Another success story!

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This summer I had to use an inhaler several times because of pollen combined with damage done to my lungs by being a heavy smoker for years. I decided enough was enough and picked up an Atmos starter kit at my local vape shop. As of 8/1 it's been 3 weeks since I've smoked a cigarette, and two since I even thought about one. This is the longest I've gone without smoking in almost 10 years; the past 5 years I've been smoking ~10 non-filtered, hand rolled, cigarettes a day only making my addiction worse. I'm not going to lie the first few days weren't the best and I vaped more in the first week than the next two weeks combined.

I don't know how I could ever stand the taste and smell of them! Now I can smell someone who smokes from a mile away. Food tastes better and smells are smellier, but I wish it was only the good ones.

I'm currently using an Atmos Optimus X 510, but I've caught the bug and recently spent $$$ on proper batteries (1300mah vv, and 2000mah vv), clearomizer (protank 3 and some evod clone from the vape shop which works great for $8) and a rba along with coil building supplies (ohm meter, wicking materials, diff wires). I can't wait to start playing with different coil and battery combinations! I love the DIY aspect that this hobby has. No one PV is alike and everyone has their own preferences.

I've been trying as many e liquids as I can too, but the speed at which I can vape limits me somewhat. So far I've only gone through only ~30mL of liquid at 1.8-1.2 mg/mL.

I know vaping was big in Portland, OR when I was living there, but I recently moved back to WI this past year. Any other Midwest vapers here?


ECF Guru
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Apr 16, 2013
North Carolina
to ecf MedicatedDeveloper. Glad to have you here. Congrats to the 3 weeks. Isn't vaping fantastic? It is the only thing that has ever worked for me. Continued success to you and happy vaping.
Congrats to the 3 weeks. Isn't vaping fantastic? It is the only thing that has ever worked for me. Continued success to you and happy vaping.

Thanks! :) It really is quite wonderful. I can only assume it's much better with a more powerful battery and coil setup so I can start to get some real clouds goin. This tiny battery and coil doesn't have nearly enough oomph anymore for my liking. Lets just hope this goal isn't some mythical carrot on a stick somewhat akin to what audiophiles suffer from.


Full Member
Aug 1, 2014
Thanks! :) It really is quite wonderful. I can only assume it's much and tter with a more powerful battery and coil setup so I can start to get some real clouds goin. This tiny battery and coil doesn't have nearly enough oomph anymore for my liking. Lets just hope this goal isn't some mythical carrot on a stick somewhat akin to what audiophiles suffer from.

Congrats on the 3 weeks guy, I've hit the two week mark now, mostly thanks to buying a decent dripper, and mod. (A mechanical clone with Sony vtc5 battery's)
The iclear tanks and ego battery's I started with were OK, they helped me to cut down, but were definitely lacking in clouds, and hugely in flavor. I nearly gave up on vaping with the ego+ I clears! So glad I persevered.
I also got some aroma ejuice with whole tobacco alkoloids yesterday, figure it'll satisfy those cravings - seems to be so far, and it is very tasty..


Ultra Member
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Apr 8, 2014
Congratulations! I'm over 130 days's been quite a journey. I started out not knowing a thing, then with the help of this forum and some study I now make my own coils, and even make my own e juice! This forum is wonderful! It's a great place to learn ,grow, and make new friends! I hope you enjoy your journey as much as I've enjoyed mine. Welcome and again, congratulations!


Ultra Member
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Feb 13, 2013
Congrats to ya, you've got the hard part down, it gets easier. I smoked 1-1/2 PAD for 42yrs, quit in 4 days, best thing we all could do. Just find what works for you, I still use my egos daily with different flavors, along with my larger mods. Not a cloud chaser, just want my nicotine and flavor, it works. Get your 5 posts in, then after the system updates, you can post in other areas. Lots of good people here to help, along with all the great info. Keep it up.

Tap'n on my S5
:toast: What are some good shops in Madison?
I have a friend in Janesville that could use a decent B&M...

There's Pipefitters in Madison which I haven't been to in ages and don't know if they have a large nic vape selection. However, Public Enemy Tattoo in Sun Prairie (east of Madison proper) has a fantastic selection. Jake, the owner, is very knowledgeable and their prices aren't too bad. They sell loads of starter kits from Egos w/cheap tanks, and some higher end batts with nicer tanks, to full on mod kits with all being reasonable for a B&M store (no clones being sold as authentic AFAIK too). Public Enemy is where I got my Atmos Optimus and it was a great price. Their liquid is kind of spendy, but quite good. They have their own 0mg nic brand which is very tasty as well as several other brands (the LSmoke Blueberry Tobacco 1.6% and Private Life Mango 1.2% are favs of mine). I'm ordering juice online as the prices are much better per mL compared to any B&M around here.

Outside of those two you're kinda relegated to adult shops around here. Of which I don't know if any have e-cigs instead of just the basic pipe, 'water pipe', herb vape stock that's pretty standard.
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