Question for users that have tried both Vaperite Organic Tobacco flavors and BWB Adirondack...

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Jan 24, 2011
I was just wondering if anybody out there has tried BWB Adirondack and Vaperite Organic tobacco Flavors...

BWB if my preferred juice vendor, but I detest Adirondack.

I recently ordered a Vaperite sampler of organic tobacco flavors which i have not been enjoying. So far i have tried Organic APV Tobacco, Organic Hazlenut Tobacco, and Organic Madagascar Vanilla Tobacco.

All of the Vaperite flavors that I have tried have subtle differences, but they all have an underlying Adirondack-like taste to them.

I was just wondering if I should even bother trying the other 5 or 6 samples, or if this is simply the way that the tobacco base Vaperite uses tastes, and I should assume that if i didn't like these 3 flavors, i probably won't like the other flavors either.


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Dec 27, 2010
I'm not crazy about Vaperite's tobacco base, either. I know it's great quality stuff, and a lot of people like them, and I usually like VG tobaccos. I found a common vibe between all of them that I wasn't crazy about.

The Madagascar Vanilla was quite tasty, though I have a feeling I might get tired of it after a while. I haven't tried the hazelnut, but hazelnut is usually a strong enough flavor that it might mask whatever you don't like about the tobacco.
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