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Full Member
Aug 20, 2013
Hanover, PA, USA
I have been vaping for about one month. I bought a Halo G6 and Tribeca juice based on what I read here. With the initial purchase, I received a small bottle of Southern Classic. I really enjoy the Tribeca and the Southern Classic is not bad, but it took a while to get used to the honey, citrus, and cloves. After reading another post, I purchased the Torque56, because it was reportedly similar to Marlboro red. I have been vaping it in between puffs of Tribeca and still do not like it much. Stupidly, and against recommendations, I bought the 30 ml bottle and really do not feel like using the rest of the juice and, of course, Halo says on the web site they will not take it back. Any recommendations?


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 2, 2010
There's hope for you yet!! If you've only been vaping a month, your tastes will change, multiple times as the months progress. Set it aside and try it again in a week or month, you may like it better than the flavors you like now.

Meanwhile, but small bottles (30mL isn't that much) of flavors that sound good to you. Reviews are great but your taste may be different than the reviewers. If everyone liked the same, there would only need to be one flavor of ice cream...LOL

Dana A

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Feb 25, 2012
I tried torque 56 when I first started vaping and I found it to taste like sour, still green on the vine bitter grapes no matter how long it steeped. You can get verified and sell it on the classies or you can give it away in the pay it forward thread. You just learned a valuable lesson that you are not the only person to learn the hard way. No worries, just order a smaller bottle next time. You liked your 1st two liquids and that's lucky. I have tried over 100 and only have 2 I like enough to reorder.


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May 29, 2013
Rosamond, CA
I really like the torque56 once it had steeped for a few days. When I tried right out of the box I said to myself "Hmmm probably won't get this again." After about 5 days it started to taste better and better. It is now a staple in my rotation and I REALLY like it. Matter of fact I just bought 60ml more!

Bottom line.... Give a few days and if you still don't like it, pay it forward or trade it with someone.


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Aug 19, 2013
Indy, IN
What mg did you get it in and why don't you like it..meaning is it too harsh, too weak, tastes odd? If its too harsh, you can cut it down by buying a weaker nic unflavored like Halo's Fusion. It's so funny how all of our taste buds are different. I smoked about 1 1/2 pad of Marlboro Lites and Torque in 18 mg was great to me right out of the box w/out steeping. I do not like Tribeca or Southern Classic and I've let them steep for almost 2 weeks now. You probably like sweeter tastes and Torque is def not sweet.

You can also try mixing Torque w/the others and kind of create your own flavor too.


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May 31, 2013
Houston, TX, USA
Yeah dont be afraid to mix it will something else or let it sit. Your tastes will change too so you may like it better later. My favorite tobacco flavor from Halo is Longhorn, Midnight Apple is also very good. Tribeca, Prime , Torque are ok but nothing I feel in love with. This stuff is so subjective you just have try things and find what you like. Try it on a variable voltage battery and find the sweet spot and it will be another experience all together.


Full Member
Aug 20, 2013
Hanover, PA, USA
Thanks for the advice everyone... good stuff! I didn't really know what to expect for responses other than "you learned a valuable lesson," but this was very helpful. I am going to let the Torque56 steep for a couple weeks. I am forcing it on myself right now and I am growing more tolerant of it, but still just tolerating it as opposed to enjoying it. I may go the mixing route. I think a new vape shop is opening in my area this weekend and it will carry Halo juice. I used to smoke 5-6 Marlboro Ultra Light analogs/day, a little more on weekends. When I first began smoking 25 years ago, I smoked Marlboro red and over the years, gradually cut back in amount/day and to lighter and lighter cigarettes, including a few multi-year stints of quitting all together. So, I have a Marlboro background, but did not find Torque56 to be like Marlboro. Of course, I have read many times that there really are no decent tobacco replacements in the vaping world.

Jumpin' In...

Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 11, 2013
Maui, Hawaii
I bought a Halo tobacco sample pack a month ago (I'm a new vaper). The first juice I tasted was Torque56 and I absolutely HATED it. It had a pungent odor and taste - for lack of a better description, it had a highly "chemically" smell and taste that I found horrible. I had a tankful of each of juices in the sampler and moved on to another company's sampler.

Last night - maybe 3 weeks after I first tried Torque56 - I gave it a sniff and still smelled that weird odor. Determined to get through the sampler a second time, I loaded it in an eVod to give it another go, fully prepared to hate it all over again. Gave it a couple of hits last night and thought "This isn't as bad as I thought it would be."

Had my breakfast this morning and made my first cup of java. (I think a tobacco vape tastes the best with my first cup of coffee.) Again, I thought "Hey - not bad." I then googled "Torque56 steep" and found this thread.

My intent is to round-robin these Halo juices, one tankful at a time, so I've got maybe 4 rounds total. It will be interesting to see how my perception of these juices changes over time. Midnight Apple had that same weird smell and taste as Torque56, albeit not as strong. I didn't care for it either at the time, but now I'm curious what it will taste like when I get around to it again.

I wonder how OP did with Torque56...
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