Message from Bill Godshall of Smokefree Pennsylvania

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Ok, pardon the little rant, but what sucks about all of this is that we even have to discuss it. Living in NY I can tell you the government seems to be all about telling us how to live and continue to take away the freedoms that our constitution gave us. They ban trans fat stuff, the make us wear motorcycle helmets, they talk about putting cameras in to catch those who run red lights (why? Not to make things safer! But to raise more money for the government!).

Smoking bans, should have only effected government buildings! The owner of a business should have the choice as to weather to make their business smoke free or not. They have literally ruined businesses up here, from bars, to bowling alley's, etc.. I can see laws to protect minors (smoking, alcohol, seat belts, etc..), but you shouldn't write laws to protect people from themselves. If you ride a motorcycle without a helmet, then it should be your call!

Also, since when does something have to be proven SAFE first? Innocent until proven guilty! Proven it harmful and we will stop, assuming it is more harmful then analogs, which common sense says, no way! I don't trust 'them' anyways now days. Whoever 'them' is. First they say coffee and caffeine is good, then a study says it combats alzheimer's, then another study will figure something out. Science, the media and our 'many' politicians corrupt and no one really seems to know the truth anymore.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to quickly surmise that vaping HAS to be safer than smoking tobacco! Although it would be nice to know, who has been vaping (as we know it) the longest. Do we have someone out there that has been vaping liek we do for years now? What is the history of vaping? I should go ask my doc for a chest x-ray, even though I have only been off analogs for 17 days. Because last time I had a chest x-ray I don't think they liked it. I know I can take a nice deep breath now without gasping or coughing, so it would be nice to have a comparison.

Ok, sorry for the rant, but this is frustrating because the conversation is not rational. Arguing (rational debate) with people who are not rational is impossible! But my nature refuses to give up in trying to make these people think rationally.

Sorry man I TOTALLY disagree about analogs being allowed in bars. As an asthmatic I should be allowed to go into a place without coming out hacking and barely breathing, also not stinking. I fully support any raising of price of cigs too, even if you support letting people make their own decisions, the decision to smoke is NEVER a good one. Once we take the first few cigs it's game over. We all know how hard it is to quit, any effort to make them harder to get, more expensive, less socially acceptable is a good one. I've had many friends either quit straight up or switch to vaping because of taxes, and most of that money goes to helping people quit, health, things that are actually good for our society, not feeding the greedy mouths of big tobacco and killing millions of innocent people.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 8, 2010
Sorry man I TOTALLY disagree about analogs being allowed in bars. As an asthmatic I should be allowed to go into a place without coming out hacking and barely breathing, also not stinking. I fully support any raising of price of cigs too, even if you support letting people make their own decisions, the decision to smoke is NEVER a good one. Once we take the first few cigs it's game over. We all know how hard it is to quit, any effort to make them harder to get, more expensive, less socially acceptable is a good one. I've had many friends either quit straight up or switch to vaping because of taxes, and most of that money goes to helping people quit, health, things that are actually good for our society, not feeding the greedy mouths of big tobacco and killing millions of innocent people.
If you are speaking of cigarette taxes,most of the State tax money goes into the General Fund and the States" have become dependent on the money for things other than smoking education. The Federal tax is also used for purposes other than those the tax was intended.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 15, 2013
I'd be pleasantly shocked if the FDA changed their position and began asserting that e-cigarettes are tobacco products, as that way the FDA couldn't ban the products from the market, and the FDA would have to rescind their import warning on e-cigarettes.

"that way the FDA couldn't ban the products from the market"


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Feb 2, 2013
It's amazing what you hear. My mother hasn't had a cigarette in over a month. Wait, didn't you hear what I said. MY MOTHER for crying out loud! She's been smoking for about 50 years! Yes, I do remember her trying hynoisis and some weird shots in the face (it was the 80's you know). The patch, the gum, and the pills. Don't take it the wrong way, but she really never had the determination or willpower to quit. And now she's cigarette free.

My work will give let you get the patch and the pills for FREE! Isn't that awesome! They started that about two and a half years ago because they really care about lowering health costs...I about their employees. I think that's great. soon as I hear about anyone it worked for, I'll post it right here! The smokers on my team spent their own money on e-cigs when they saw me using one. Every one of them is now tobacco free.

It works. Get it.

--Prof Daffy

It's kinda crazy to expect major corporations to develop products that promote customers to no longer have use for - such as quitting nicotine. I think that's why they develop such mediocre products. They want you off cigarettes (maybe) but not to reduce the dependancy on nicotine - or buying their products A corporations first legal duty is to make money for shareholders, not 'public health'.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 15, 2014
Alexandria, Lousiana
I'm a Johnny come lately to this post but only recently just joined it bites my .... that you have people who want to ban this when it actually helps I have smoked for 20 odf years and my wife 30 odd years and thanks to this we have been smoke free for over a month and don't have not one carving for tobacco and it was our Dr. Who said we should try it I truly think the government should worry more about more important things like the out break of perscription drug abuse and things like that!
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nomore stinkies

Gee, Who did that?
ECF Veteran
Feb 23, 2014
I'm a Johnny come lately to this post but only recently just joined it bites my .... that you have people who want to ban this when it actually helps I have smoked for 20 odf years and my wife 30 odd years and thanks to this we have been smoke free for over a month and don't have not one carving for tobacco and it was our Dr. Who said we should try it I truly think the government should worry more about more important things like the out break of perscription drug abuse and things like that!

Welcome niteowl,
Sign up for CASA's email. Make sure you sign their petitions. Pay attention like you have. My husband and I like you two smoked for more than 40 years and it's been 13 months since we have had a cigarette. I have always thought that they should not be classified as a tobacco product. Tobacco= $$. Good Luck to the both of you. It's been a long fight. One that I fear we will lose in the long run.
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