odd smell when vaping

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Aug 26, 2011
bay area
So I am currently using an ego t with a LR atty. Whenever I vape my maple bronze e juice from voidmist I get a really odd smell. The smell is pretty bad. I cant quite figure out what it smells like but it doesn't smell good. My co worker walked passed my area and said it smelled almost like urine but not quite with a slight smell of maple. I cant say I agree but the smell is awful but taste awesome!

it is 50/50 pg/vg and 18 nicotine if that matters

I thought maybe I didnt clean my atty enough so I did a thorough cleaning with a dry burn. Still the odor was there. Then I thought maybe the atty is bad. So I tried another flavor (after another cleaning) and that one smelled good. I even tried another atty and no luck. Then a tried a brand new tank, still no luck.

Can anyone help me out here? any help will be appreciated!


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Jan 6, 2011
the burbs
i've never tried voidmist, but i'd say it's probably the maple...as the only time family members complain about a rank odor due to me vaping is when i'm using a waffles & maple syrup flavored juice...my son says "it smells like an old person's house -- you know, like aspirin and pee." LOL

but it tastes great!


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 19, 2011
Beyond The Sea
Yes it has always smelled bad. I contacted the vendor and he offered me a refund or resend a new batch. I'm going to give it a second chance and take a new batch

If the new batch still does not agree with you, check out TastyVapors.us. They're located in Oakland and offer lots of sweet flavors. You might even be able to visit in person, online-chat with first.

Aunt Cranky

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Feb 15, 2010
There is one specific flavoring out there, maybe it's a honey flavor, that gives off an odor that smells like anything from "smelly person" to wet dog (my doggie, while I love her dearly, smells pretty funky after she's been outside rolling around in the yard).

It certainly doesn't taste that way, but I can smell it. I've vaped a couple different flavors that seem to have it - the more of that particular flavoring is in there, the stronger the smell. I suspect that it's one or two particular flavorings that have this effect - I just haven't been able to figure out exactly what it is.


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Aug 26, 2011
bay area
I received another email from the vendor and they said they figured out it was the hickory flavor putting out the odor. He told me that he would fix the recipe. Can't wait for the new batch now. I'll let you guys know how it is when it comes.

I will definitely check out tastyvapor. Had no idea they were in Oakland.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 19, 2011
Beyond The Sea
bryyan, if you buy from TastyVapor, also check out their "doublers". Once you find a flavor you like, you can buy a 1 oz bottle in higher nic and a 2 or 4 oz bottle of 0 nic doubler at big discounts, mix the two and double/quadruple the juice. It comes out to 15 cents/ml, good deal. They have a mixing table in the FAQ. Try samples first though.
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