Allergic to cigarettes?

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 13, 2013
:facepalm: The whole situation is so bizarre I just had to make a post. Anyone else became allergic to real cigarettes after switching to e-cigs?

I'm about 4 months in after smoking 1-1.5packs/day for 20 years. The switch was easy and I never looked back (was actually amazed how successful the transition was). Several weeks ago I noticed that smelling (even remotely) actual cigarette smoke was nothing short of repugnant. I generally have been trying to avoid exposing myself to smoke, of course not wanting to be an e-cig snob, but just can't help it. It's been increasingly so, but I just wrote it off to simply being unpleasant until this morning I was exposed to smoke. Immediately I felt an on-set of what seems to be like a nasty allergy attack. I understand that actual smoke does not cause allergies, it's an irritant and will just make things worse for those who suffer from allergies already. BUT this mild direct exposure caused coughing, headache, clogged sinuses, and it's been lasting all day effectively ruining my much awaited Saturday. I tried allergy medicine, and it's not helping.

Generally switching to e-cigs made me a much healthier person: I exercise better, have more endurance and just feeling great in general. Even dropped a few pounds because now I vape desserts instead of induing with sweets. Not to mention that I *love* that my car and clothes no longer stink. BUT... There's no way I could possibly be imagining this, so I'm curious to see if anyone else has had a similar experience.
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