Cell Phone Mod Needs Your Help!

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Full Member
Sep 1, 2011
Before I begin I just want to let you know I have very limited experience with modding, I have built 2 3.7v 510 mods and I understand not only how to assemble one but also why they work, I made a point to do that since I immediately took an interest to the modding. Even so, with my limited experience I may ask a couple dumb questions, you may say there is no such thing as a stupid question, but; Does a duck toaster?

Here is what I am making. (photos included)
I have been trying to find someone with one of the older fat cell phones and my friend found one while going through his old crap while cleaning his room the other day. So now that I have the shell that I need I will need some help with a few things. First here are some pictures of the case.

Picture0006.jpg Picture0007.jpg

I want to make this a 3.7 or a 5v as far as power, there is room for 2 14500 li-ions inside but it is a bit of a tight squeeze so my first question is :
Q1:Is there a slightly smaller battery as far as circumference and length that is comparable in power to the 14500's?
Here is a pic of the inside and outside with the batteries,
Picture0008.jpg Picture0009.jpg
I would rather there not be batteries sticking out of the top but if there is not an alternative battery that would fit better than I am okay with it.
Now you will have noticed that there is a large screen on the front of the phone, I have a couple things that I would like to do with this: First I want a tank on the inside behind the screen so I can see how much liquid I have but also be able to fill it up and have plenty of juice for an extended period of time. I have absolutely no idea how to do this or if it is even compatible with a 510 mod, so my second question:
Q2: Is there a tutorial for or can someone give me a quick step-by-step on how to make a bottom feeding tank mod for a 510.

The second thing that I want is a VV meter or just a voltage display that can be seen through the screen. I have plenty of room on the sides of the shell to make room for any controls that need to be on the outside of the case for that to work, and of course that leads to my third question:
Q3: Is there a tutorial for or can someone give me a quick step-by-step on how to wire in a VV or Voltage meter into the mod and which one is better?

Another thing and most optional out of all of the above I would like to be able to plug in a mini USB to charge the whole thing without having to take out the batteries all the time. This is the one that I am most wary of doing because for some reason I feel like it will end up causing me the most grief. I will have to open the case every once in awhile to fill the juice tank (Maybe, still not sure if there is/not a way to fill them externally with a needle or something.) but, while it is not a big deal, I do not really care for fussing with taking the batteries out and putting them in a charger and blah blah omg this kid is lazy! Honestly I just want an awesome decked out mod and this would complete the package I think. So another question:
Q4: Is there a tutorial or can someone give me a quick step-by-step on how to wire in a charging plug for the batteries?

Hooray the questions are over! Now I am just going to go over a couple last things. I will for sure be putting in a led in front of the little circle on the back where the camera used to point out, this will serve two purposes, I can know when I have the button pressed down and the mod is active, and hopefully the light will back-light the tank so I can tell how much juice I have remaining even when in the dark. (Not really crucial but if you would like you can see the camera hole in the picture of the front of the phone)
The power switch and activation button will both be located on one side or the other in one of the holes (probably enlarged) that already exist from when this shell still had phone-like insides.
And of course the actual cart or carto (whatever is compatible with the tank) will be coming out of the top like an antenna and look something like this,

As always thank you guys in advance, may your steam be flavorful and dense!


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Sep 10, 2011
I doubt you will be able to fit VV ,2batts and a bottom feed system in that case . I think for all that stuff youd have to go back into the early 1990 brick size cell phones . lol . The 10440's imo are not great for a ecig mod since they dont have great performance . 14500 or 16340 would be the minimum id use . Also to fit a tank in place of the screen would be very hard as you have to find a bottle that wide and flat .


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 19, 2011
Eastern Panhandle, WV
A pair of 10440's or 14250's in parallel could work, although for any duration of vaping I'd stick to higher ohm atty's. You'd be stuck at 3.7v but at least you'd get some life out of them as opposed to the 3 hours you'd get out of them in series.

Speaking of series, if you're set on higher voltage you might want to consider a 5v regulated mod instead of VV, there isn't a ton of room to put a step down board and trimmer in there. And I don't think you've got the clearance for a buck boost either.

Charging might be tough in an enclosure that small, but it might be possible to either run a secondary 510 connector straight to the batteries and use an eGo charger. Or cannibalize the eGo charger and affix it to a mini usb port. Btw, this will only work for single cell or parallel batteries, you can't safely do onboard for series batts.

As for the bottom feeder, from the looks of it you might get a 3ml bottle in there, but even a 5ml will be pushing it, might not be worth the hassle.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 1, 2011
Russia, Moscow
Connecting of two similar (or not similar) Li-Ion batteries in parallel considers that you have some knoledge. Otherwise the scientist can get explosion. I would not risk to recommend such experiments to newbuy. The problem is not space inside the body. The problem is electricity and understanding, how lithium accumulators work.
Hope, you will be healthy.


Full Member
Sep 1, 2011
Thanks guys, I have actually put the project on hold until I can find a bigger phone to cannibalize for this that has more room inside of it, I appreciate the input and I have some more research to do before I start buying parts for this. I started stuffing stuff inside and it is all very tight inside and I need a little more room to work with.
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