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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 26, 2013
Seattle area
First of all, I'm very encouraged to see the amazing response to this thread. Nicely done everyone!

Second, I see a simple solution to this lunacy. Submit a minor change to the proposed bill such that it maintains its pretend mission (as they would say it, intended goal) of preventing minors from purchasing tobacco. This can be accomplished by mandating verification of picture ID at the time of purchase, but an explicit ban of online sales or shipping is not actually required or necessary. Online vendors can verify a picture ID via Skype, Lync, video calls, iPhone FaceTime or any other camera device?

These legislators still think with an early 20th century view of the world. Let's beat them at their own game using all the technology and connectivity that the 21st century puts at our disposal.

Uncle Willie

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May 27, 2011
Meet Me in St Louie Louie
The restrictions of our freedoms is progressive.....they will see if they can get away with this and then push for even more restrictions....taxation is a form of restriction

Maybe .. but more likely, it's simply a grab for money .. just like the PACT / Jenkins Act was .. they simply want as large a piece of the tax pie as they can get ..

One of the reasons analogs are continually taxed more and more is they are an easy target .. yet no one is trying to ban them from being sold that I know of ..

Bill Godshall

Executive Director<br/> Smokefree Pennsylvania
ECF Veteran
Apr 2, 2009
Let's not panic folks.

HB 1500 isn't that much different than RJ Reynolds sponsored bills in OK, RI, NC and several other states last year, and we'll be facing lot of similar bills this year in different states.

The good news is that there is just on sponsor of HB 1500, and States don't have any legal authority to regulate the Internet or otherwise regulate interstate commerce (its in the Interstate Commerce clause of the US Constitution). So even if the bill is approved and signed into law, it is unlikely to be enforced after someone sues in federal court.

Perhaps the most effective way to kill the bill is to convince an anti porn Assemblyman to offer an amendment to the bill to also ban Internet porn in California.

Uncle Willie

Ultra Member
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May 27, 2011
Meet Me in St Louie Louie
First of all, I'm very encouraged to see the amazing response to this thread. Nicely done everyone!

Second, I see a simple solution to this lunacy. Submit a minor change to the proposed bill such that it maintains its pretend mission (as they would say it, intended goal) of preventing minors from purchasing tobacco. This can be accomplished by mandating verification of picture ID at the time of purchase, but an explicit ban of online sales or shipping is not actually required or necessary. Online vendors can verify a picture ID via Skype, Lync, video calls, iPhone FaceTime or any other camera device?

These legislators still think with an early 20th century view of the world. Let's beat them at their own game using all the technology and connectivity that the 21st century puts at our disposal.

I believe Photoshop would immediately nullify that method ..

Equality 7-2521

Moved On
ECF Veteran
Jan 29, 2013
oakland ca.
not alot of joy with this......tried to email the little ......, but it won't accepts emails unless your address is in his district.....gonna have give roger a call.
Just an FYI,
This is from V2 which I use also.

Hi @MTFogger, thanks for sharing. Yes we are aware of it and are working on a response + plan of action, which will hopefully be executed by EOD today. We are working with our advocacy group (SFATA) to protest and prevent these bills from becoming law. In the mean time, we are encouraging everyone to comment on Assemblymember Roger Dickinson's (D-Sacramento) Facebook page as well as call and email him protesting that the bill not be passed in California.

You can click the "contact Roger" button to email or call him: Assemblymember Roger Dickinson Representing the 7th California Assembly District

The same goes for the CO Bill. Please contact the elected officials sponsoring the bill via email, telephone and social media:

Senator Matt Jones - Colorado Senate District 17

Senator Jeanne Nicholson

Equality 7-2521

Moved On
ECF Veteran
Jan 29, 2013
oakland ca.
brilliant Doc.
First of all, I'm very encouraged to see the amazing response to this thread. Nicely done everyone!

Second, I see a simple solution to this lunacy. Submit a minor change to the proposed bill such that it maintains its pretend mission (as they would say it, intended goal) of preventing minors from purchasing tobacco. This can be accomplished by mandating verification of picture ID at the time of purchase, but an explicit ban of online sales or shipping is not actually required or necessary. Online vendors can verify a picture ID via Skype, Lync, video calls, iPhone FaceTime or any other camera device?

These legislators still think with an early 20th century view of the world. Let's beat them at their own game using all the technology and connectivity that the 21st century puts at our disposal.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 3, 2014
North Carolina
Get real.....our local B&M shops have everything to gain from this bill. It will force us to buy from them, whatever taxation results from this will be passed onto us the consumer.Our friendly little B&M shops are gonna donate money to get this bill through.DIY juice making is about to go through the roof.... hell drive over to nevada, buy a bunch of nic base and everything else is legal. this is effectively gonna put a big hit on juice makers, there gonna lose a portion of the ca. market.Lucky for me that my juice maker is in ca. but this embargo will drive the price up which in turn means, with higher prices I may decide to make my own juice, which will mean my juice company may not sell as much juice, and the state will lose revenue.

Of course to committ acts of brutality and oppression against a segment of the population you must first demonize them. and so now vapers will be painted as drug peddlers putting teenagers feet on the road to drugs, rather than responsible citizens trying to find healthier alternatives.The same politicans that campaign on the platform of a woman right to abortion, her right to regulate her own body(which I support) these same politicians tell me I have no right to regulate my body.

Yes its real. Of course local shops will benefit, I referenced that earlier, until all states do it and shops close due to the lose of internet sales. Then they will stop issuing business permits to open new shops and last they can even revoke shop license like they did in Utah.


Super Member
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Nov 2, 2013
Florida (east coast)
Perhaps the most effective way to kill the bill is to convince an anti porn Assemblyman to offer an amendment to the bill to also ban Internet porn in California.

They been trying that one and many big studios have relocated to Florida. :laugh:

I know many vendors here are already gearing up to move underground. Even if this passes there is simply no way to enforce the law on all fronts. FastTech and the rest of our friends in Asia are not going to quit shipping to California. So the only ones affected will be legitimate business owners and tax payers.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 26, 2013
Seattle area
I believe Photoshop would immediately nullify that method ..

#1 It's pretty hard to Photoshop a live video chat
#2 Using a false ID is a crime already; and vendors in person or via webcam have no qualifications or responsibility to determine the authenticity of gov't IDs
#3 As far as this bill is concerned, age verification from a gov't picture ID in person or via live video are substantially equivalent in both scope and method.


Ultra Member
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Aug 23, 2011
In the Market
I have to say it YOU GET WHAT YOU VOTE FOR end of rant!

The sad truth, of course is that you get what OTHER people (and financially interested parties) vote for.
Voters, in general, have no right to complain. They know the rules of the game, and voluntarily play.

Uncle Willie

Ultra Member
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May 27, 2011
Meet Me in St Louie Louie
First of all, I'm very encouraged to see the amazing response to this thread. Nicely done everyone!

Second, I see a simple solution to this lunacy. Submit a minor change to the proposed bill such that it maintains its pretend mission (as they would say it, intended goal) of preventing minors from purchasing tobacco. This can be accomplished by mandating verification of picture ID at the time of purchase, but an explicit ban of online sales or shipping is not actually required or necessary. Online vendors can verify a picture ID via Skype, Lync, video calls, iPhone FaceTime or any other camera device?

These legislators still think with an early 20th century view of the world. Let's beat them at their own game using all the technology and connectivity that the 21st century puts at our disposal.

#1 It's pretty hard to Photoshop a live video chat
#2 Using a false ID is a crime already; and vendors in person or via webcam have no qualifications or responsibility to determine the authenticity of gov't IDs
#3 As far as this bill is concerned, age verification from a gov't picture ID in person or via live video are substantially equivalent in both scope and method.

I was under the impression the video chat would require the ID to be presented on camera for the vendors inspection ..

At any rate, there are a number of age verification methods that are used routinely on-line ..

◦Alcohol sales
◦Rated entertainment
◦Wireless mobile content
◦Subscription based services
◦Online dating
◦Restricted access websites
◦Promotional item requests

etc .. the databases that are out there these days know the color of the first car you ever registered .. :)

Equality 7-2521

Moved On
ECF Veteran
Jan 29, 2013
oakland ca.
The state tax on a pack of cigs in ca. is 87 cents. The state tax on a gallon of wine in ca. 20 cents.
cigarette smokers, are painted as pathetic losers who need to disappear, this gives people the moral high ground to lay a tax burden on them.

wine drinkers due to the amount of money the winerie's lobbyists give corrupt state politicans, get to rape chosen watersheds for their vines, and a low sin tax. wine drinkers aren't pathetic alcholics that need to dissappear, but rather discerning gourmets who provide cultural leadership, and jobs.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 13, 2014
Welwyn, Herts UK
This would create a centralized system whereby the great Internet computer God could "decide" what you are allowed to purchase online. Centralization is a setback. One thing that makes the Internet so powerful is the inherent decentralization of it all. Just consider, the only reason we even have a fighting chance in this country is because the states are decentralized from one another and must write and pass their own legislation, separately from one another. And, because the Internet is decentralized, we can all communicate with each, inform one another, and then create work-arounds. An informed populace is critical to the survival of individual freedom. An Internet ID basically destroys the world's last vestige of true freedom.

BBC News - Net neutrality threatened by court

Wont be long till they take that away to.

Equality 7-2521

Moved On
ECF Veteran
Jan 29, 2013
oakland ca.
Yeah I know people don't want to hear it, but especially with the technology we have now....We are facing a pardigm on the planet now, of totalitarinisim like our grandparents and great grandparenta faced in the 1930's.In Europe and America, hell worldwide smiling, handsome, men with expressive eyes, and toothbrush mustaches, are making promises of utopian granduer, and benevolent motives.....all we have to do is hand our freedom over to them....you can trust them.
BBC News - Net neutrality threatened by court

Wont be long till they take that away to.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Aug 26, 2013
Central Texas
Yeah I know people don't want to hear it, but especially with the technology we have now....We are facing a pardigm on the planet now, of totalitarinisim like our grandparents and great grandparenta faced in the 1930's.In Europe and America, hell worldwide smiling, handsome, men with expressive eyes, and toothbrush mustaches, are making promises of utopian granduer, and benevolent motives.....all we have to do is hand our freedom over to them....you can trust them.

Sad, but true


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
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Oct 22, 2013
Yeah I know people don't want to hear it, but especially with the technology we have now....We are facing a pardigm on the planet now, of totalitarinisim like our grandparents and great grandparenta faced in the 1930's.In Europe and America, hell worldwide smiling, handsome, men with expressive eyes, and toothbrush mustaches, are making promises of utopian granduer, and benevolent motives.....all we have to do is hand our freedom over to them....you can trust them.

And this issue is starting to feel a lot like the Boston Tea Party. How long until we start dumping their tobacco into the bay?

This country got started because of taxation without representation and burdensome taxes to pay for wars we didn't want.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 16, 2010
san francisco
A couple of years ago when I first got into vaping, I bought some small batteries from Modern Vapor for the first time. A few minutes after I placed the order, they called me and said I had to verify my age because I lived in California and their website age-verification page wasn't properly in place yet. The nice young lady who called and I figured out that if I couldn't fax my driver's license (I was nowhere near a fax) then I could simply take a phone picture of myself holding my license. I did. It worked.

The age verification page isn't sufficient (Check here if you're over 18)... what underage person is ever going to tick the other one?

The faxing option is slightly better but not foolproof.

The "hold your license next to your face and take a picture and send it to us right now" option was kind of perfect. I wish I knew then what I know now. They deserved a battlefield promotion for that idea and didn't even know about the war yet.

If you had to that, how would verification not work? Or what if you had to Skype all your online orders? There has to be some merit to these options. What am I missing?
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Gone Fishin'
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Dec 8, 2012
Reading Naked
Yeah I know people don't want to hear it, but especially with the technology we have now....We are facing a pardigm on the planet now, of totalitarinisim like our grandparents and great grandparenta faced in the 1930's.In Europe and America, hell worldwide smiling, handsome, men with expressive eyes, and toothbrush mustaches, are making promises of utopian granduer, and benevolent motives.....all we have to do is hand our freedom over to them....you can trust them.

Good post!, is it time for a party change Statewide? If so, how do you get through to the voters in the State to pay close attention to the political arena that directly affects themselves?

If not, how do you get through to the voters in the State to pay close attention to the political arena that directly affects themselves?

Party affiliation is unimportant to me as there many like myself that are unbiased in any political arena although I lean towards being a Traditionalist. I love my guns, I dislike big gub'ment, I support the military, I respect others affiliation, I despise Hollywood and their uneducated stance on any subject, I am against the involvement in the Middle East and still try to make a difference. EDIT - I am a USMC Vet.

I also think it is too late to change as we fight ourselves before we fight for our rights as humans.

Imo - many US Voters have become lazy, uninterested and/or complacent. It is unfortunate but, I see this issue as being just an effect of the lazy American epidemic. No one cares about politics until an issue directly affects them. Whether it is gun control, parental rights, ecigs, etc.. How many lessons need to be taught before many admit, "I need to pay attention to the big picture because together WE can make a difference. A proactive approach is much healthier than a reactive one. History tells the future of what is to come for California and the Nation.

Elitists will continue to make decisions for you until you stand up and say "Enough".

Good Luck California
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