About to give up, all I want is a Marlboro

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if your looking for a good tobacco flavor with a little hint of some other flavors RY4 might be a nice vape for you . i smoked for 31 yrs and my smoke of choice was american spirits yellow.this suited my craving ! check out mom and pops vapor shop ,sample pack of 3 flavors $10.00 10mg ech ry4 is one of them. highly recomend them! good luck finding your flavor!


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Mar 19, 2013
Salem, Oregon
Taste really is different for everyone.... Try some sample packs from vendors who extract their own tobacco. I've heard that ahlusion.us devil dog is very strong tobacco. You need to get in there early in the day, cause they are quite popular. If your order is over (I forget the $ amount but I think 20-25 bucks). you can request a free sample of your choosing (10ml). Also they send you a coupon code two weeks later for 15% and feedback for their profile that they use to mix future juice.

I too love tobacco flavors instead of well anything else.


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Jul 22, 2010
Sorry, this is long, but this is my perspective since coming off cigs (was a marb red smoker, 1 1/2 packs a day for 11 years.):

I'm one of those people that believe there's other stuff in tobacco we have to go through withdrawals from. Probably the natural MAOIs in tobacco. Everyone's different. For me that was a nuisance for like 3 days, dealing with the sudden urge to "go to my smoking spot" which was on the outside steps, and getting a lot of tiredness despite vaping (and no i wasn't dehydrated, i was sure to drink a lot of water, it was just my body dealing with trying to cleanse itself of the harmful tobacco crap for 10 plus years and going without the MAOIs imo. kinda left me feeling dazed and a bit slowminded, but it passed).

Keeping my nic juice at 24mg and vaping at low resistance on an Ego was enough to get rid of that urge immediately if I chose to just have a little vape session instead. Within three days or so i was full of energy and being able to taste and smell had me thinking very differently. Go ahead and have a cigarette if you need one. The first drag might be satisfying, but you'll more than likely be disgusted by the second drag if you haven't had one for a few days. You realize vaping is just more satisfying on all levels.

sometimes we do just have to force ourselves not to have one for a day or two. there is sometimes withdrawal despite getting your nicotine. whether its some of the other chemicals in cigs, MAOIs, or just the habit itself, withdrawal is sometimes there no matter what.

I know the initial investment when we're figuring out what device works for us is tough to swollow, but it's definitely worth it. Use your credit card if you have to and make payments, but by all means, do your research. So many cheap ways to get started right. And no, a 510 cig-alike style probably won't be enough for most people to quit thinking about cigs, wasn't for me.. They're just too much of a hassle and you'll want something more satisfying or they'll let you down on a stressful day and you just give up.

can grab 3 ego batteries from fasttech for only $13.54
$13.54 650mAh Rechargeable Battery for E-Cigarette (3-Pack) 3-pack - champagne + black + red at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping

charger for $2.38
$2.38 USB Charger for EGO Electronic Cigarette - cable length 25cm at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping

that's like 16 bucks for enough batteries to last all day. I bought these to replace my old Egos and I've had no issues with them and they're workin great, just as well if not better than the ego kit i bought a year ago for 70 bucks or whatever. wish i'd known about fasttech back then. the long shipping time sucks (about 10 days), but just smoke until then if you have to. couple more days won't hurt.

maybe grab an evod tank and some extra low resistance heads too. that's the cheapest route since the heads are only like 1.50 to replace from some vendors, or get some low resistance 510 attys if you can afford em. evods can get a muted flavor so if that's not to your liking at the moment just grab one 510 atty if you can to hold you over.

throw a low resistance 1.5-1.8 ohm atty on there with 24mg juice and you're golden. i even bought my juice unflavored bulk at 54mg when i didn't have much cash, and found that cutting it down with VG from wal mart and vaping it unflavored wasn't bad at all either.

I'm now waiting on a k100 clone and a rebuildable atomizer, and though I could get by no problem with these egos, these last purchases will cement me as a vaper from this point forward. rebuilding my coils will be awesome.

since smokes are still relatively cheap where i am, about 3 bucks a pack on the reservation, regular attys were too expensive and unreliable for me back in the day. i dont care about health, it was always the money/smelling like an ashtray that put me off smoking.

the new cheaper evod/protank heads and rebuildable atomizers really convinced me to stick with vaping this past year. but yes, there is likely a bit of withdrawal, no matter what, for some of us when we stop tobacco. if you're a heavy marb red smoker, can't stress enough the importance of higher percentage nicotine juice (24-36mg) starting out, and a device that you know how to use and is reliable.
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Aug 22, 2013
Fairfield, CT, USA
When a friend of mine was buying his first bottles of juice, he called our local supplier, Cherry Vape, and actually spoke to them about what he was looking for. He told me that he explained that he had been a Marlboro smoker and they assured him that they had him covered. He received a flavor simply labeled "Tobacco." He tells me it tastes just like a Marlboro. Of course, YMMV.

Good luck.


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Jan 18, 2013
I HAVE read all 12 pages of posts and found everyone very helpful and supportive - lots of good advise and understanding expressed!!
but this part I loved the most and it gave me a idea:
Another thing too , if you have a vape shop close to where you live , or at a mall , kinda hang around a bit , talk to the other vapers , you migt even get the nerve up to ask to try a drop or 2 of their juice if you happen to have a drip atty . or if you have a 510 tank system pull your drip tip off , and ask to hit theirs with your drip tip . Hell , there are all kinds of ways of going about finding something you like without getting aggravated and picking up an analog again . If you lived here in Knoxville , TN i would bring a tackle box full of stuff to let you try . Maybe there is somebody like me close to where you are .
Good luck, Donnie, Knoxville, TN USA

I, too, would be more than willing to share what I have on hand with anyone in my area (Congress, AZ/boonies/desert) - perhaps we could start a thread where folks like us could list our info (?) or at least our willingness to share so others could try our setups and juices(!)? NancyB
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Sep 29, 2013
I'm so sorry I sound frustrated but I spent hundreds of dollars trying to kick this analog habit, and I am ready to throw in the towel. I can't spend anymore money on juices that taste like candy, I just want something that will help me kick analogs to the curb, in an old fashioned smoky, burned kind of taste.

Hi Pete; Sorry to hear about your unsatisfying experience, I took to e-cigs from the very first vape, which surprised the hell out of me, because I didn't honestly think they would replace tobacco (30-year-plus smoker, a pack-a-day guy when I switched to electronics).

My first try with an E-cig 6 weeks ago yielded a rich, tasty and above all satisfying stream of vapor. But it has taken some time and effort before I was finally able to give up analogs (about two or three weeks ago); it took some trial and error before I was able to find a leak-free clearomizer that was convenient enough to carry around, and reliable enough to use while out for the day.

FYI the first e-liquid I tried was USA Mix by Dekang, which I absolutely love, but the store where I got it ran out, and I haven't found anywhere else near me that has it in stock. So part of the trial and error was finding another brand/flavor that I enjoyed enough to replace analogs.

Hope you decide to stick with e-cigs, and are rewarded with a positive experience.



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Sep 3, 2013
My friend welcome to forum. We will help you if you want any help. I can ot comment on flavors I did not tried much myself. I hate desert (Not Dekang desert I vape it now) sweet coffe syrups etc too.
However your problem seems not the taste but the nic level of the liquid you use. Go up man you will not ask any stinky once you get right amount of nicotine.
But believe me you are in the right way I am sure by vaping you have a low down with cigarettes. This is your profit. we count here not the ones we smoke but the ones we did not.
If I were you I would avoid anything which looks like cigarettes. You are trying to quit them. you get vapour inhale with some throat hit also lung hit it gives you nicotine you need so leave aside the look like cigarettes. more little the battery less time and strenght you can use them. Hang on my friend a day will come you ask here how you could possibly smoked these detesting things.
By the way I started to use my daughter's eroll have a lot of vapour but didnot like the way it seems like a cigarette. I scarcely use it now mostly when I have to go out for a short time.


Full Member
Oct 8, 2013
Seattle, WA

I haven't tried a huge amount of tobacco flavors, but IMO (at least so far) the closest you can get to smoking a cigarette is Backwoods Brew.

Backo, Virginia & the Menthol Tobaccos to me feel and taste pretty damn close. In all reality though anything will taste better than a real smoke;-)

Casablanca is excellent too, but definitely a more unique flavor. Not really like a Marlboro or Newport.

Good luck!


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 20, 2012
When I first started on this road it was with v2. I had smoked marlboro/winston/basic etc for decades. They have a juice called reds that completely got me away from all that on the first vape. I don't know if it's the same as that was several years ago. I tend to find the dekang dk-tab is a bit similar but I do have to doctor it up a bit with a little vanilla.


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Sep 27, 2013
Thousand Oaks, CA
this was hard for me at first. I loved the taste of tobacco cigarettes, and was a self proclamed "cigar officionado" haha. i loved the taste and would always compare different cigs and different cigars together. it made me feel like i had a complex pallet or something. bassically i was (am) a scotch guy rather than a fruity drink type of dude.

when i switched to ecigs, it was hard for me. for some reason we expect to ecigs to taste like tobacco at first. even though no one ever sais "it tastes just like tobacco" we expect it to taste this way at first... here is a fact that was hard for me to consider at first..


I searched high and low for a flavor that tastes like cigarettes, i even tried those tobacco flavors that are made from some sort of tobacco extract and are steeped in tobacco for months. these taste nothing like cigarettes.

LUCKILY before i gave up, i realised that "CIGARETTE TOBACCO IS NOT MY FAVORITE FLAVOR TO INHALE" yes i loved smoking turkish royals and loved the flavor, but if they made a cigarette that tasted like "Bobas Bounty" from Alien Visions, or "Bannana Nut Bread" from pink spot, i would have LOVED it while i smoked.

The reason why us ex-smokers love the taste of tobbacco and cigars is because we were addicted to the nicotine and the flavor that was associated with it. Cigars and cigs have a nice flavor because the tar that is left in your mouth stays in there after and whie you smoke.. giving you this sence of a good rich, complex taste (which is aquired) that goes along with the smoking experience.

when you vape, you dont really "taste" anything, and if you do, it is a short term thing because there is no lingering tar left behind in your mouth. it is more of a short term non lingering taste. your sence of smell does most of the trick when vaping.

I smoked throughout the first year of vaping, but i noticed myself smoking less and less as i began to dissassociate the flavor of the tobacco with the nicotine from ciggarettes.. now, i will smoke every once in a while if im offered a drag at parties, but i hate the way it makes my breath and body stink..

you will find a flavor that you love, it might not be a tobacco flavor, and it might even be fruity and girly, but it will be a flavr you enjoy none the less.

another thing that will help you keep vaping is buying an expensive mod, you will be forced not to regret your purchase by vaping. this helps.

so in conclusion, you WONT be happy with "tobbacco" flavors as long as you compare them to smoking cigarettes, but once you stop comparing, you will have a better time!!!

hope this helps! :vapor:


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Oct 8, 2013
Millbury OH
I don't know if someone mentioned it yet or not, but Hangsen makes a tobacco flavoring (RY1) that some say is the closest to an analog they've tasted. I'm in my phone and don't have a link handy, but I know CaterpillarVapes.com has premixed RY1 from Hangsen for 2.99/10ml, 7.19/30ml

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk


Vaping Master
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Mar 20, 2012
Esone- your post just reminded me I had ordered a bottle of the dekang ry-1 from fastech. I have read similar comments in other threads. I have a slew of them so just went and loaded up a clearo with it and it really does taste like a cig, maybe a slightly stale one, but is actually quite vapable with very little sweetness. Has a smoky taste if that makes any sense. Think I will try the hangsen flavoring and maybe do some experimenting with diy. I wouldn't really call it a marlboro flavor though, kind of like an off brand.
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