Call to action chicago, illinois

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
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Dec 29, 2013
Belle Rive, Illinois, United States
Joint Committee meeting MONDAY.(January 13, 2014) - likely considering an ordinance banning e-cigarette use wherever smoking is prohibited and possibly other restrictions.
Dear Dustin, . .

An ordinance regulating e-cigarettes in the City of Chicago is scheduled to be introduced in a joint committee on MONDAY, January 13th, 2014. .
We are still trying to confirm details, but we believe the ordinance includes a ban on vaping wherever smoking is prohibited (among other things).
It appears that the City of Chicago is once again deliberately failing to provide advance notice in an effort to eliminate opposition to the ordinance. .(See.December 2013 CTA.where they tried the same thing last month and see..this article.where opposition from vapers defeated the measure.)
CASAA strongly encourages vapers to (i) call and email aldermen as well as (ii) attend and ask to speak at the Joint Committee meeting.

Monday, January 13, AM
Joint Committee on Finance and Committee on Health and Environmental Protection
City Council Chamber, City Hall (121 N LaSalle St. in Chicago)..
Please see the CASAA Call to Action (link below) for full information (including contact information for aldermen) and what you can do..
.CASAA Call to Action for Chicago
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