Best SubOhm Tank MeshCoils now for Best Taste? Minium 4ml Juice

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Full Member
Oct 4, 2020
Hi all Great Vapers here at ECF :)

I like to buy one New Now.

Im thinking buy all these three:
Valyrian 2 & xtra Tripple Mesh-Coils
smok 16tfv & xtra Tripple Mesh-Coils
Freemax FireLuke 3 & xtra 4-mesh-Coils

Maybe there is something better than these now ? What would that be ?

For best Taste, maybe one in my list is not the best For flawor?
Should i insteath buy like TWO Valyrian and one of the others only?

I like to buy 3pc new SubOhm tanks with Meshcoils
Please help me choose the best ones. For BEST Flavor :)

My mods are 200-250w

I like Vape 70vg - 75vg juice alot.
At least 10 ml Day


Full Member
Oct 4, 2020
Hello MrMike and Mordacai :)

Mr Mike:
Normally i Live Summertime in Sweden Öland , And Wintertime in Finland.
My Colours is because of this Blue-White & Yellow :)
Covid19 changes this thing right now sadly :(
I miss Sweden now.
Jag kan prata och skriva nästan flytande Svenska fast jag är Finsk :)

Mordcai :

I have order Fireluke 3, Freemax M Pro 2 , Horizon Falcon 2 and Uwell Valyrian 2

Already received two of them.
I will try all these with different coils and start talking about them in beginning of December :)

i Vape alot. About 15-25ml daily.
ALOT Yes :)
Thats me.
I did smoke almost two packs tobacco before daily. About 40 cigarettes.
Today i Smoke about 5-7 normal cigs only.
I will stop Cigs and only vape at end of this month.

I must say that Horizon make one of the best Sub Ohm Mesh tanks in this World right now.
Before i Vape with Smok and Vaporesso , these are only 2-3 months old. Same price
Anyway they are crap.
I love Horizon. ......n , No more Smok or Vaporesso Tanks for me !
What a GREAT Taste in Horizon :) WOW !!!

I need try them all and Uwell Valyrian 2 also before i decide the best two of them all.
Then i will buy 3 more of the two best ones.
Because i like avoid Vape Tung ! I need 3-4 different taste Juice.
Some Tobbaccos, Some Fruits and Desserts too.
Variation is best for me.

Thank you for that great list Mordcai.

Give me about 20-30 days more. And i will tell my top 2 ones.

Pretty Insaine how great these new Modern Sub Ohm Tanks are.
I like RDA Dripping also, anyways these New Sub Ohm Tanks give the same taste.
No rebuild needed. Its so easy Vape now.

Im very happy now.
Bye bye Smok and Vaporesso and others.
I welcome Horizons, and maybe Uwell soon :)

See ya

and Remember Smoking is Dead ! Vaping is the Future ( rip trippers ) LoL
Hello MrMike and Mordacai :)

Mr Mike:
Normally i Live Summertime in Sweden Öland , And Wintertime in Finland.
My Colours is because of this Blue-White & Yellow :)
Covid19 changes this thing right now sadly :(
I miss Sweden now.
Jag kan prata och skriva nästan flytande Svenska fast jag är Finsk :)

Roligt att träffa någpn "hemifrån" på detta forum. Många från Finland kan rätt bra Svenska och vad jag förstått så läser vissa det i skolan. Jag jobbade som fiskeguide på ett ungdomsläger i Vaala I Finland en gång i tiden.

Verkligen trist med covid 19 det har förstört mycket för många. Men vapen kan det aldrig ta ifrån oss

Jag köpte precis en Aegis Max 100 och jör RDA's mest. Inga tankar längre då jag tycker det är roligt att pyssla och bygga egna coils osv.

Har du juicer du köpt med inte gillar? Jag har ett gäng och har funderat på att byta med någon. Säg tex att du har 5 flaskor du inte gillade och jag har 5 så skickar man bara sina egna till någon annan och byter. Allt man betalar då är för paketet och sen får man testa nya

Om det lpter intressant så hör av dig.

Ha det gott!
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Full Member
Oct 4, 2020
Roligt att träffa någpn "hemifrån" på detta forum. Många från Finland kan rätt bra Svenska och vad jag förstått så läser vissa det i skolan. Jag jobbade som fiskeguide på ett ungdomsläger i Vaala I Finland en gång i tiden.

Verkligen trist med covid 19 det har förstört mycket för många. Men vapen kan det aldrig ta ifrån oss

Jag köpte precis en Aegis Max 100 och jör RDA's mest. Inga tankar längre då jag tycker det är roligt att pyssla och bygga egna coils osv.

Har du juicer du köpt med inte gillar? Jag har ett gäng och har funderat på att byta med någon. Säg tex att du har 5 flaskor du inte gillade och jag har 5 så skickar man bara sina egna till någon annan och byter. Allt man betalar då är för paketet och sen får man testa nya

Om det lpter intressant så hör av dig.

Ha det gott!

Ja nästan alla i Finland kan Svenska då man läser det i grundskolan :)
Finns även städer i Finland där det endast pratas Svenska :)

Jag känner ett par som bor i Öland, de är vape tokiga.
De är riktigt vassa på DIY ejuice.
De skickar gärna gratis flaskor 10ml ett gäng så du kan testa dom.
Och de du gillar kan du köpa riktigt billigt av dem.
Köper själv 60ml juicer av de, och det är riktigt billigt.
Lägre än halva priset mot butikernas.
Skicka PM med ditt email så vidarebefodrar jag det till de.
Eftersom de skickar ifrån Sverige / Öland så kommer du ha Juicerna
alltid med snabb leverans :)
Och det bästa är att dom tar Hygien på blodigt allvar.
Det har dom alltid gjort.
Men nu i Covid19 tider är dom extra nogranna, fick se via skype när dom live mixade
förra helgen.
De hade Munskydd, visir hela ansiktet, gummihandskar, handsprit. Samt hårnät.
Riktigt proffsigt faktiskt.
Svingoda juice vg70 0-1-2-3% nicotin färdigmixat , du väljer själv.
De är gjorda till SubOhm tankar och drippers.
Därför har dom max 3% nikotin som max, samt 0% om man vill.
EU Basvätska
Halo Nikotin.
Deras essens samling är brutal, Över 300st OLIKA smaker.
Capella, FA. FV. Flavorah. TFA. Inawera. och en 4-5 andra även.
Rekommenderar de varmt av hela mitt hjärta.
PM :)



I have receive Freemax Fireluke 3
Amazing Tank, i use it with tripple mesh coils.
Very very good tank
Zero Leakage.
Strong very good Flavor. Long lasting coils, Mega good flavor :)
Please buy one if you dont have one.
I have vape about 50ml juice with it now
So happy for this one.


Smok TFV16 9ml big monster subohm tank.
I love this one also.
I use it with triple mesh coils, these are alot better than single or dual coils.
Buy tripple mesh extra right away.
Zero leakage
Mega size coils, and tank, takes alot juice
Perfect flavor and strong with triple mesh coils
i Have vape about 50ml with this one also
Long lasting coils

Horizontech Falcon 2
This one is so good also.
I have vape about 120ml juice with same coil.
Zero Leakage
Good strong Flavor with this one also.

Valyrian 2 i got soon. I will talk about this later

My favorite so far ?

: Very hard choose the best, because i like them all, they are all best ones HeHEHe

Please buy them all self and try. You will thank me later :)

Take care all so long vapers :)
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Full Member
Oct 4, 2020
Hello vapers again :)

retired1 i totally agree with you, and the rules.
I have read rules now one more time.
Promise this will never happen again :)

Sounds very good :)
Now i really want my VALYRIAN 2 and test it.
I did order it from Kina.
Its on way.
I believe i will receive it end of this week or next week

i have vape alot more today with Fireluke, Smok TFV16 and Falcon 2
No leak, all are 100% dry
Coils last very very long
Flavor is super great

Love them all :)

Please buy them self and try. You will love them too :)

Special thanks to Mordacai for the best help and recommentations about these products :)
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Full Member
Oct 4, 2020
No worries @vikingvape, glad to have been of help.

And as you like Dripping, have a look at Cthulhu Mods Mjölnir RDA. It's an underappreciated flavour chasing single coil RDA, I can seriously recommend them.

Hello MR Mordacai :)

You have recommended me the best products before.
And yes i like dripping also alot :)
I will order Cthultu and Mjölnir RDA also without doubds :)

Mjölnir RDA -Unique Double Chamber System – CTHULHU MOD -Innovations for You

Viking products also ?
Sounds like Viking stuff :)


Thanks again Mordacai :)

I need couple new mods and RDA.s also tanks :)
Don be shy.
Recommend me more please :)

I go all in now Vaping , after i quit smoking :)
I need the good products :)

Take care Mordacai
Thanks one more time or two :)


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 16, 2019
No worries, the Mjölnir has a few tricks up it's metaphorical sleeves.

Airflow hitting the underside of the coil and the vapour chamber is 20mm diameter, so it really brings out flavours in liquids that you never really noticed at all.

Maximum coil ID is 4mm, which I thought you'd like to know @vikingvape.

But you will be impressed with the finish as well and you'll love the 2ml reservoir, but to get a satin shine on the drip tip use toothpaste and a toothbrush. Then polish with a dry cloth or towel.


Full Member
Oct 4, 2020
Valyrian2 have landed in Finland Now.
Finally. Many weeks of waiting.
I wish i have this piece tomorrow Friday.
Anyways, Next week latest.

What VG you use ?
I use mostly 65-75 vg / high vg.
If you use high VG like me, you must stay like 5watts less .

70-75 watt sounds good to me.
if you use tripple mesh coils ?
Like you said 80-90w burns the coil fast maybe?
Better stay 70-75w and have air open like 80% ?

Offcourse this is different to all of us.
Anyway good know recommendet wattages.
I dont understund why nobody talks about the watts , like youtube people. Why not ?
This is so important i think

Thank you alot for info Theunforgiven1.
I try stay less than 75 watts when i got my Valyrian2

Without yours info i have try it at 85-90watts.

Happy you give this info


I have receive couple new mods and also one new sub ohm tank
Freemax M PRO 2

This M PRO2 is killer, maybe the best i have ever try .
....... Huge coils, i have it 4x mesh
Vapor and taste is better than Firkeluke3
Only problem is., if you vape this. You need alot E-JUICE.
2ml is gone after couple tooks.
I dont self mind, because, it is so SICK BEST
I will buy 5 more of these now and alot of 4x mesh coils.


10+ of 10 to Freemax M PRO 2
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