Vaping in Walgreens (the store)

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Full Member
Oct 19, 2009
Yesterday I found myself in the Walgreens store doing some shopping.

I had my e-cig with me and was using it as I was shopping.

I was being discreet, so as not to provoke anyone who might think I was smoking an analog.

Got up to the register and the assistant manager (older gentleman, about 65) asked how I liked that "thing"..."Does it work?"

Obviously he had seen me. :rolleyes:

I let him know that I had cut my smoking regular cigs by over 50%.

He told me he had been bugging the manager to start stocking them in the store, he thought they would sell really well.

(they sell analog cigs and chewing tabacco in the store)

Anyway it was nice to be able to shop and not be thinking about getting outside for a cig.

And nicer still that I did not get hassled for vaping in the store.
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