Serious side effects I hadn't anticipated

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Jun 6, 2015
The windy plains of South Dakota
I don't think he's looking for an excuse to have a ..... I told him he didn't need to rush just because I did, and I think he understands that. The funny thing is, I was the diehard smoker that would never quit, and he always said he could quit if he wanted, but I'd talk him out of it, because I've lived with a non-smoker before and it wasn't fun. Anyway, now I'm the non-smoker and I won't say anything, NADA, if he decides to have a smoke now and then, but he hasn't. He said the last one he had didn't taste very good, so he put them away. I can definitely smell them now, so I know he hasn't had one.

I have some scented candles, but they're kind of old. I have stuff to make new ones, though, so maybe I should try to make time to do that soon. I love having my sense of smell be more acute. Yeah, the dogs smell like DOGS, and lately we've been having rain... WET DOGS, ugh... but I notice little things like I washed the bathroom rugs the other day, and the next day, when I went in there, I thought, "Hmmm... what's that smell?" and then it dawned on me it was the dryer sheet I'd used when I dried the rugs. I've never smelled the dryer sheet smell on anything AFTER it came out of the dryer and was exposed to the air for a while. But now I can also smell the grass when I go outside, and the smell of damp dirt... it's wonderful. Unfortunately, the rain has caused the cows to stay in the barn more than usual (buncha spoiled little pansies) and the urine smell in there is pungent, to say the least. Whoooo! I've been running the fans all day and all night. But although I notice it more, it's not intolerable to me. It's pee. My God, we live on a farm, we're surrounded by poop and pee smells all the time! LOL! Oh, you know the worst thing? When I run the vacuum cleaner and stir up all the crap that's lived down in the carpet all this time! It's not even smoke smell, it's dirt and wet paw prints, and whatever was still on our shoes after we wiped them off at the door. (Where's the barfing smiley? LOL!) I seriously need to get the shampooer out!

I think like a lot of you have said, he'll get used to all the new smells after a while. I like a bowl of oatmeal as much as anyone else, but for me, it's a winter food. I don't like oatmeal in the summer. I still have pounds and pounds of cantaloupe and honeydew melon I froze from last year's garden, so maybe I can make scrambled eggs with melon chunks. THAT is a nice summer breakfast. Maybe he could handle scrambled eggs better because they wouldn't be dripping in butter (and how insulting - it's butter I made from our cows' cream!). We don't have any bacon right now. Oh, I could also make cottage cheese to have with melon or even pineapple. That's good for breakfast in the summer, too. OK, I'll broaden my breakfast thinking! :D

You know, another thing might be that he's trying to use up that tobacco flavor I stupidly ordered on my first juice order. It actually smells (to me) like maple-flavored bacon, or anyway the smell that lingers in the house after you've cooked maple-flavored bacon. It's not horrible, but it's not pleasant, either. I don't think he really likes that, but he wants to use it up before he goes on to something better, and he knows I'll just throw it away if he doesn't use it. Plus, he's still using the e-pipe, which isn't a manual battery, and it's really hard to use for him. He likes my little Kanger EVOD lots better. His istick is on the way, though, and is scheduled to be delivered on Monday. Maybe then I'll hand him some fruit flavor and "accidentally" throw out the tobacco flavor. There are two 15 ml bottles, which he has to cut 50/50 with VG anyway because the nicotine level is too high, so it's a total of 60 ml that he'll have to go through and he doesn't even LIKE it. Maybe THAT'S the whole problem right there.



Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 9, 2014
Seabrook, NH, USA
I think the most important thing is to recognize that your experience using vaping to quit smoking might not be the same as his.

There are many folks here on ECF that have said, basically "I got this e-cig and never smoked another cigarette'.

And while I love to hear that, there's a part of me that's really jealous. E-cigs alone did not get me to quit smoking, it's much harder than that for me (and I still do smoke on occasion, and sometimes a lot, depending on the occasion).

It might seem like a miracle to you (and it does seem like a miracle to many folks) but it just might not be the same for your husband. The best advice I could give is to talk with him - Is it working for him? Is he craving a cig? Work it together, and realize that although it might have been easy for you, that doesn't mean it is/was easy for him. And he might need to work on it a little longer to catch up to where you are. (And if you are with him now, he's likely to be much more helpful if you find yourself struggling, in the future, and that's not an uncommon occurrance)
Seriously, my best wishes to you both!

(And if I find myself in the neighborhood, I've always wanted to taste fresh eggs! I hear they're amazing!)

I came back specifically to say something to this ^^^ effect. Be patient with the man. It won't hurt any of you to go without a few eggs for a week or so, or if he really cannot get past having a morning cig.... let him. He will either find his way or not, you cannot do it for him. I quit cigs the day I picked up my vape. My husband still duals but a 3 years ago was able to quit cold turkey for 9 months. Go figure yeh? It's a personal adventure so try to be as supportive as you can. Congrats and good luck to you both!!!


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 9, 2014
Seabrook, NH, USA
I don't think he's looking for an excuse to have a ..... I told him he didn't need to rush just because I did, and I think he understands that. The funny thing is, I was the diehard smoker that would never quit, and he always said he could quit if he wanted, but I'd talk him out of it, because I've lived with a non-smoker before and it wasn't fun. Anyway, now I'm the non-smoker and I won't say anything, NADA, if he decides to have a smoke now and then, but he hasn't. He said the last one he had didn't taste very good, so he put them away. I can definitely smell them now, so I know he hasn't had one.

I have some scented candles, but they're kind of old. I have stuff to make new ones, though, so maybe I should try to make time to do that soon. I love having my sense of smell be more acute. Yeah, the dogs smell like DOGS, and lately we've been having rain... WET DOGS, ugh... but I notice little things like I washed the bathroom rugs the other day, and the next day, when I went in there, I thought, "Hmmm... what's that smell?" and then it dawned on me it was the dryer sheet I'd used when I dried the rugs. I've never smelled the dryer sheet smell on anything AFTER it came out of the dryer and was exposed to the air for a while. But now I can also smell the grass when I go outside, and the smell of damp dirt... it's wonderful. Unfortunately, the rain has caused the cows to stay in the barn more than usual (buncha spoiled little pansies) and the urine smell in there is pungent, to say the least. Whoooo! I've been running the fans all day and all night. But although I notice it more, it's not intolerable to me. It's pee. My God, we live on a farm, we're surrounded by poop and pee smells all the time! LOL! Oh, you know the worst thing? When I run the vacuum cleaner and stir up all the crap that's lived down in the carpet all this time! It's not even smoke smell, it's dirt and wet paw prints, and whatever was still on our shoes after we wiped them off at the door. (Where's the barfing smiley? LOL!) I seriously need to get the shampooer out!

I think like a lot of you have said, he'll get used to all the new smells after a while. I like a bowl of oatmeal as much as anyone else, but for me, it's a winter food. I don't like oatmeal in the summer. I still have pounds and pounds of cantaloupe and honeydew melon I froze from last year's garden, so maybe I can make scrambled eggs with melon chunks. THAT is a nice summer breakfast. Maybe he could handle scrambled eggs better because they wouldn't be dripping in butter (and how insulting - it's butter I made from our cows' cream!). We don't have any bacon right now. Oh, I could also make cottage cheese to have with melon or even pineapple. That's good for breakfast in the summer, too. OK, I'll broaden my breakfast thinking! :D

You know, another thing might be that he's trying to use up that tobacco flavor I stupidly ordered on my first juice order. It actually smells (to me) like maple-flavored bacon, or anyway the smell that lingers in the house after you've cooked maple-flavored bacon. It's not horrible, but it's not pleasant, either. I don't think he really likes that, but he wants to use it up before he goes on to something better, and he knows I'll just throw it away if he doesn't use it. Plus, he's still using the e-pipe, which isn't a manual battery, and it's really hard to use for him. He likes my little Kanger EVOD lots better. His iStick is on the way, though, and is scheduled to be delivered on Monday. Maybe then I'll hand him some fruit flavor and "accidentally" throw out the tobacco flavor. There are two 15 ml bottles, which he has to cut 50/50 with VG anyway because the nicotine level is too high, so it's a total of 60 ml that he'll have to go through and he doesn't even LIKE it. Maybe THAT'S the whole problem right there.


Hang in there and pop in with an update. I usually would not suggest wasting juice, but maybe you could get a hold of that bottle when he isn't looking and dump a little so it isn't so hard on him.
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Vaping Master
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Aug 12, 2012
Lawrence KS
Smell. That's the one sense that surprised me when it came back. I just don't remember the world smelling like this 40 some years ago when I started smoking. Somewhere along the line in the last 40 years, somebody really messed things up. Don't know who, but if I find out who did it....

Seriously, this too shall pass. My house has a lot more air fresheners than it used to have.
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Jun 6, 2015
The windy plains of South Dakota
I wonder if it just doesn't need to age longer. Doesn't tobacco take a month or something? Maybe I can suggest he just let it sit in the pantry cupboard for a month, and do some fruits instead. He likes my fruit flavors. The fact that he doesn't like the flavor/smell he's vaping could have a great deal to do with this, couldn't it?



Super Member
Apr 11, 2015
Nova Scotia
I would think his not liking his juice could have a bearing on things. I do believe he will like the Istick he also might need a higher nic . I agree very much with what some op have said - each vaping journey is very unique to that individual.

your farm sounds nice lannie but I guess Us city folks often see the joys and not the hard work of farming.
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Deb J

New Member
Jun 19, 2015
Newb to this forum, as a member anyway--have followed it for a long time. I am on month 13 since my last analog, and still find that my sense of smell is heightened, but it's a good thing for the most part! I can only post here for now, but was wondering if anyone knows if different vaping devices require different nic mg to have the desired vape experience. In other words, I am using a Nautilus tank with Spinner 2 battery--I use either 18 or 15 mg juice and set the voltage at around 4.0. Do these other drip tanks and other devices give the same effect using juices with less mgs? I'd like to keep lowering my nic dose, but don't think it's gonna happen with these tanks and batteries.


Ultra Member
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  • May 31, 2015
    Oregon, USA

    And when I walk through the garage I can still smell the old Nicotine., YUCK

    You know? I never get this part - with all the TAR and other combusted chemicals cigarettes put out people complain about the 'nicotine' rather than the other stuff.

    The stuff I vape has nicotine in it. However I've yet to hear anyone on ECF getting complaints about old musty vape film on everything.

    I've watched the utube 'paper towel tests' where they blow 2L of vape through it and its still clean and do the same with 2L of cigarette smoke and it leaves a yucky yellow residue on the paper towel.

    SInce both vapor and cigarettes have nicotine in my mind I think that its something other than that is leaving a yellow stinky musty film on everything.

    Deb J

    New Member
    Jun 19, 2015
    You know? I never get this part - with all the TAR and other combusted chemicals cigarettes put out people complain about the 'nicotine' rather than the other stuff.

    The stuff I vape has nicotine in it. However I've yet to hear anyone on ECF getting complaints about old musty vape film on everything.

    I've watched the utube 'paper towel tests' where they blow 2L of vape through it and its still clean and do the same with 2L of cigarette smoke and it leaves a yucky yellow residue on the paper towel.

    SInce both vapor and cigarettes have nicotine in my mind I think that its something other than that is leaving a yellow stinky musty film on everything.
    I totally agree--it's got to be the tobacco and other things that are in cigarettes that leave the yellow musty film. I know that vaping sure hasn't caused my teeth to yellow like cigs did!! :)
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    Reviewer / Blogger
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    Jan 24, 2014
    I've been off cigarettes now for almost two weeks (which is in itself a miracle) and hubby has not had any for the last couple of days. I've been enjoying getting my sense of smell back, except when I pass the litterboxes or go out to the cow barn. :confused:

    But now that HE'S getting his sense of smell back, EVERYTHING smells bad to him. He complained about the smell of breakfast this morning (fried eggs and toast), and he can barely feed the cats anymore, because the stench of the Friskies is overpowering to him. I LOVE EGGS. Eggs are probably my most favorite food in the world, besides ice cream or cream cheese (sorry to nauseate anyone who doesn't like eggs), and we have a rather large flock of chickens on the farm, so we're rarely short on eggs. It's what's for breakfast. But now Rich doesn't want to have eggs because they smell so horrible. Of course, I won't be able to eat them, either, because he'll still smell them cooking. He said he'd have to smoke a cigarette every morning at breakfast to mask the smell of the eggs, but I told him then he'd just have TWO horrible smells to deal with because he's going to quit liking the smell of burning tobacco very soon, if he hasn't passed that point already. I know it didn't take me very long, just a couple of days.

    I'm sure he can't be the only one who's been overwhelmed by smells when they quit smoking. Can anyone offer some advice? Tips? Anything? I will DIE if I have to eat oatmeal every day for breakfast (and then I might as well get rid of all my chickens if there are no more eggs tolerated in the house). There has to be a solution other than him going back to smoking analogs full time.

    Help? PLEASE?


    One gets accustomed to stronger odors, the longer one is free of smoke -- at first, when the sense of smell first starts returning, I agree, damn near everything is horribly offensive, but that sharp unpleasant perception will soften.

    One is also a big bundle of neuroses and rants, when the cigarettes are newly ditched -- that too will ease. :D


    Vape Brother

    Unregistered Supplier
    Jun 20, 2015
    Houston, TX
    Congrats on him regaining what he has been missing all this time. I know when my younger brother went into vaping and quit smoking, he mentioned how strange it was to have all his senses of smell and taste come back to him. There was an adjustment period but at the end of the day all his younger years of bad facial skin cleared up as well! Your husband is on his way to being able to enjoy all aspects of his senses. ;)

    Tip for your cooking; at our house we have area built outside where my wife and mother in law can cook any foods that may cause smell in the house. Some people use their garage as well. Just make sure you have ventilation if you plan to cook in your garage.


    Full Member
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    Jun 6, 2015
    Yup.. I can relate to your husband. Boiled some eggs and they were so stinky in my fridge. Pepsi smells and tastes like Lysol to me now. Horrible! I don't eat pasta but I cooked some for my husband and it smelled so nasty, I couldn't stand it.Ciggie smoke is the worst.I suppose our new noses will get better in time...Still beats smoking!


    Ultra Member
    ECF Veteran
    Oct 29, 2014
    Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
    If he's anything like me, he's just cranky because of the lack of cigarettes (that'll pass) and it does take some adjustment with the smell issue. When it all comes rushing back it can be sensory overload, and being cranky and withdrawing from cigarettes can make that difficult. But it will pass as you start going nose blind to things again.
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    Ohm Gnome

    Super Member
    Apr 27, 2015
    Douglasville Ga
    I agree with Retired on bacon. It will cover it up. But I would gladly take his place having eggs cooked for me every morning lol. What's not to love about eggs? I love them over medium and dip buttered toast into the runny eggs. If I was on death row those eggs, toast , biscuits n gravy with sliced tomatoes would be my last meal. Well this comment has ruined me. I can't get anything done til I go fix my breakfast


    Ultra Member
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    Jun 6, 2015
    The windy plains of South Dakota
    I agree with Retired on bacon. It will cover it up. But I would gladly take his place having eggs cooked for me every morning lol. What's not to love about eggs? I love them over medium and dip buttered toast into the runny eggs. If I was on death row those eggs, toast , biscuits n gravy with sliced tomatoes would be my last meal. Well this comment has ruined me. I can't get anything done til I go fix my breakfast

    LOL! That's EXACTLY how I eat my eggs, too!

    I know everyone is different, but the weird thing is that I have definitely NOT been cranky since I put my cigarettes down. I've actually been in a better mood. Strange, huh? Rich might be a bit cranky, though, because he's not getting a good substitute with the crappy e-pipe he got. No matter how he tries with that thing, the vapor is weak and unfulfilling. When I hand him my EVOD to use for a while, he smiles, so I think he'll be really happy when he gets his very own iStick that will give some actual vapor and maybe a bit of flavor while it's at it. LOL! I asked him yesterday if he thought I was pushing him to not have a cigarette (because I don't THINK I am) and he said not at all. It's his own decision, and he's dealing with it, but again, I think once he gets some decent vapor, it will be so much better for him. I know it took me a couple of days to hit my stride and find my sweet spot with the EVOD, and now I love it. He'll be OK. I also told him the tobacco flavors might need to sit for a few weeks more to mature, and he agreed, so I guess I'll share some of my fruity juices with him for the time being. What a sacrifice! LOL!



    ECF Guru
    ECF Veteran
    Apr 8, 2012
    Ridgeway, Ohio
    :thumb: +1 on the comment about hubby possibly not liking his e-juice. If you don't like the flavor, you won't use/vape it. Finding a flavor that you truly like is probably more important than the gear setup you use.

    We have a slogan here on ECF for those folks who feel bad if they have a weak moment and have a cigarette:

    "It's not important how many cigarettes you had today, it's how many you DIDN'T smoke that's important."
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