About to give up, all I want is a Marlboro

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Oct 22, 2013
Grayling, MI, USA
Hang in there, and for a tobacco that tastes like tobacco, all be that a generic or maybe L&M, the closest I have found is from Lucky's Vapor Store - Red Label flavor.

e-Juice (Tobacco Flavors) 10ml

I did a review for it on another site, my complaint was that it tasted and felt a little too much like an analog so, maybe it's just what you are looking for.

Agreed with this comment. My mother was a smoker for the better part of 40 years and finally kicked the analog habit by way of vaping with this juice. I've tried it myself and from first-hand experience, I find that it is very "red" tasting, and I am a former L&M red pack smoker. I still get the urge for a good cigarette every once in a while and I've been vaping for a little bit.

I don't think, from the feel aspect, that it has too terribly much to do with throat hit or vapor temperature, but more so that the solid particulates in analog cigarette smoke fills your lungs differently than vapor does. Personal opinion.
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Oct 8, 2013
Millbury OH
Esone- your post just reminded me I had ordered a bottle of the dekang ry-1 from fastech. I have read similar comments in other threads. I have a slew of them so just went and loaded up a clearo with it and it really does taste like a cig, maybe a slightly stale one, but is actually quite vapable with very little sweetness. Has a smoky taste if that makes any sense. Think I will try the hangsen flavoring and maybe do some experimenting with diy. I wouldn't really call it a marlboro flavor though, kind of like an off brand.
I haven't tried it personally, because I try to stay away from the reminder of tobacco, but I do enjoy Hangsen juice better than Dekang.

I have heard from many people about it's closeness to an analog.


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Oct 22, 2013
Grayling, MI, USA
I have to say that vaping that ry1 was close enough to a cig to make me have to go brush my teeth. That seems to happen after you've been away from them quite awhile.

Almost like when you've been vaping a while and you cave to a real cigarette early on. By this point for me, the smell of cigarette smoke is almost repulsive, whereas before all it did was make me want an analog.


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Oct 22, 2013
Grayling, MI, USA
Apologies for the double post here, but I just had a thought:

The longer you stick with vaping, the less you'll crave the flavor of real tobacco. Your body will crave the taste of the tobacco smoke because your brain associates that taste with the pleasurable feelings of the nicotine that piggybacks onto it. I realized early on that I never really craved the flavor of the cigarette itself, I just craved the feeling. You basically have to stick with it long enough for your brain to retrain itself into craving the feel and flavor of whatever juice you're using because that's your nicotine source.


Vaping Master
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Mar 20, 2012
I have vaped doctored up dk-tab mixed w the dekang tob for the better part of the last 2 years. It's my adv, but I add vanilla bean flavor/p. butter and vanilla plus some em. I have never had anyone say they didin't like it and it doesn't make me need to brush my teeth after a couple vapes. Sorry op didn't mean to hijack your thread.
Try El-Toro Puros.. its the closest thing to me in smoking leafy tobacco leaves. Actually, the whole El-Toro line are great but Puros, like the name suggest really is close to pure. And one more thing. Vape at a nic level that would make you say "its too much" at first. It'll remove the craving, i'm sure.


Full Member
Oct 19, 2013
It is funny, when I first quit all I wanted was real tobacco taste. Then I wanted desert then fruits and only a few tobaccos I like now. It has been 2 yrs for me steady vaping and almost 2 yrs since my last cig. Have you tried Halo's Longhorn?? It tasted so much like real tobacco Marlboro I couldn't vape it! Good luck you will get there :) bnrk

I haven't read through the entire thread, but I had to take a quick moment to second this persons post. Of the flavors I've tried so far, which is admittedly small, Longhorn is the closest to something that even remotely tastes like burning tobacco to me. I wouldn't say it tastes like Marlboro, what it tastes like is a light/sweet/aromatic cigar. If you ever smoked Swishers or Backwoods, you will almost immediately recognize the flavor. No, it does not taste like a real cigarette, and personally I found the flavor a little overpowering since even in my heaviest smoking days (2 PAD) I could never smoke cigars all day. However, Longhorn ain't no candy, I can promise that. Give that one a shot, shop around for really angry looking tobacco flavors, maybe even go on Mount Baker Vapor and get their 36 (34?) MG nicotine 555 British flavor with a few extra flavor shots. I just ordered that and I am currently waiting on it, I'll let you know if it hits the spot seeing as how I am in the same boat as you. I am a brand new vaper, brand new ex-smoker, and I too want a tobacco flavor that's going to burn my eyes, punch me in the chest and make people avoid me. Stick to it and remember that you are not alone in this.


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Sep 17, 2013
Brighton Co
Its hard to find tobacco flavors that actually taste like tobacco. From what the vape shops tell me its the hardest to make because real tobacco taste comes from burning tobacco. I have some "tobacco flavors" that I buy regularly. They are the closest Ive found.
U.S. Tobacco
Sweet Virginia tobacco
Black and Mild
Brando (tobacco and Caramel)
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