Post your fav flavor/strength

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 5, 2010
St. Rose, LA
I haven't tried many flavors, as I'm a bit new to V4L myself, but so far my favorites are (all 36 mg):

Premium Strawberry
Egg Nog (I was surprised how much I liked this one...received it as a sample and was a little grossed out by the thought of "smoking" egg nog, but it was actually really good! It tastes like a spicy French vanilla. I ordered a box after trying it.)
White Chocolate Strawberry
Mislabeled Lemon Ice Cream Cookies

The flavors I didn't like, or didn't care for much are (all 36 mg):

Nuport (The ones with the black label...received them as samples, and I can't stand them! The menthol is a nice mint flavor, but there is a nasty cough-medicine-like taste to them.)
Spiced Cider (Also got a few of these as samples. They're good, but I wouldn't say they're on my favorites list, and I probably won't buy them.)
RY4 (Got one as a sample. It has a gold label. I don't know what all the fuss is about over this flavor. It tastes like smoky caramel, but at the same time kind of reminds me of a barbecue sauce that is lacking something. No thanks.)
Margarita and Red Cow (I can't really remember what these two tasted like...I tried them back when I was still smoking analogs. I remember a strong throat hit, but I also remember thinking that they didn't have much of a flavor to them at all. This might have been because my taste buds were still screwed up from the analogs. I'd have to try them again to be sure.)
Root Beer (Also received as a sample. If you like burnt brown sugar and nonexistent throat hit, you might like this one.)


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 3, 2009
Faves definitely change week by week for me. Right now I am loving Dark Chocolate Raspberry, 18 mg. which is higher mg. than I usually vape.

Hubby and I are both liking the WowMango for our fruit of the week......11 mg.

I don't go a day without some WowBoy.....8mg.

Hubby is hooked this week on WowKamel....11 mg.

I am missing my Blueberry fix, out of juice darn it! Just vaped the last Blueberry Cobbler cart last week, 8 or 11 mg. I forget.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 20, 2009
I like *alot* of flavours so parring down and picking a few is difficult. I find that I will just crave certain flavours and it changes day to day. I've found I in particular like vaping any type of liquor/drink flavours but if I really had to choose it'd be these:

Bananas Foster 36mg
Peanut Butter Cup 36mg and
Menthol 36mg

My fave flavour of all time: Original Caramel Mocha Frappucino (RIP). It really is pathetic on just how much of this flavour I miss. I still have 15mL of this juice in 24mg and yes I'm hording it. I let myself have 1 carto/mo. I honestly could have vaped this flavour and nothing else till the end of my time.


Full Member
Verified Member
Aug 9, 2010
Nanty Glo, PA USA
I haven't tried many other than a few sample packs...

As it stands WoW 555 (12mg) is my favorite and probably will be for some time. I could vape this all day.

Whiskey isn't bad. Low nic sampler was a little sweet but did taste like a 7&7. I have some bourbon coming....can't wait for that!

Cowboy wasn't bad it'll do in a pinch. The other dozen I didn't care for at all. Kinda all tasted the same to me.

I do have some Boba's Bounty coming though..... should be interesting.



Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 10, 2010
Long Island
I just got started today. I loved the method right away,
Coolcart 555-18. It was OK. Better on the pass through. Then I tried a sample of
Mint julep. O man, that was not good for me. Then I grabbed a WOW Carto.

OK....That worked! WOW

WOWCowboy-18. So far my favorite.....Quite satisfactory.

I would like to say welcome to the family! I know Steve and Mark can not say it right now as they are getting ready for VapeFest!!! But I am sure they will say welcome.

A few good flavors that I usually recommend is the WOWboy, WOWbacco, and Smilin. Those are very good for bacco smokers, and Smilin for menthol lovers!
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