CDC issues two more ads featuring Kristi criticizing e-cigs

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Bill Godshall

Executive Director<br/> Smokefree Pennsylvania
ECF Veteran
Apr 2, 2009
Today, CDC issued a press release announcing new anti vaping ads that deceitfully insinuate vaping caused Kristy’s lung to collapse (which was almost certainly caused by Kristi's cigarette smoking);
Powerful new ads mark the 5th year of the successful “Tips From Former Smokers” campaign | CDC Online Newsroom | CDC

One new CDC ad features CDC funded Kristy criticizing e-cigs because they didn’t help her quit smoking, and falsely claiming vaping is smoking.

Andother new CDC ad features CDC funded Kristy saying vaping didn’t help her quit smoking

Note that in April 2014, CDC offered $2,500 to smokers who began using e-cigarettes or smokeless tobacco to reduce their cigarette consumption (but not to quit smoking), and then were diagnosed with a serious disease, to tell their story in a CDC propaganda video.
CDC is Looking for Ex-Smokers for New TIPS campaign
CDC looking for exsmokers who were dual users of e-cigs, smokeless tobacco or cigars and were diagnosed with serious health condition

Then in March 2015, CDC held a press conference to announce their new ads, invited Kristi to speak at the press conference, and revealed a print ad featuring Kristy saying
“I started using e-cigarettes but kept smoking. Right up until my lung collapsed.”
New CDC ad falsely attributes lung disease to vaping,CDC to hold press conference today
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 21, 2013
chattanooga, tn, usa
So, if someone contracts lung cancer, COPD, etc. while using the patch, gum, inhaler while continuing to smoke, it is the fault of those NRT's?........Doesn't the CDC realize how stupid this reasoning is and how easily their ads can be rebutted? Don't they understand how badly their integrity and reputation suffers when putting out trash like this? .......How the tobacco arm of the CDC infects the rest of the areas of CDC? Why should I believe ANY information the CDC puts out on anything? :(


Reviewer / Blogger
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jan 24, 2014
So, if someone contracts lung cancer, COPD, etc. while using the patch, gum, inhaler while continuing to smoke, it is the fault of those NRT's?........Doesn't the CDC realize how stupid this reasoning is and how easily their ads can be rebutted? Don't they understand how badly their integrity and reputation suffers when putting out trash like this? .......How the tobacco arm of the CDC infects the rest of the areas of CDC? Why should I believe ANY information the CDC puts out on anything? :(

Wow that is despicable. What's up with the USA. :facepalm:

I will be sending an email to, it will make me feel better.


And be sure to let them know that now, if they issue an alert about smallpox mixed with bubonic plague, many people will think they're lying about that just as they are about e-cigs.



Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 8, 2014
And be sure to let them know that now, if they issue an alert about smallpox mixed with bubonic plague, many people will think they're lying about that just as they are about e-cigs.


ATM I am kind of thinking along the lines of "At one time I considered the CDC to be a world leader in science and health, I now consider you to be a nest of despicable charlatans..."

A person who makes elaborate, fraudulent, and often voluble claims to skill or knowledge; a quack or fraud.


  1. A charlatan is a person practising quackery or some similar confidence trick in order to obtain money, fame or other advantages via some form of pretense or deception.Wikipedia
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