Call to Action for Madison, Wisconsin

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Apr 15, 2014
Yes, that's why I put science in quotes, the justification for that ticket is as absurd as a ban on indoor vaping.

I have to disagree. Noise pollution is very real, and I'm a car guy, my '65 rumbles happily, but when I'm in a residential area I keep the revs low. I'm not 17 years old anymore.

Getting a ticket for engulfing a neighborhood with apocalyptic 4 banger straight pipe farting is perfectly deserved because there are MANY ways to run a racing exhaust without making unecessary noise that'll set off car alarms in people's driveways. Just don't rev it when you pull up in a residential area that's all. I think automotive performance regulations in Canada are actually too strict, but when you go to a car meet you understand why it's like that. People are immature.



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Apr 15, 2014
here, once something becomes law, it's near impossible for it to get taken off the books. So the idea of ban it now until we know it's safe, even though we really think it's safe anyway, doesn't fly.
You mean like Colorado legalizing .........?

Or gay marriage?

Things move a lot faster in the age of the internet. Don't be negative.


Vaping Master
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Feb 5, 2013
Sacramento, California
You mean like Colorado legalizing .........?

Or gay marriage?

Things move a lot faster in the age of the internet. Don't be negative.

The "other stuff" was made a schedule I substance in 1970. 40 years later some states are legalizing it, though it is still illegal on a Federal level. I don't want vaping to be illegal for the next 40 years, do you?

Some states began prohibiting same-sex marriage in 1971, again, 40 years later we are slowly overcoming that.


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Sep 7, 2014
Next they will ban flatulence in public places because it'll be disturbing in restaurants... Overly flatulant people shouldn't be allowed in public spaces as it releases toxins into the air that may be cancer causing or not.... We don't know yet...

Someone needs to run a flatulance study to see if the chemicals are intact cancerous but until then... No flatulance

*sarcasm: don't be sheep... If u want your rights protected go and fight for it.. Whoever wants it more will fight harder and win... That's justice right there


Super Member
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Apr 8, 2010
You are not entitled to anything just because you are vaping instead of smoking guys.

Vaping should not be allowed in restaurants, bars, movie theaters, etc because it's annoying.

Abstaining from blowing out vapor in a restaurant is not akin to "giving up a right", it's a question of respect. If the police knocks at your door because you are vaping in your home then yeah, you are losing rights, until then, calm down or up your nic level.

To answer JohnnyDill : I'm on ECF because it's an information hub for vaping in general. The legislative aspect of ECF does not interest me in the least because it's mostly made up of people who think vaping is like drinking water.

I've been called a government infiltrator here, I've been called a spy, a liberal, a conservative, a republican, a frothing democrat, a redneck, a hipster, a survivalist, a fatalist, disinforer, I've been accused of sabotage and of course, since I've been here for a while and no one is abstained from Godwin's law, a nazi.

Mostly in the legislative and legal sections of the forum though, in other sections of ECF, it's all good.

All because when I'm in a restaurant I hate to smell things apart from my food. Especially when it comes in the form of clouds of anything coming out of someone else's face who is not even sitting at my table. When I'm at the movies I hate it when some ...... blows up a cloud that obscures the screen.

So yeah, it's a good decision to ban vaping in public places, and you're gonna have to deal with it because if you're the kind of person who thinks vaping should not be regulated in any way shape or form and should be allowed anywhere at anytime, you are part of the reason why the antz want it banned in the first place. Have you ever thought about it that way?

This sort of shortsightedness is why I scoff at 80% of the vaping paranoia that I see in this sort of thread. The fact that I have to point this out to you as a brand new perspective is worrying to say the least. 90% of people are non smokers/non-vapers, they don't care what it is, and they don't HAVE to care either. If you talk to the proverbial antz you'll realize that they think e-cigs are actually pretty awesome, but that they are just as annoying as stinkers when it comes to public places. Antz don't HAVE to educate themselves on a subject they don't care about, and if you think otherwise let me bring you back to earth. Vaping is YOUR thing, not the World's thing. You are someone else's ant by the way, just so you know. We're all someone else's antz.

Our job is not to educate antz, our job is to enjoy our vape respectfully and responsibly so non-smokers/non-vapers have NOTHING on us. At the moment we are not doing that. At the moment we are arguing that because vaping is safer than cigs, it should be allowed to happen in places where plumes of airborne chemicals are not welcome. No one is debating the health aspct of vaping here, we are debating why it is disrespectful to do it in many many public places, and the safety of it has nothing do to with it. Keep your perspectives in check son, jeez.

Here's a fun experiment : Get out of the house every once in a while, go into a restaurant and blow your vape in someone's face while they eat. Then when they look at you like you have no respect, just whip out your smart phone and read them "Peering through the mist" aloud and see if they like you better.

Have a nice day regardless.
You have been a member of ECf for about 7 months. You have not fought the battle for keeping e-cigs available and the real scientific data being published. Try reading not only the CASAA history and the legal battles we have been through and the people who have donated time and money to keep this life saving product available,but try reading posts from the American Council on Science and Health.Expand your education on the subject of e-cigs--you might find it enlightening.


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Jan 30, 2009
Des Moines, IA
Although I think most of the folks posting on this thread have made the point well and it probably goes without saying . . .

It is probably hard for someone who hasn't been involved in this battle for a sustained period of time to fully appreciate all of the nuances.

Property owners should have the right to decide what they will allow on their premises, especially in a case such as this where there is no indication of any appreciable risk to bystanders.

Some restaurants and bars will welcome vaping with open arms, a way to keep folks on the premises (and drinking/eating) . . . others will feel that vaping detracts from the ambiance they are trying to create. Those businesses should be free to do what they wish, and either allow or prohibit e-cigarette use, much as they do now in most areas. And, by extension, patrons can decide which businesses they wish to open their pocketbooks to. ;)

When the government passes a law such as what is being considered by Madison, however, all choices are taken away.

We are not fighting for our right to vape anywhere and everywhere whenever we please. Rather, we fighting against the government prohibiting it pretty much everywhere. And lest you think I'm being overly dramatic, the anti-smoking zealotry has become so pervasive that smoking--and e-cigarette use--is now being banned in outdoor areas and multi-family dwellings.

You don't mind not vaping in a restaurant? Fine. Don't. You don't like others vaping in a restaurant? Fine. Go to a business that prohibits it. But just because you don't like something doesn't mean that we should be looking to the government to ban it.

Good grief.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 15, 2014
You have been a member of ECf for about 7 months. You have not fought the battle for keeping e-cigs available and the real scientific data being published. Try reading not only the CASAA history and the legal battles we have been through and the people who have donated time and money to keep this life saving product available,but try reading posts from the American Council on Science and Health.Expand your education on the subject of e-cigs--you might find it enlightening.

I have have actually mentionned one of the greatest studies ever published on the subject in this very thread. Practice what you preach and read. It honestly saddens me that you want to be my "rights to vape" spokesperson. I have read enough studies to make myself sick and I have proof read many local vape shop documents before their release to make sure they were free of typos and legal holes. My day job is to teach to police officers, I don't assume you have read that either, but I don't assume you knew I used that experience to help a vape shop owner since I haven't mentionned it in this thread.

Please don't assume you know me from a join date on an internet forum just because my stance on vaping is slightly different than yours.

It is probably hard for someone who hasn't been involved in this battle for a sustained period of time to fully appreciate all of the nuances.

LOL see above but whatever. This is far from one of the most nuanced fights I've ever taken a part in either, but it's a necessary one, obviously. Every battle is also fought on public perception and we haven't quite gotten the hang of it yet. It's not that surprizing though. It's not like vapers don't know what being demonized means, most of us being ex smokers. Being on the defensive side of things has been a big part of our lives before, but it's not like it needs to keep going that way.

My point is mostly about maturity in the "fight", and we're not there yet. What has been posted above is true, the discussion is circular.

I wish you all good luck nonetheless, hoping the childish and overly confrontational attitude will not backfire on MY rights to vape responsibly. Afterall, bad press is still good press right? When vapers learn a bit of PR they won't have to be that defensive anymore.
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Ultra Member
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Jan 27, 2010
Kansas City, Missouri
Please don't assume you know me from a join date on an internet forum just because my stance on vaping is slightly different than yours.

"Slightly"? Your stance is fundamentally different. You favor governmental bans on public vaping because you find it "annoying."


ECF Guru
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Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin

The Madison-Dane County Board of Health meeting has been PUSHED UP to December 11, 2014 (TOMORROW!) at 5:30 PM at Madison Water Utility 119 E. Olin Ave., Conf. Rm. A and B.

The agenda has been posted here: Board of Health Meeting Agenda and e-cigarettes are agenda item #9, but public comment period is near the beginning of the meeting. The meeting is open to the public, however the Board requests commentrs be limited to 5 minutes each.

NOTE: There is no doubt in my mind that this was quietly pushed up from the December 17th to intentionally make it difficult for vaping advocates to make a good showing. If you couldn't make it tonight, please go to this meeting tomorrow! If you went tonight and can make it tomorrow, please do so. If someone can print out the WSAC booklet and get it delivered to the BOH members (see Call to Action link below) sometime early in the day tomorrow, that would be very helpful!

CASAA: Call to Action! Madison Wisconsin E-cigarette Use Ban


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 29, 2014
From casaa website :

UPDATE 12/11/2014
The Board of Health is recomending the ordinance to the coty council. The Board of Park Commissioners declined the changes.

The ordinance now goes back to the city council for a final vote, most likely at the next meeting on January 6, 2015 at 6:30 PM.

Please check back frequently for updates and join the Wisconsin Smoke-free Alternatives Coalition on Facebook!
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