nicotine & anxiety

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My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
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Apr 16, 2010
nah..its dekang desert ship. I have vaped it since I started. I'm sure we're all different so what 24mg did to may take more for someone else. I was just wanting to throw out a heads up for people to just pay attention to what their bodies are telling them.

Been about 24 hours since I stopped vaping the 24mg juice and all the symptoms have stayed away. I'll just use it sparingly until its gone :D

One thing I wanted to ask. Are you Drinking a Lot of Water?

I know it sounds silly but e-Liquids Dehydrate me and I find if I don't drink much Water in a day I can get Leg Cramps.

Just a thought.


My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
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Apr 16, 2010
Yep..I've always been a big water drinker. This isn't a "crampy" feeling I get..its just a general you're constantly flexing a muscle.


Maybe a Little less mg would help.

BTW - Do you like Dekang e-Liquids. I never tried one I liked. They all seemed Very Harsh.

But everyone tastes are Different.


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Jan 17, 2012
Richmond, KY
The only dekang I have vaped and will vape is Desert Ship. For everything else I vape VR but I use the desert ship when I'm playing golf because I can go through a lot if I'm not hitting it well that day, lol. The other upside is that its the brand my local B&M sells so if I need juice in a pinch..I have a fall-back.

I do like the taste of desert ship..but its definitely not as complex as anything I've tried US made. Its also drier than I really prefer.


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Sep 25, 2010
This is why i started smoking myself. I would get anxious/stressed out at work, and all i would have to do is step outside and light up a cig and everything would be okay. This hasn't changed at all for me with vaping, i haven't noticed my anxiety levels any higher than they are normally (specifically i have social anxiety, maybe its different if you have a more generalized anxiety disorder it might cause issues?)

I've been called a cynic but after reading about all the other stuff that profit hungry corporations feed us "Literally" without telling us what's really in the stuff, I believe the analogs have Paxil and other mood/mind altering chemicals sprayed (of course under some other name).... Think about it.... if it was JUST the nicotine that would calm you down, you should be kinda sailing thru this when you find the right mg. Since there are no mind altering drugs in our liquid, you're just dealing with the anxiety because after quiting analogs, you're no longer getting the Paxil...... my thoughts are since I went through a bunch of stuff after starting to vape. I, too, find myself thinking a lot more of stuff (anxiety) that didn't phase me in the least when I smoked. I'm going on 1 1/2yrs of vaping.... I don't desire an analog but had hoped my anxiety level would have leveled off by now.... NOT and I truly believe this is why I'm sucking on this thing all the time, making certain it is never, ever out of my reach.


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Feb 6, 2010
Flushing NY
I've been called a cynic but after reading about all the other stuff that profit hungry corporations feed us "Literally" without telling us what's really in the stuff, I believe the analogs have Paxil and other mood/mind altering chemicals sprayed (of course under some other name).... Think about it.... if it was JUST the nicotine that would calm you down, you should be kinda sailing thru this when you find the right mg. Since there are no mind altering drugs in our liquid, you're just dealing with the anxiety because after quiting analogs, you're no longer getting the Paxil...... my thoughts are since I went through a bunch of stuff after starting to vape. I, too, find myself thinking a lot more of stuff (anxiety) that didn't phase me in the least when I smoked. I'm going on 1 1/2yrs of vaping.... I don't desire an analog but had hoped my anxiety level would have leveled off by now.... NOT and I truly believe this is why I'm sucking on this thing all the time, making certain it is never, ever out of my reach.

Try drinking some Yerba Mate or Kava.

We're not getting some of the MAOI's and other chems that are in the cigs. Personally believe the MAOI's is what causes the light headed feeling (I still remember my first cig and the light headed rush) and that feeling of euphoria is what really hooks us.

I've tried WTA and it helps. I remember trying to brew my own.

Yerba mate has some MAOI inhibitors and seems to help with some of my anxiety/cravings.

Can't say for Kava but my friend who quit cold turkey swears by it.

I would smoke WTA more often but I hate the flavor and its a bit more expensive. I can find Yerba mate at my local bodega and its cheap (its just a tea).

Try to figure out what you're missing from cigs. For me it seemed to be the MAOI's. God knows how many chemicals are in cigs.

If it was just the nicotine we were addicted to, we would be drinking tons of tomato soup.


Perfectly Imperfect
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Feb 26, 2010
South Carolina
Just an interesting note:

Stimulant drugs are used to treat a variety of "diagnoses" including depression, ADD/ADHD, anxiety as well as a few others...and stimulants are addictive.

Nicotine is a stimulant. But like with so many things in life, a finding the right balance is the trick; too much of a good thing can be a bad thing. Many people have years of trial and error with prescription meds trying to find the right balance of what works for them...and many don't find it. The lucky ones do.

Trialing around with your nicotine levels (up or down) is a good thing to find what works for you. And listening/reading/researching up on those other substances in cigs that are addictive is useful information as is recognizing that other components of vaping can trigger side effects as well. Somewhere in the mix, hopefully, is the right combination that works for you - it is just about finding it. And listening to your body, your mind and its reactions is a crucial part of the process.

It is part of the vaping adventure.
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Jan 11, 2012
Chilliwack, BC, CA
Try drinking some Yerba Mate or Kava.

We're not getting some of the MAOI's and other chems that are in the cigs. Personally believe the MAOI's is what causes the light headed feeling (I still remember my first cig and the light headed rush) and that feeling of euphoria is what really hooks us.

I've tried WTA and it helps. I remember trying to brew my own.

Yerba mate has some MAOI inhibitors and seems to help with some of my anxiety/cravings.

Can't say for Kava but my friend who quit cold turkey swears by it.

I would smoke WTA more often but I hate the flavor and its a bit more expensive. I can find Yerba mate at my local bodega and its cheap (its just a tea).

Try to figure out what you're missing from cigs. For me it seemed to be the MAOI's. God knows how many chemicals are in cigs.

If it was just the nicotine we were addicted to, we would be drinking tons of tomato soup.

Good points about Yerba Mate and Kava Kava, although these herbs should be used in moderation. I've been an amateur herbalist for many years. I would suggest a combo of holy basil, passionflower, skullcap, and lemon balm tea. These 4 in combo are great against anxiety/stress and can be used quite often without the side effects of drugs. And for those who do not believe in the effectiveness of herbs/plants, do you believe that tobacco is effective?


My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
Supporting Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 16, 2010
Good points about Yerba Mate and Kava Kava, although these herbs should be used in moderation. I've been an amateur herbalist for many years ...

Have you ever tried LoBelia in Tea?


excert from Lobelia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Medicinal use

Native Americans used lobelia to treat respiratory and muscle disorders, and as a purgative. The species used most commonly in modern herbalism is Lobelia inflata (Indian Tobacco).[13] However, there are adverse effects that limit the use of lobelia.[14]

Extracts of Lobelia inflata contain lobeline, which showed positive effects in the treatment of multidrug-resistant tumor cells.[15] Furthermore, lobeline can be modified to lobelane which decreased methamphetamine self-administration in rats.[16] It therefore opens a perspective in methamphetamine dependency treatment.[17]

Lobelia has been used as "asthmador" in Appalachian folk medicine [18]

Two species, Lobelia siphilitica and Lobelia cardinalis, were once considered a cure for syphilis.[19]

Herbalist Samuel Thomson popularized medicinal use of lobelia in the United States in the early 19th century, as well as other medicinal plants like goldenseal.[13]

One species, Lobelia chinensis (called bàn biān lián, 半边莲 in Chinese), is used as one of the fifty fundamental herbs in traditional Chinese medicine.

Several studies show that lobelia is ineffective in helping people to quit smoking.[20]
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