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Full Member
Verified Member
Sep 12, 2012
New to the forum. I tried e-cigs about 5 years ago. Quit smoking!!! order some nic-juice from a over seas company to refill my carts. Did not like it.Quit the ecig and stayed anolg free for a year. What can I say life happens picked up an analog and started smoking againg. Finally decided I needed to quit smoking again. Turned toward ecigs 1 more more time and wow alot has changed in 5 years.I got a ego and have been analog free for 24 days and will stay analog free.
Thanks for all the information that you have gathered. Brain overload on all the reading.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Sep 2, 2012
Welcome to ECF. Best of luck quitting for a second time.

If you were able to quit using e-digs 5 years ago you surely won't have any problems now. I looked into e-cigs a few years ago and could find little evidence of anyone being able to get their gear to work reliably so I didn't try them. I have little patience for finicky gear and have had absolutely no problems with anything since I started vaping a month ago. Also, to make vaping life even more wonderful the huge choice of yummy flavors makes smoking even less appealing.
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