Volunteer to help beta test site updates!

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ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jan 31, 2022
Hey everyone, we’re working on getting the site updates ready, but we’ll need your help to check the changes, make sure everything makes sense to you, and report any issues you see.

To that end, we’re looking for 20 volunteers to create a beta testing team! I'll send out another message to volunteers when we're ready to start and testing will run for 2 weeks. Reply to this thread if you’re interested in helping out and we’ll add you to the private beta testing forum. We appreciate your help and we’re excited for the updates coming!


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
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Apr 16, 2013
North Carolina
It's been a long time since I did something for the first time. girl_haha.gif I will gladly participate.


vaper dedicato
ECF Veteran
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Contest Winner!
    I'd like to help as well. Note though, I do not primarily use a chrome or 'chrome-like' engined browser so I'll probably run into some 'quirks' here and there. Expect some feedback from me, although it will certainly be polite and constructive.

    Erika Scott

    New Member
    Apr 10, 2022
    Hey everyone, we’re working on getting the site updates ready, but we’ll need your help to check the changes, make sure everything makes sense to you, and report any issues you see.

    To that end, we’re looking for 20 volunteers to create a beta testing team! I'll send out another message to volunteers when we're ready to start and testing will run for 2 weeks. Reply to this thread if you’re interested in helping out and we’ll add you to the private beta testing forum. We appreciate your help and we’re excited for the updates coming!
    Hi! I'm new here, but I enjoy beta testing! I'm not that experienced yet in the vape world, but I really would like to learn. I know I'll have alot of questions! Thanx for letting me join!
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