour seems to have filled out, the coils bedded in and I've found the right air/power settings to suit me, this tank is awesome, so much taste my mouth is watering, and soooo damn smooth!
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