Not getting much flavor from Vamo/Nautilus

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Full Member
Jun 4, 2014
Hey all,

This is my first post and I'm still a noob when it comes to VV/VW mods, so I apologize in advance if this is a stupid question. I just got a Vamo V5 and a nautilus tank and I'm having a hard time getting any flavor out of it. I started with low voltage, worked my way up until the liquid started to taste a little burnt, then backed the voltage down a little. I still wasn't getting much flavor, so I switched over to wattage, and did the same thing. I got a little more flavor, but nothing like what I'm used to with my old setup. The atomizer in my Nautilus has a lower resistance than what I was previously using...could that affect flavor?

New Setup:

Vamo V5
Nautilus tank
1.8ohm atomizer
Very little flavor, but so far the best results are at 9.5w.

Old Setup:

iTazte vv Battery
Kanger EVOD Clearomizer
2.2ohm atomizer
Excellent flavor at 4.1v

Can anyone shed any light on what might be causing this lack of flavor? Thanks in advance.


Full Member
Jun 4, 2014
I have the air hole on the smallest setting, although I've tried all of them. Even the smallest air hole seems to provide way more air than what I got with the EVOD clearomizer. It's definitely taking some getting used to. As for the the juice, I simply filled the tank, took a couple of pulls without power, and let it sit for 15 minutes before vaping. That's what I've always done with new atomizers in the past...perhaps that's not the right technique for the Nautilus? Appreciate all the help.


Vaping Master
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May 31, 2014
Austin, Texas
The Nautilus has only worked for me with a single coil rebuild, placed through the bottom of the head with a cotton wick inserted through the coil through drilled out absorption holes at the bottom of the head. I learned this rebuild on ECF. I use 28g Kanthal with 8 wraps that usually turns out 1.6-1.9 resistance.

The stock setup on the Nautilus is a total failure. A complete rip-off in my opinion. This has been stated ad nauseum on many ecig forums.

Good Luck.

The Torch

Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 12, 2012
I'm starting to think myself that there is something not quite right with the nautilus. One day, and for one day only, I got so much flavor I was choking on it. Then back to half flavor and still choking on it. I only had one flavor in it so far and maybe I didn't shake that bottle enough. Maybe the combination of the nautilus and this juice is not the best... I do need to experiment with it some more, but why should I gave to experiment to get it to work properly when all other Aspires work right off the bat?

Sent from somewhere in a tunnel, 42 minutes away from anywhere.


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Aug 22, 2013
Las Vegas NV USA
Ok so I didn't do anything at all and now it's packing a serious punch. With every other atomizer I've used it's taken maybe 10 pulls to "break it in". This one took at least 50. Strange. Thanks for the replies everyone...I'll keep an eye out for some of the issues I just read about. Hopefully my experience will be more positive.

I've experience the same results. The coil that came pre-installed at 1.6 ohm gave me amazing flavor once I reached about 10w. I next put in the 1.8 ohm and it tasted burnt from the very beginning and I started it at 6w. Finally gave up on that one and put in another 1.8 ohm. It's ok but not as great as the first and can't get it past 9w before it starts tasting burnt. Should I just buy 1.6 ohm replacement coils or are these coils just really that fickle?


Full Member
Jul 22, 2014
I am having similar issues. I bought a Vamo v5 and a Nautilus off a friend of mine. He gave me extra (new) 1.8 ohm coil. I installed that...threw soke MBV 50/50 18g in. No throat hit. Really gotta pull to get vapor. My ce5 Aspire bdc and ego seemed to get more throat hit and that "pull" I was looking for. Pretty disappointed. Would anyone suggest something with good out of the box performance? I don't know how to rebuild coils or anything. Not yet anyway. Only been vaping for 3 weeks. Quit smoking 3 weeks ago.
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