Vaping in Flights & Airports √

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ECF Guru
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Mar 6, 2013
Brampton, Canada

For a 25 yrs strong cigarette smoker it had always been my motive to fly only thru airports which had a designated smoking room / lounge. This is since the ICAO ruling came about “no on-board smoking” internationally somewhere in 1999 (smoking in domestic flights was banned in 1988, with all flights becoming smoke free by 1990 in the US).

I also took to avoid long-haul journeys and invariably chose flights with a stopover. Basically got down midway to smoke! Upon switching over to ‘vaping’ things were no different. I still took stopover flights ~ to run to the nearest smoking room and vape!


However, with changing times - and worldwide acceptance / awareness to vaping - things have started to look promising for us vapers! Most folks now seem to understand that vaping is not ‘smoking’. So, as long as you don’t blow arrogant clouds you might be able to get away vaping at most airports today, even while comfortably sitting anywhere, not specifically in the ‘smoking zones’.


Things you should consider (while vaping at airports):

I am a frequent traveller. Fly around the globe - and have successfully vaped in every airport, even where smoking areas are not available. There is however a caveat: we should not be arrogant. We should remember that even today many folks consider vaping akin to an act of smoking. Thus, if anyone asks you to stop, stop you should, without going into discussions about 'how it is different - and how it is not harming them’. That discourse could cost you your connecting flight if nothing else!


Packing your vape gear/s right:

Accepting the fact that you should not 'blow clouds’ it’d be wise for us to leave our RDAs and Mech Mods behind and pack just an Ego with a Clearo instead. 99% of airports have no issues with e-Cigarettes in our hand baggage, unless off course they look like something else (does Innokin Coolfire II ring a bell?).

A cigalike is our safest bet (remember there’s never a ban on carrying cigarettes on board!), will thus pass thru without a/ny questions asked. An Ego or a 14500 mod (looks like a cigar!) is fine too ~ but so is also a box mod. B’coz a box mod could be construed as an “External Power Bank”, for our cellphone and the like/s.



Packing our e-liquid/s:

ICAO regulations specify that liquids in 100ml containers (max) could be carried on board. And they need to be carried inside ‘see thru’ plastic packets of size 1L (max), which is a standard sized ziplock bag. So, this is the packet where our e-juices should go. A 10ml bottle, or two, should suffice the ‘in flight’ urges, right? The filled clearo could remain attached to our Ego, no problems there, and could remain inside the backpack / laptop bag.


Don’t carry expensive gears:

For the simple fact that many nations, especially in the Middle East, ban use of e-cigs in their countries, thus their Immigration Officials might confiscate your gear upon arrival (tho I had no problems carrying my vape stuff thru United Arab Emirates’ airports). So, an Ego lost would always be better than handing over my WAE-II (Wizards Apprentice Evolved) or Provari, right? Let them thus be safe in our "checked-in" baggage!



Vaping inside the flight:

If you’re lucky you might find the seat beside you vacant. In which case vape along! The trick is in going super stealthy. Don’t blow much vapour out. A cigalike works out the best. Even for an Ego / Clearo combo try and inhale slowly ~ keep most of it within yourself ~ and gradually exhale the rest inconspicuously.


Myth: Vaping triggers the on-board Smoke Alarm! ~UNTRUE!

Have you noticed the flight crew spraying Aerosol inside the cabin just before landing? Happens with most flights - thru most airports. If that didn’t trigger the alarms how could our vapour do?


I thus took it upon myself to check. Vaped inside the on-board bathroom (many times) midway thru my flight. And bingo! No alarms. I didn’t even try concealing my exhaled vapour - didn’t mellow it down - and blew straight out. No problems!


Yes, it’s worthwhile to note that I didn’t use a RDA with a mod. Thus the vapour exhaled was not as thick as it’d be under regular practice. But I wouldn’t be carrying them on-board anyway, would I?

Airport Vaping Zone/s:

Things are definitely looking brighter, for us vapers! Heathrow airport (London) has recently installed (2014) a “vaping zone”. The first, and only one, of its kind. It’s a pretty nifty feat considering that Heathrow has a “no smoking” policy inside the airport. It might just be a matter of time before others follow suite. NJoy are you there? Hint, hint ;)


So yes, vaping in the airports and within the flight is possible. We need to just remember that courtesies play a big role in it. Vape for your nix-fix, but not for sporting clouds! Leave that extravagance for your vape meets and cloud comps or at home. Avoid being a nuisance and respect the choice/s of a non-smoker beside you ~ the same way as you’d like him to leave you alone with your vaping escapade.


It's wise nonetheless to find a quiet corner and vape without drawing much attention. I have done it - and even with some travellers noticing me - none objected! Btw, I've noticed a few more vapers in the airports - and had a conversation with them too. O' yes, most of them are on ECF as well, if not on their local vape forums!

Folks, pls post your flight pics and stories too :)


Vaping Master
Dec 23, 2014
Things are definitely looking brighter, for us vapers! Heathrow airport (London) has recently installed (2014) a “vaping zone”. The first, and only one, of its kind. It’s a pretty nifty feat considering that Heathrow has a “no smoking” policy inside the airport. It might just be a matter of time before others follow suite. NJoy are you there? Hint, hint

God Save the Queen!!!! Harper are you there? Hint, hint ;)


Vaping Master
Supporting Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 16, 2008
Brown Edge, England
Fantastic post! One thing - best not to use a tank. Changes in pressure can cause big messes and leaks. I take tiny 450mah ego-styles for onboard., with 510 atty which I drip into (subtly). Works fine.

Your point about box mods being taken as "external power banks" is a good one. If you have an MVP it IS an external power bank, so can be easily explained in baggage.


Ultra Member
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Oct 16, 2014
Long Island, NY
I have vaped in many airports myself. London Heathrow was exceptionally accepting of it. I've also vaped on airplanes. Most international carriers, non US based, have no policy against it. The flight crew on British Airways and South African Airlines looked right at me while I was taking a drag and said nothing. Now, on the other hand, U.S. airways, a.k.a. "the flying Nazis", just saw my ego style device sticking out of my top pocket and said "you know you can't use that puffer thing on board". I told her that was ok by me, very politely. She then proceeded to say "I wouldn't want to have to take it away from you". I darn near lost it at that point, but politely replied, "I wouldn't want to see you try that either"

Guess there is no point here, just sharing my experience.


Ultra Member
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Oct 16, 2014
Long Island, NY
Fantastic post! One thing - best not to use a tank. Changes in pressure can cause big messes and leaks. I take tiny 450mah ego-styles for onboard., with 510 atty which I drip into (subtly). Works fine.

Your point about box mods being taken as "external power banks" is a good one. If you have an MVP it IS an external power bank, so can be easily explained in baggage.

Good point on the tanks. here is the work around. Get on board with the tank empty. Once the cabin is pressurized, you can then fill the tank and use it without any issues.


Vaping Master
Dec 23, 2014
Well my story is a little bit different. I don't feel the bad cravings anymore since I've switched to vaping. So I can get along without pulling the gear out. I keep nic gum with me "just in case" but I can't really use it - last time I tried (during a 9h boarding+flight duration) I nearly gagged after 10 seconds. I just have to either sleep or keep me occupied (watching movies, reading or whatever). I just can't sit staring to the seat in front of me without doing something. Anything. But then this is how I used to be since primary school. Got lot of rulers from the nuns.....

OTOH I would definitely welcome more and better vaping areas in airports. Some airports have smoking open air terraces, so you can mingle with the smokers and have a vape with your coffee. But the phone booth sized glass boxes are atrocious - I couldn't stand the suffocating sensation inside even as a smoker.


Ultra Member
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Oct 16, 2014
Long Island, NY
Just wanted to point out that batteries, whether eGo, non-replaceable box mods, or loose batteries (applies to phones, tablets, laptops, and anything else with lithium batteries) should never be put in checked baggage anyway. Always in carry-on. I think I got that from the TSA site, but it's been a while.

You are correct, no batteries in checked luggage. Never had an issue with any device going through security check points.


ECF Guru
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Mar 6, 2013
Brampton, Canada
Well my story is a little bit different. I don't feel the bad cravings anymore since I've switched to vaping. So I can get along without pulling the gear out. I keep nic gum with me "just in case" but I can't really use it - last time I tried (during a 9h boarding+flight duration) I nearly gagged after 10 seconds. I just have to either sleep or keep me occupied (watching movies, reading or whatever). I just can't sit staring to the seat in front of me without doing something. Anything. But then this is how I used to be since primary school. Got lot of rulers from the nuns.....

OTOH I would definitely welcome more and better vaping areas in airports. Some airports have smoking open air terraces, so you can mingle with the smokers and have a vape with your coffee. But the phone booth sized glass boxes are atrocious - I couldn't stand the suffocating sensation inside even as a smoker.

So true. However, there are a few exceptional smoking lounges around the world as well. Here's one:

And I have vaped there :)


Ultra Member
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Oct 14, 2014
And many Westerners have been brainwashed to believe that their approach is "more civilized".....

Agree, I never knew how arrogant we are until I lived in eastern foreign countries.

Qorax, I opened this thread expecting some 007 type of info...smuggling your devices on, disguises as you enter and leave certain areas. Nice to know its a fairly simple thing, I hope vaping becomes mainstream and a non-issue for even non users.

Very informative, thanks for the pics.
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
May 30, 2011
The first flights I took when I started vaping in 2011 were an adventure. One in particular I got the royal treatment from the TSA and took the opportunity to educate about ten people while they searched my body cavities. These days I find it easier. :)
I concur with everything you say qorax. On the plane, stealthy as stealth can be and you're good to go. A respectful puff here and there and nobody's the wiser. In the airport, I park myself right out in the open and let it fairly rip. People in airports are so intent, hurried, confused, they look right at me and I don't think it even registers.

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Senior Member
Jun 8, 2014
I'd be too embarassed to pull out my device and start vaping in a crowded airport. If they had a smokers lounge I'd maybe head in there and have a vape. Otherwise, just like I did when I smoked, I'd wait until I was outside the airports. Ive craved a cigarette in airports before but I have dealt with it fine until I have reached my desitination point.

James Wilson

Super Member
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Aug 19, 2014
Lebanon, Indiana, United States
I'd be too embarassed to pull out my device and start vaping in a crowded airport. If they had a smokers lounge I'd maybe head in there and have a vape. Otherwise, just like I did when I smoked, I'd wait until I was outside the airports. Ive craved a cigarette in airports before but I have dealt with it fine until I have reached my desitination point.

The bad thing is there is a lot of airports in the US that don't even have a smoking lounge.
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