Casey & PS & Others - BE112 atty

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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 10, 2009
Something I have discovered on the forums everybody has his/her favorite equipment. What one person loves another hates. It personal preference. Personally I use nothing but 801's whereas Jim Davis uses 510's and so on. It's just whatever you like.

While this is true, we were discussing the differences between manufactures. It seems that the True or SLB atomizers are good for dripping because they hold more liquid in the atty. The RN or BE or whatever work good with carts because they wick better, That's all we were talking about.
I just tried a BE112 801 atty on my three day old Prodigy. ... why don't you use these as original?

Steve has said something about working on a new atty, designing
it from the ground up.

I have enough attys to last me until he perfects what he's working
on. If not, I'll buy a five pack of the BE112 801 to tide me over...



Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 8, 2009
New Jersey USA
Sorry, measurable performance differences are not opinion. And that's a fact!
Setting aside clear quality control problems, even when there are measurable differences, I would have to agree with truckdriving mouse.

901 vs 4075 and 801 vs 4072 for example. A lot of people prefer the low bridge RNs. It's a nice vape, and uses liquid in a cart fairly efficiently. But other people prefer the high bridge SLB. Less heat, which some would call lower performance, and they don't wick as well. But some people find it a smoother, tastier vape, and the attys may well last longer. So wouldn't it be a matter of personal opinion?

There are pros and cons to most e-cig options. Models that excel in one respect can suck in another. We all have our opinions, and choose what we like best.



Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 18, 2009
Dickson TN
I'm dealing with this exact same opinion/preference with one of my friends right now. It just astounds me that she prefers the mini cig to the 801.

But as Gary points out, it a fact that the DSE801 is the most superior style of vaping. But that fact only remains true until I walk out the door of my house. Go figure....



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May 18, 2009
Sunny South Carolina


Super Member
ECF Veteran
May 18, 2009
Sunny South Carolina

Steve started the thread. What is your interpretation.
We're fresh out of fries. How about a nice salad.

Granted he posted a thread called "WHY Do People Want Better Atomizers ????". I just don't get the leap from that to ""Steve has said something about working on a new atty, designing it from the ground up." Perhaps you can point out a better clue to that makes that connection.

No freaking salad - drop the fries.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 18, 2009
Jacksonville, Florida
Sorry in advance Steve....

Gary, are you always a .....???!!! All of your posts lack content and are full of smart ... snide remarks. Do you ever have anything positive to say? Do you ever feel the need to really help someone or steer the mis-guided? I have seen many of your posts and I can not say that I have ever seen you honestly helping someone or having anything positive to say. You don't even accept PM's which tells me you are a hermit or you got too much hate mail.

Bottom line... if you don't have anything good to say, or advice to contribute, then don't post. Nobody wants your negative comments!!!

Mikie Likes It

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 24, 2009
Cincinnati, OH
Sheer, I have had the exact same complaint with mine, and did not enjoy the prodigy until I bought different attys. Same metallic taste, and it was like sucking through a small straw in a thick milk shake. I thought it was just me, and that it was a coincidence that I might have got two bad attys. At least I know Im not the only one.
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