Capella 2015

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Sep 22, 2014
Hello DYI'ers,

I'm doing my research and trying to decide if I want to try my hand at DIY for myself. I've got my basic supply list down and now I'm trying to figure out what flavors to start with. I've read in a couple places that Capella flavoring needs a pretty high percentage in most recipes, or at least on average more than other vendors. On another thread I found tonight it was posted that around 2012 Capella started diluting their flavors.

With 3 kids still at home I'm on a budget with vaping in general, but more so with trying to get the DIY thing going. Is it worth the money to buy into Capella flavorings? Are there some Capella's that you just can't live without? I've seen lots of good things said about their vanilla's and strawberry's...being a lover of bakery flavored juices should I spring for their flavorings? Or are their alternatives that are a better investment?

Thanks for any help!
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ECF DIY E-Liquid Guru
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Apr 12, 2013
New Jersey
If your going to start DYI I recommend hangsen or Inawera flavoring. There a little more expensive but more concentrated so you use far less. There also easier to get right the first time. You may be on a budget but spending a little more now will save you a lot in the long run. Also making juice yourself will cost you $1.50 to $3.50 per 30ml and compared to $20.00 a bottle for the premixed stuff your already coming out way ahead. You can get them here.

Bull City Vapor - Best Prices on DIY e-liquid Supplies

Also do some research before you start

My blogs will give insight into all aspects of DIY, from steeping to what supplies to have on hand to a basic walk through mixing your first E-juice.

E-Cigarette Forum - dannyv45 - Blogs

Then read hoosier's blogs. These blogs concentrate on fine tuning your mix and give insight on additives.

E-Cigarette Forum - Hoosier - Blogs

Then read Boletus's blog's. These blogs concentrate on formulation of nicotine bases regarding proper calculations methods for figuring Nicotine concentration as well as safety.

E-Cigarette Forum - Boletus - Blogs

Then read Ginger's book "E-Cigarettes 102: DIY E-Liquid". It is a book which I've contributed to that delivers an in depth easy to follow guide in the art of DYI.

E-Cigarettes 102: DIY E-Liquid

I recommend viewing VPLive Vape Team Episode #82: DIY Safety and bookmark it for future reference. It explains safety in all aspects of DYI.

VPLive Vape Team Episode #82: DIY Safety

then read the stickies at the top of the page.

this will explain a lot of the how's and why's.
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Ultra Member
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Oct 3, 2014
Sacramento, CA
New to DIY cappella flavoring are very easy to work with. I find them tasty anywhere between 6-12 depending on the flavor\mix.

Vanilla custard v1 is great bad stuff and all
Sweet strawberry
Golden pineapple
Sweet cream
Cinnamon Danish swirl
French vanilla

Are all flavors I have re-ordered. If you look on bull city vapor and sort by brand and then best sellers you will get a really good idea of flavors that are good.

The thing about cappella is they are hard to over flavor with. Not impossible but more difficult. And the flavors stand up well to higher wattages. They have a few I haven't liked Boston cream pie and blueberry cinnamon danish come to mind. Glazed doughnut and cake batter are average to me. But the point is these flavors get great reviews by others yet I think they are meh. This will be true of any flavor line. Bull city is a great place for cap flavors. Vu6 will get you a discount as well. Less than 20 cents a ml for flavoring makes them pretty affordable.

Have fun and let us know how it goes for you.


ECF DIY E-Liquid Guru
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Apr 12, 2013
New Jersey
Just to clearify I'm not saying capella is bad it's just my opinion. I've used capella many times with great results and have several flavors from them. Hangsen and Inawera are just my personal preference flavorings for taste and ease of use.

Robert Cromwell

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Feb 16, 2015
New to DIY cappella flavoring are very easy to work with. I find them tasty anywhere between 6-12 depending on the flavor\mix.

Vanilla custard v1 is great bad stuff and all
Sweet strawberry
Golden pineapple
Sweet cream
Cinnamon Danish swirl
French vanilla

Are all flavors I have re-ordered. If you look on bull city vapor and sort by brand and then best sellers you will get a really good idea of flavors that are good.

The thing about cappella is they are hard to over flavor with. Not impossible but more difficult. And the flavors stand up well to higher wattages. They have a few I haven't liked Boston cream pie and blueberry cinnamon danish come to mind. Glazed doughnut and cake batter are average to me. But the point is these flavors get great reviews by others yet I think they are meh. This will be true of any flavor line. Bull city is a great place for cap flavors. Vu6 will get you a discount as well. Less than 20 cents a ml for flavoring makes them pretty affordable.

Have fun and let us know how it goes for you.
All of those are GREAT flavors. I like em.
And yes it is a matter of taste. I have found NO inawera flavors yet that I can tolerate. All give aftertaste and or actually give tingling and worse impacts to my mouth.
Again it is a matter of taste and I have the Bitter Gene and apparently am a super taster.
Most people have no issues with the Inawera flavors and love them.
I do tolerate the Capella flavors better. Cinnamon danish swirl and Vanilla custard are both ADV's with me. I add some CAP sweet cream and Vanilla custard to the Cinnamon Danish swirl.

I do like the Hangsen Desert Ship tobacco flavor the best of any I have tried so far. The CAP tobacco flavors I do not like.


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Mar 25, 2014
United States
My ADV for the first 6 months I started vaping was Capella waffle at 3% mixed with equal amounts of their maple syrup and cinnamon danish swirl plus a few drops of hazelnut, sweet cream and marshmallow. Out of the other 50+ flavors I've tried since then the only ones I really like are Inawera chocomint mixed with their biscuit (my favorite base) at 1 drop per 2ml, and TFA cinnamon red hot PG by itself at 6%


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Sep 22, 2014
From the posts on this thread it looks like it doesn't take as much Capella flavoring as I thought it would to make a tasty juice. Looking at some recipes and posts I was under the impression that it would take 2x-3x as much CAP flavoring as some others to get to decent taste.

Thanks for the links dannyv45, I've read both your blogs and Hoosier's and found them both very helpful, I've got some specific posts bookmarked to refer back to. I'll definitely check out the other links as well. I have the Hangsens RY1 on my 'to buy' list. Since I'm just diving into DIY I thought I would try some posted recipes first before trying to come up with my own but I haven't seen many with Hangsen or Inawera flavoring used in them. Aside from the Hangsens tobaccos I only have the Biscuit flavor from Inawera on my list. Are there some other bakery or fruits (that'll go well in bakery juice) that you'd recommend? Right now Ahlusion is my go to juice supplier and they have a smokey, nutty, caramel tobacco that I LOVE, anything else that would work in that flavor profile would be great too? I really like the idea of more concentrated flavoring that won't be gone and have to be re-ordered right away. That was really my concern with CAP, that a 10ml tester juice would use 1/4 of a bottle of flavoring.

Sketchness, funny but all the flavors you listed are on my 'Capella's To Buy' list except the Pineapple, just since I'm not a pineapple fan in juice. I also have their Strawberry & Cream, plain Custard, Vanilla Cupcake, NY Cheesecake, Juicy Peach, French Toast, Chocolate Glazed Doughnut & Butter (once I get past not smoking stinky's I'll worry about bad juice stuffs). With what you listed too that's my entire CAP list for now. I'm glad you like them and they hold up well to high temps, it reinforces that spending the $ will be worth it to try them out. A bit OT but while you're here... I've seen you post about Heartland Nic and I'm seriously having a hard time deciding between them and Vapers Tek. I'm at 18nic right now and using sub ohm tanks, I get that Vapers Tek is very clean and clear, at my nic level do you think it's worth the price difference? Would Heartland be too harsh? I haven't seen anyone make the "peppery" comment about Heartland but most folks are at 3mg-6mg, not 18 so I worry at 18mg it'll kill my throat.

Thanks moneymike and Robert Cromwell for the flavoring ideas, they sound like exactly what I like to vape! Robert, I think my buds are the exact opposite of yours, everything is dull and muted to me. I bartend in Nevada, where smoking is legal inside, I've had a hard time quitting with everyone around me lighting up, I've gone back and forth from vaping to smoking and back again. Aside from that killing my taste, being able to smoke at work for the last 4years or so also seems to have done them in. Just more of a reason to diy and make my juice how it works for me.

Edit: Thanks also for the Bull City referrals and discount code. Their site was down last night when I was comparing prices and you guys reminded me to go back today and look. They do have great prices, and that means I get to add on another couple flavorings and stay on budget, woot!
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Oct 3, 2014
Sacramento, CA
I have some heartland and it is a good nic for the price. I prefer nicotine river in that price range. Not sure why as they are both nicselect. I personally think the vaperstek is worth it. You can also order a sample from nude nicotine for a couple bucks. It will make almost 100mls at your nic level. I think nude and vt are a cut above the others. Still worth having a vapocalypse liter of heartland in the freezer.

What equipment are you using? I couldn't stay stopped until I stepped up to a dripper. And I would have to second dannyv on hangsen and Inawera for tobaccos.

And I think I like tfa cheese cake graham crust better than caps cheesecake. Well I like a blend but that is a different post.
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Sep 22, 2014
Thanks! I think I'll go with VT to start. I was looking at Nude but after doing some online reading I changed my mind. I may still order a sample after I've tried DIY and I know it's for me. Right now I'm using Subtanks, I really like them and they've helped quite a bit but I think I'm going to try the TC at some point. I use my dripper but just to test flavors before loading a tank.

But back On Topic: So the Cheesecake is a perfect example of what I'm seeing with CAP flavors. Reading reviews of the CAP NY Cheesecake the ratio of 10%-15% is referenced while the TFA Cheesecake (Graham Cracker Crust) is 2%-6%. Such a difference in the recommended amount??


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May 17, 2015
Hey guys, I have Capella Custard, Whipped Cream, and Super Sweet, and won't have more flavorings for awhile.

Does anyone have any tips on how I could salvage these? At the very least, I'd settle with just a fluffy, puffy slightly sweet vapor, at most I'm hoping I can coax the Custard out (my bottle really seems lacking in flavor.)

I'm mixing High VG (80%) and with what I have on hand, I'm simply trying to drip the flavors into 60ml bottles and shake (don't ask! Long story!). Any recipe ideas that might work? I'm desperate!


Reviewer / Blogger
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Jan 24, 2014
Capella's Sweet Cream is one of my can't-be-without-it flavors; AFAIK, it's diketone-free, and the taste/smell is absolutely authentic -- I even add it to foods that benefit from a cream flavor, since it's hard to get cream flavor from 2% milk. :D


Robert Cromwell

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Feb 16, 2015
Capella's Sweet Cream is one of my can't-be-without-it flavors; AFAIK, it's diketone-free, and the taste/smell is absolutely authentic -- I even add it to foods that benefit from a cream flavor, since it's hard to get cream flavor from 2% milk. :D

Yep love the sweet cream as well, but the Bavarian Cream?
have a 4 oz bottle of Sweet Cream.


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Jan 24, 2014
Yep love the sweet cream as well, but the Bavarian Cream?

Haven't tried it, since I'm happy with the TFA DX Bavarian. I know you don't care about diketones, but I'm very picky about them; since I know I like the diketone-free Dx Bavarian, I see no need to look further.

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