rubbing alcohol

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Cullin Kin

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Jun 28, 2014
The 3Oh!3, Colorado
There are others that do this as well. As long as it works for you and doesn't leave a weird flavor! You will get people that will say it's bad for you yada yada yada... I have also heard of using mid-shelf vodka.

Heres an entire thread on another forum:

It's amazing what de googliez can find!


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May 6, 2011
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Isopropyl Alcohol is actually preferred for cleaning electronics ...the higher percentage the better. Wallgreens will have sales on their 91% on pretty good. Very flammable and burns with an almost invisible blue flame, use caution until you are certain the coils are dry or rinsed well...
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Dec 8, 2013
San Diego
Why not just dry burn them?

replaced my wicks, wiped down the wells top cap drip tip, and dry burned a ton but still getting remnants (of bomb bombz green crack which i thought to be disgusting). now i'm going to wipe down everything with some rubbing alcohol and rebuild the coils, which kinda sucks since i JUST built them too...


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Apr 8, 2014
I Don't know but it might just be me but I only clean with water. The thought of residues being left on from a cleaner bothers me. My husband however cleans with a cleaner and has not had any issues that I can tell. I guess it's just personal preference but I perfer plain water. Knowing if I accidentally left residue for a cleaner on something I'd be vaping that residue bugs me.


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Jun 9, 2014
Reno, NV, USA
I use plain ol' vodka, since I know if it ends up in the vapor, it's not going to do anything nasty. Then if it's something that really likes to stick around in the tank, I make sure my next juice in it is something super, duper strong, like Fire and Ice. That seems to clean out any residue really nicely, even from absinthe juices.


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Jun 18, 2014
I use vodka as well. And they only have to soak for a few minutes. Dip it Pick it up. Dip it. Pick it up. Take a paper towel and dry dry dry. Then mount and dry burn. I clean my tanks and everything like this And dry them off really well afterwards

Something else you might want to check on is maybe a video of rewicking your coils. It's pretty easy And let's you enjoy a different flavor fairly fast

Fire and ice. Lol. Zeus juice no doubt. Great stuff

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Jun 9, 2014
Reno, NV, USA
Actually, no, it's just plain ol EC Blends from one of Flavor West's premixed flavors. So it's like $30 for 600ml if you DIY. About as cheap as it gets. But it sure does the trick for cleaning coils, sinuses and pretty much anything else. To me it tastes like the old Camel Fire and Ice cigarettes that I don't think ever made it into mass production. They were free samples back when cigarette manufacturers did that.

But yeah, I had some Ahlusion fairies that would not leave one of my protanks until I ran a mil and a half of Fire and Ice through it. They left rather quickly. It's also useful for those meh flavors that aren't gag inducing, just boring. Mix a little of the juice, not even the flavoring, and it wipes out anything it's mixed with. Useful if you DIY or are still experimenting with new flavors.


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Apr 28, 2014
I don't know if this is a good idea or not, but I washed my coils in really hot water and then threw them into a cup with rubbing alcohol and left them to soak for 15 minutes. After the soak time, I rinsed them again under really hot water, let them air dry and it hits like a new coil. Is this a good way to clean Kanger coils?

Do you rebuild them or after they get burnt do you throw them away? If you toss them when they get burnt then I see no problems with what your doing as long as it works for you for taste and cleaning effect. If you rebuild then maybe your o rings will have a shorter life span.

Cullin Kin

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Jun 28, 2014
The 3Oh!3, Colorado
Google is good for some things, here I'd rather ask the knowledgeable people. I seem to get better answers that way. I've also watched a lot of the You Tube videos and they just go too fast for me to's that age thing again!

Well it found a plethora of other people that do the same thing... So I'd assume it's okay.


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Jun 9, 2014
Reno, NV, USA
Rubbing alcohol (isopropyl) and vodka (ethyl) are different beasts. Both are toxic, but ethyl is much less toxic. Besides, I always have some vodka around and almost never have isopropyl.

And if it's going in or around food, I'd rather use something that's drinkable. Wicks are made to absorb things, therefore I'm not putting anything on them I wouldn't ever want in my body no matter how stupid I get. Just the way I am.
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