Sigelei Silver Dragon-What tank should I get?

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New Member
Dec 3, 2013
I am new to vaping and started off with an ego-c about 10 days ago. I decided vaping worked for my nicotine addiction and went to the vape store near me.

Long story short I bought the Sigelei Silver Dragon and a Hypertank Glass Atomizer. Turned out the Hypertank was super faulty, leaked almost immediately, faulty coil and the gasket kept sliding off so it would leak even more. I tried to have them fix it and im at my wits end trying to fix it myself so I would like to order a tank that would like nice with Sigelei Silver Dragon and give me a pleasent experience. I have about a 25.00-30.00 Budget.

Problem is I don't know what would work with it, due to me being new to vaping.

Can anyone suggest me a tank besides the hypertank and one that would look appealing with it?
I use 60pg 40 vg juices.

This is the Sigelei I have

P.S. I need something noob friendly and easy to fill/take care of.
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