Stainless T-tips back in stock!

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Vaping Master
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Jan 22, 2010
Another guess on my part but it may be that he is trying to keep the Precise as small as can be... Perhaps that's what the shorties were actually designed for but can obviously be used on a T1 or a S6 to make it smaller in size as well...

I don't see them listed on the site, but I will order 2 of each as soon as they are....




Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Nov 7, 2009
Another guess on my part but it may be that he is trying to keep the Precise as small as can be... Perhaps that's what the shorties were actually designed for but can obviously be used on a T1 or a S6 to make it smaller in size as well...

I don't see them listed on the site, but I will order 2 of each as soon as they are....



YES YES YES....... Now it makes a lot more sense, the shortys are probably designed for the Precise.......Ok thanks Kris.....Yes that does make a lot more sense to me now......Thanks again... :):):)


Ultra Member
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Jan 21, 2010
Peterborough, ON, Canada
A little birdy told me they'd be in today. But don't tie me up if they come in tomorrow, you can take my lunch money instead...

I also should have in the new Stainless steel and aluminum "Shorty" 510/901 as well as some aluminum 801's.
Aluminum... are they going to be coated with something? Can't say the idea of putting something aluminum in my mouth is very appealing.. what with it being toxic n all...


Ultra Member
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Jan 21, 2010
Peterborough, ON, Canada
These are made from the same alloy aluminum pop cans are made from. They are no more dangerous then putting a Pepsi or Coke to your mouth which also touches your lips repeatedly and stores the liquid pop you are consuming.
Aluminum toxicity is accumulative. It builds up in the body over time.

I don't drink pop, but at least the inside of the cans are lined. They must do this for a reason.

Anyway, I can see you're going to be defensive with this so I'll drop it.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
What i find curious is those bringing up "safety" concerns of the various metals never once mention or post about the Toxicity of plastic tips. Look up plastic toxicity. Yet everyday millions are putting plastic tips in their mouth, sucking and chewing on them. The safest tip available, is a stainless steel tip if you want to minimize any injestion of questionable substances.

Truth is ANY element is toxic in large enough quantities (from Vitamin C to even Water) You could grind up a ttip and consume it all at once and you'd be lucky to even get an upset stomach. A ttip years from now isn't going to have dissolved enough material to even be significant. Too much fear mongering going on as of late.
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
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Jan 21, 2010
Peterborough, ON, Canada
What i find curious is those bringing up "safety" concerns of the various metals never once mention or post about the Toxicity of plastic tips. Look up plastic toxicity. Yet everyday millions are putting plastic tips in their mouth, sucking and chewing on them. The safest tip available, is a stainless steel tip if you want to minimize any injestion of questionable substances.

Truth is ANY element is toxic in large enough quantities (from Vitamin C to even Water) You could grind up a ttip and consume it all at once and you'd be lucky to even get an upset stomach. A ttip years from now isn't going to have dissolved enough material to even be significant. Too much fear mongering going on as of late.
Now that you mention it, I did purchase a stainless steel tip for that very reason. I don't like putting plastic in my mouth either. I had PM'd you before but you never replied so I found someone through the BST instead.

What you see as fear mongering is actually people becoming wiser to the widespread poisons we're subjecting ourselves to, day in and day out. There are still no long term studies vapor is even safe in the long run, but at least it is better than real cigarettes. The logic behind saying well you're already inhaling a questionable substance, so why be concerned with this? Well it's simple. The less, the better.

Hey, if people don't care whether or not aluminum is toxic, fine by me. I'm not trying to dissuade people from purchasing your product. I was merely curious if you took any steps to seal the aluminum. You haven't, no biggie.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Nov 7, 2009
NW Ohio
Bah to toxic substances...I'm working on trying to figure out how I can work tritium into my S6 now...if I can do that I don't have to wory about aluminum in my t tips...but I WILL have a glowing SuperT with a 10 year lifespan...

Last I heard aluminum will contribute to of the newest experimental drugs for combatting the progression of alzheimers is nicotine... so I figure vaping through an aluminum T tip...they'll kinda cancel each other out, no big deal..
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