Please help me with my vaping/quit smoking (MAOIs) anxiety issue !!!

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Full Member
Dec 29, 2012
I'm became to be very stressed since i quite smoke and started vaping.
The thing is vaping is working really well taking me away from analogs.
I don't feel the need to smoke an analog.
But i feel really bad really anxsious.
This happened all the time i tried to quit smoke in the past after 3 or 4 days.
For me wasn't so difficult to quite smoke for 48-72 hours but after start the real hell even after 3/4 weeks...For that reason i started to smoke again in the past also if i didn't like the taste.
I thought i could solve this problem with vaping for nicotine and gestuality (wich is fine).
But nicotine alone doesn't provide me any anxiety relief as analogs did.

I think or better i hope this problem has something to do with MAOI's wich is not in E-liquids.
Nicotine alone maybe even increase my anxiety and i don't take to much just 1ml of 12mg/ml x day.

I just like nicotine for the hit...

Really guys i'm feeling so bad right now that i'm not to far from a panic attack.I'm nervous i'm suffering of imsonia i'm overstimulated i'm feeling like i going to explode.Terrible

Some suggest me WTA and for sure i will give a try but i have to wait a lot to recive the WTA juice.

So i'm asking you if for the moment i can try with passiflora wich contains MAOIs ?

I've read some people got some big help with passion flower for anxiety issue related to vaping just nicotine.
But i don't understood if i have to add in e-liquid or it is fine taking alone.
And also what kind of passiflora i should ask to pharmacy ?
And how much i have to take every day?

Please help me i'm desperate i'm feeling so bad HELP !!!


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Sep 9, 2012
Take your focus off the whole thing, I go for jogs,,,,,,loooong jogs, get out of your usual routine,look into WTA by all means but your body has been fed a locked in set of chemicals while you where smoking, now its adapting, but look at the positive side,your trying, how many NEVER try?. I cant advise on passiflora or MAOIs, I've never used them, hopefully some one on ECF has and can, if its getting to you real bad see a doctor, remember you can do amazing things by your self but everyone can ask for help and get it.

Good luck Bro


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Dec 18, 2012
I'm became to be very stressed since i quite smoke and started vaping.
The thing is vaping is working really well taking me away from analogs.
I don't feel the need to smoke an analog.
But i feel really bad really anxsious.
This happened all the time i tried to quit smoke in the past after 3 or 4 days.
For me wasn't so difficult to quite smoke for 48-72 hours but after start the real hell even after 3/4 weeks...For that reason i started to smoke again in the past also if i didn't like the taste.
I thought i could solve this problem with vaping for nicotine and gestuality (wich is fine).
But nicotine alone doesn't provide me any anxiety relief as analogs did.

I think or better i hope this problem has something to do with MAOI's wich is not in E-liquids.
Nicotine alone maybe even increase my anxiety and i don't take to much just 1ml of 12mg/ml x day.

I just like nicotine for the hit...

Really guys i'm feeling so bad right now that i'm not to far from a panic attack.I'm nervous i'm suffering of imsonia i'm overstimulated i'm feeling like i going to explode.Terrible

Some suggest me WTA and for sure i will give a try but i have to wait a lot to recive the WTA juice.

So i'm asking you if for the moment i can try with passiflora wich contains MAOIs ?

I've read some people got some big help with passion flower for anxiety issue related to vaping just nicotine.
But i don't understood if i have to add in e-liquid or it is fine taking alone.
And also what kind of passiflora i should ask to pharmacy ?
And how much i have to take every day?

Please help me i'm desperate i'm feeling so bad HELP !!!

Homeopathic for anxiety. I know a couple people that have great success with their anxiety & smoking cessation protocol. It is not really expensive either. Just be very discriminating. You CAN do this! Good luck


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Nov 20, 2012

Ok, been there, done that and I can relate having a busy/hard home life, full time job and full time college. I found the little things in life that helped out a lot, set a schedule for you. Make 1 hour a day that is "You Time" and no one bothers you...aka shut off your phone, lock your door and do something that is relaxing to you.
A physical activity helps out a lot, jogging or running is some peoples zen whereas mine is Disc Golf. Set aside one day a month if you can to do something "Fun", remember to reward yourself for accomplishments that you make big or small (I save that for the one day a month fun).
Eat healthy, diet and regulation of ones natural functions are a key in setting the stage to a healthy and stress free lifestyle, as they say garbage in is garbage out...well replace that with healthy and you'll get healthy out as well.
Try Meditation or yoga, something to balance yourself internally...If your not balanced then it can cause some issues that were underlying, it also helps clear the mind of daily tasks that may be built up from the day.
Last...and this is a must....go consult a doctor. They can advise you on all of the above, set up a schedule that works for you to help you through this all. Bring all your cards and lay them out on the table, the more your doctor knows the better off you'll be in the end run.
Hope this helps out.


Full Member
Dec 29, 2012
I just ask passiflora an herb wich is sold without prescription and is contained in some relaxant tea.
But i don't want to drink 5 tea a day so i'm asking to you...
And about doctors i've been in the past regarding quit smoke i mean neurolog and a psichiatrist.
Both told me i should feel better cause nicotine is a stimulant and no nicotine means less anxiety.
They linked my synthom to gestuality.
I can sai gestuality in vaping is even better than smoke so what's the point?
There is something chemical i miss from cigarette and is not nicotine but something giving me the anxiety issue...
Just asking you what kind of passiflora not xanax or antipsicotics...


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Jul 14, 2012
New Zealand
I just ask passiflora an herb wich is sold without prescription and is contained in some relaxant tea.

You said in your other thread that you are on anti-depressants. Passiflora can have side effects with certain medications - including some anti-anxiety and some psychiatric medications. We can't advise you on what to do here on what you should request from a pharmacist. You need to ask a doctor what is ok to take with the medication you are on.


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  • Jul 13, 2009
    Somewhere between here and there
    Have you considered trying snus? It might do the trick if it is in fact the minor alkaloids that you are needing to get a handle on things. It really works for me. I would also recommend wta liquid. I'm not sure why it takes you so long to get it but aroma always has some in stock as far as I know.


    Vaping Master
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    Aug 2, 2012
    go out and hit the dancefloor, hard. this is where i transcend all my problems and center my psyche. if you cant find a dancefloor, d/l some dj mixes that suit you, something that moves your soul, and jam out in your livingroom. dancing is my therapy and while I used to go out several times a week, now, since my son Levi was born, i choose one night a week as i hate to be away from him :)
    as medications go, seek a psychiatrist. maois can work as beta blockers which casue certain chemicals to surpass the liver and remain unfiltered in your bloodstream, this can be dangerous and only a medical professional should advise you on this. I wish you the best. If you need some groovy dance music to get your feet a'movin send me a msg and i will happily pass you some incredible tunage :)
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