Self help book on circuitry, ultra low voltage, resistors, etc?

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As a former apprentice electrician, carpenter, and a complete vaper enthusiast I am no stranger to working with electricity, soldering, and tools.

I am, however, a complete noob when it comes to anything less than 110v. I'm sure that with the right amount of tinkering I could make a functional PV, but since I'm most comfortable making straightforward power into light bulb power back to subpanel circuits on 12 gauge copper wire I keep picturing myself getting the wrong idea and causing an explosion.

I understand positive, negative, and neutral; terminals and grounding - what I don't really have a grasp on is low voltage resistors and transformers. I have in mind a stationary, primarily mechanical box mod for a desk or a coffee table. In fact, I have the design already in place, the one thing I don't understand is how to wire, say, an 18650 batt on one side to a button to an LED light to a cartomizer 8-10 inches away. I mean I know how to wire things, and I think I have a pretty good idea, but in all likelihood that idea is wrong and will injure somebody.

Can anyone point me to a for dummies type of book on this kind of thing? I can't seem to find one. Even a diagram or a webpage or an article will suffice.

Thanks for any responses!


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 31, 2010
Reno, Nevada
Actually, as an electrician, you may find working with low voltage DC stuff much simpler. You don't have to concern yourself with things like power factor, phase angle, and RMS currents. What you see is what you get. Ohms law will cover you for 90% of what you want to do and you can just wing the other 10%. I'm sure you'll have a lot of fun with it. But, if you want to go over the basics, I always recommend this site.
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