What accessories do I need to drip? How long do 510 LR cartos last?

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Aug 18, 2012
Mid Atlantic USA
So I finally get my Tornado tank kit in today, and I've already charged one battery, mixed up 3 flavors and tried the menthol that came with the kit. I dont like the raspberry, and the black currant/menthol is iffy at best. The tropical tobacco is OK. The menthol is OK. I'd I read a thread here last night where a member left a link to a company that will send you a free sample of their sucralose sweetener liquid, so I sent off for that last night, because I'd like to sweeten the menthol and tobacco a bit.

My Tornado tank (Ego-T) is getting better as I get used to it and figure it out, but I am still not getting any where near the vapor I am seeing on youtube videos from people using 510 sized batteries! So, I also watched a video from the Grimm green guy who did an Ego review and said he wasnt getting squat for vapor til he changed to another cartomizer/atomizer setup.

I just got through watching him talk about the Liquid Express LR 510 cartos, and granted he was not using an Ego, but I also saw another guy say to use those same type 510 LR cartos for better vapor.

So what do I really need here? In my cart at Totally Wicked, I have a 5 pack of 510 XL LR dual coil cartos, and a Titan/Tornado 1.5ohm LR atomizer. Can I use either of these 2 setups with my Ego-T, will they fit first of all, and which of the 2 can be used for dripping. I also have a drip tip in the cart too. I have not bought any of it yet, its just in the cart.

Will either of those 2^ be good for improving vapor and taste? If not, what else should I get instead? Cause I'm not getting much flavor or vapor here... Plus I'd like to be able to drip flavors to see which ones I like instead of having to mix up a bunch and put it in a tank.

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Jun 14, 2012
Buffalo, NY
The xl dual coil cartos wouldn't be the best choice, you need higher voltage to run dual coils properly. Try some single coils, like the boge LR cartos. The atomizer is what you use to drip, there is no fluffy filler material. You basically drip a few drop, vape a few puffs, then repeat. The drip tip is to either drip through, or it's easier to take off and drip than the plastic cap that comes on atomizers.


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Jun 14, 2012
Buffalo, NY
That will all work on your ego, though. An ego has 510 threads, which is the type of threads on top. So 510 cartos, atomizers, etc will fit on a 510 threaded device(which your ego is- it's a Lil tricky tho because the ego also has threads on the outside that the cone screws onto, or your t tank may utilize).


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Jun 14, 2012
Buffalo, NY
I hope this isn't too confusing, your best bet is probably to get comfortable and start reading around here on ECF, there is lots of good info on here.
The cartomizers and atomizers should give you better flavor, vapor, and throat hit that the tank atty. I've used a t tank atty, they work ok but are not great in my opinion. Cartomizers are easiest for a beginner, that is what I started with. Feel free to ask any other questions you might have.

Chronic Dripper

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Aug 21, 2012
Mission BC
I've been vaping for over a year now, I use an Ego T kit battery same as yours, ( Reo Grand on order ) all I use on it is a LR 510 atty and a drip tip, no carto. Oops I just got a drip shield the other day, slides right over your 510 atomizer before you put the drip tip on, no more icky fingers, for 3 bucks highly recommended ! Straight drippin is superior flavour and clouds IMO and I've tried lots of set ups, thats why I just ordered a bottom feeder ( dripping on the go hassle free ) wish I'd bought this in the first place.
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