A case of vaping induced popcorn lung has been claimed

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 20, 2015
Illinois, USA
But, it doesn't look anything like popcorn lung. They mention the damage was caused, but then healed itself or something to that effect.

http: //medicalxpress . c om / news/2015-10-case-popcorn-lung-patient-e-cigarettes.html

The only suggestion that it's popcorn lung is in the headline. The description of what the vaper suffered from was not popcorn lung, and the article itself doesn't say it was. I'm diagnosing a case of deceptive journalism, and a case of deceptive research, both of which are which are highly contageous among suceptible individuals.
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Super Member
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Jun 18, 2014
Whittier, CA, USA
False claims like this can go wild though. Pretty soon you'll have people talking about how there was a confirmed case of popcorn lung. Many vapers have concerns about this, so maybe some people are going to play dirty by making false claims or "accidentally" mislabeling the medical diagnosis because they see this as a potential powder keg issue. This way they can spread bad rumors and cause an S-storm.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Apr 28, 2011
From the article:
E-cigarette liquid contains nicotine, propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin, and flavorings. Recent reports estimate that 69 percent of sweet flavored liquids contain diacetyl. Diacetyl is used to produce a rich, buttery flavor and has been tied to a 2000 report in which eight former employees of the Gilster-Mary Lee popcorn plant developed bronchiolitis obliterans. The case garnered significant media attention and OSHA subsequently recommended respiratory protection for all workers in microwave popcorn production. Since that time, bronchiolitis obliterans has been referred to as "popcorn lung" or "popcorn worker's lung."

In other words:
e-liquid contains diacetyl
Workers at a popcorn plant were exposed to diacetyl, and they got popcorn lung.
Therefore e-cigarettes caused popcorn lung in a cigar smoker, even though no permanent damage was evident.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 18, 2014
Whittier, CA, USA
From the article:

In other words:
e-liquid contains diacetyl
Workers at a popcorn plant were exposed to diacetyl, and they got popcorn lung.
Therefore e-cigarettes caused popcorn lung in a cigar smoker, even though no permanent damage was evident.

Yes, there seems to be a complete and total disconnect between the headline and the article's content. But we live in a headline society. That headline counts as solid proof for 90% of the people who see it and that's what matters most.


My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
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Apr 16, 2010
I think this is a case of a Media outlet attempting to attach Buzz-Words like "Popcorn Lung" to something where it is Not Applicable.

From the Article...

"The patient was diagnosed with inhalation injury and suspected acute hypersensitivity pneumonitis related to electronic cigarette use. The patient did not use e-cigarettes again and had no further symptoms. A follow-up CT scan and pulmonary function test at three months were normal."

It would have been Very Interesting if the Patient had switched to Unflavored instead of Quitting e-Cigarettes. And then they had done the follow up CT Scan.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 18, 2014
Whittier, CA, USA
.ht.tp: //www..e.u.re kal.ert. org./ w.t.f. link won't break pub_re.le.ase.s /201.5-10/acoc-crf1.01915..ph.p.break damn it.com

Another one for the same case. This one actually corrects the popcorn lung claim, but this story is catching on in a couple places. It seems, according to the article, that there was a lung injury caused by diketone inhalation during vaping, but the injury was not popcorn lung. It seems this person was vulnerable or something to some other injury caused by diketone inhalation. On the 27th of October, more information will be released about this person's case.
I don't expect it to be very interesting. He was susceptible to some kind of injury and clearly most people are not, otherwise we'd all be in the hospital right now with whatever he came down with.
I'm concerned about these chemicals being in e-juice, but I don't appreciate people "accidentally" claiming popcorn lung cases where none were found.
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 18, 2014
Whittier, CA, USA
Ruh Roh...

[URL='http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/10/151019130839.htm']http://www.sciencedaily .com/releases/2015/10/151019130839.htm[/URL]

Ah crap! Another one!

[URL='http://www.rtmagazine.com/2015/10/case-report-finds-popcorn-lung-patient-using-e-cigarettes/']http://www.rtmagazine .com/2015/10/case-report-finds-popcorn-lung-patient-using-e-cigarettes/[/URL]

another one with straight up popcorn lung in the title. Sigh...I knew it. Once that headline is out in the wild...its too late. Mark my words. By the time this is over, thousands of people will KNOW that vaping causes popcorn lung because they have science people who told them so. Right there above in the link. Real science people have PROOF that vaping causes popcorn lung. That's the headline, that's the truth, no matter what. TOO LATE!
lol, I hope this stops, because if it doesn't, I expect people to come up to me and be all like, "OMG dude stop vaping that crap. You'll get the popcorn lung, like, in the next 5 minutes!"

Also, nothing I do seems to break these links.
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Reviewer / Blogger
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Jan 24, 2014
Ruh Roh...


another one with straight up popcorn lung in the title. Sigh...I knew it. Once that headline is out in the wild...its too late. Mark my words. By the time this is over, thousands of people will KNOW that vaping causes popcorn lung because they have science people who told them so. Right there above in the link. Real science people have PROOF that vaping causes popcorn lung. That's the headline, that's the truth, no matter what. TOO LATE!
lol, I hope this stops, because if it doesn't, I expect people to come up to me and be all like, "OMG dude stop vaping that crap. You'll get the popcorn lung, like, in the next 5 minutes!"

"Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that." --George Carlin

He really nailed that one.



Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 18, 2014
Whittier, CA, USA
This seems like a legit smear campaign. This site is straight up claiming this old dude got popcorn lung. Its all over reddit as well.

http://ne ws.softp edia.com/news/study- e-cigarettes-users-risk -getting-popcorn-lungs-494851 .shtml

"E-cigarettes are hailed as a somewhat safer alternative to regular smokes. Well, it just so happens that this might not be true. Au contraire, it looks like there are risks to using these devices too.

For one thing, medical experts warn that e-cigarettes can cause people to develop so-called popcorn lungs. Officially dubbed bronchiolitis obliterans, this condition is described by experts as an acute inflammation of the lungs' teeniest tiniest airways, the bronchioles.

Basically, what happens is that the air sacs that are part and parcel of the lungs and that we need to, well, breathe, are badly scarred and so can no longer do their job keeping us alive.

It happened to a 60-year-old man in Junction, Vermont, who was admitted to the hospital when he began displaying symptoms like cough, chills, weakness and fever. Having carried out a few tests, doctors notices opaque areas in his lungs and diagnosed him with inhalation injury....."
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Resting in Peace
ECF Veteran
Sep 7, 2012
Treasure Coast, Florida
Hey Moonbogg. I broke the links for you.

Type [ plain] in front of the link and [/ plain] behind the link. (no spaces) That allows the link to show without being live. :)

You may have to do it using the BB Code Editor. On the reply box toolbar, it is the one that shows a piece of paper with a wrench on top of it.
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Kent C

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Jun 12, 2009
NW Ohio US
ditz reporter who 'enhanced the headline' :facepalm: Lots of tweets on improving PR reach, etc.



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Jun 18, 2014
Whittier, CA, USA

Kent C

ECF Guru
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Jun 12, 2009
NW Ohio US
Ah, I see. I don't think she meant any harm. She seems like a nice girl. Hopefully she doesn't get harassed by a bunch of ...... off vapers. She's a young mom doing her job. Reminds me of my wife as they are the same age and our kids are same age as well.

I'm guessing you're not the guy in the Cubs hat. :- )

My guess is that she'll embrace any 'harassment' as 'positive PR'. :D Some of her other stories are 'interesting' - the 'Kardashian' ... enhancement gone wrong.
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