Chit Chat in VOLTVILLE Thread #2 :)

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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Aug 7, 2012
Northern Nevada, astride the "49er trail
Eagles, robins, woodpeckers....gotta love it.

Good morning, Voltpeeps.

Our power was out from 3:30pm to 2:30am. Fortunately, it is back on this morning. We got a little rain and a fair amount of wind from this storm. Looks like we are mostly having wind today. I fired up the wood stove yesterday. We may have been running low on batteries in a number of devices but we were warm:)

I weeded and weeded and weeded yesterday despite the weather. I can't afford to get behind now!

Raven, I hope you are recovering from having to do the MRI yesterday.

Joanne, always lovely to see you:)


Vaping Master
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Oct 19, 2012
B'more MD
Good Morning Volties, :)

Oh how I would love to actually see an eagle other than TV. They are magnificent!

It’s a big task trying to catch up here but wow… so much I’ve missed.

Sandy I am really sorry to see that you lost Tom and Penny. I don’t mean to open wounds but I just had to let you know that. The kids that you tutor are truly lucky to have you. So many paid teachers don’t invest as much as you do in getting through to each and every kid that they teach.

Lizzie, the same for you, losing both Rusty and Penny Poo… so close together. I know that was very hard. I also saw that you don’t have Nevada anymore… aw! Now you have new buddies… Pony Baloney and Cash the “wonder puppy”. How are the goats? You are still busy busy Lizzie.

Awsum, I’m glad to see that you are better and Bo is doing good now. You have been on top of things taking care of Bo’s health crises.

Rave, hopefully you will regain use of your right hand very soon. Thankfully, you have a great support system of caring family and close friends. You will be back to your feisty self in short order. I’m praying that you won’t need surgery. How are your sugar gliders?

Terry, you have been a good good friend to Rave. I hope everything is going good for you too.

Uncle, you don’t want anyone making a fuss over you but… you are in my thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery.

Wuzz, You and your wife are on my prayer list too.

Trit… where is my gorgeous guy! ;)

I just had to let you know that you all are dear to me.

3mg Meniere

Vaping Master
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Mar 24, 2013
Tomah Wisconsin
Yeah I'm hoping the same thing. :)
All members of Voltville. For whatever challenges face them.


Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
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Jun 12, 2012
Sitting down, facing forward.
'moanin, Voltasms.

I hope Rave, Uncle and Mrs. Wuzz are doing better. They're all in my thoughts and I keep sending vibes out to all of you.

We finally got around to watching "The Force Awakens" last night and we both have a reaction different from what I've heard from most people. To us, it was just a two and a half hour "homage" to all the previous movies, no original story line at all and, definitely, not a progression of the overall story line of the Start Wars trilogy of trilogies. Yes, the effects were spectacular but have gone from being part of the story to drowning out the story line. Bigger and flashier doesn't always make better. It was a little bit of a disappointment but that is the problem with sequels, "Terminator: Genesis" suffered from the problems as well as a convoluted plot that made no sense to me, anyway.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
  • Sep 21, 2013
    'moanin, Voltasms.

    I hope Rave, Uncle and Mrs. Wuzz are doing better. They're all in my thoughts and I keep sending vibes out to all of you.

    We finally got around to watching "The Force Awakens" last night and we both have a reaction different from what I've heard from most people. To us, it was just a two and a half hour "homage" to all the previous movies, no original story line at all and, definitely, not a progression of the overall story line of the Start Wars trilogy of trilogies. Yes, the effects were spectacular but have gone from being part of the story to drowning out the story line. Bigger and flashier doesn't always make better. It was a little bit of a disappointment but that is the problem with sequels, "Terminator: Genesis" suffered from the problems as well as a convoluted plot that made no sense to me, anyway.
    I just watched Terminator: Genisys last night and it thoroughly messed up my whole perception of the terminator world.... And to see 'Ahnold' so old. :cry:

    Geez it makes me sad. I know all of us must age but all my favorite actors and actresses are over the age of fifty. Anthony Hopkins, Betty White, Morgan Freeman, Clint Eastwood.... They are all at that point where they won't be with us much longer and they are the last of a dying breed.:cry::cry::cry:


    * Resident Wood Nymph *
    ECF Veteran
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    Aug 20, 2009
    Raven's Haven, Indiana
    Happy Friday Volties!

    All of you have been in my thoughts but sending special thoughts and prayers for Rave, Uncle and Mr. & Mrs. Wuzz.

    Hopefully you will see progress with your hand very soon Rave. MRI's are never fun but they are necessary.

    Take care all and have a great weekend. :)

    Sooo good to "see" you, JoAnn!! (((HUGS)))


    * Resident Wood Nymph *
    ECF Veteran
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    Aug 20, 2009
    Raven's Haven, Indiana
    I don't have Bald Eagles but I get as big a thrill out of the Pileated Woodpeckers. :D
    This was taken through the screen door on my slider so it isn't very clear.

    View attachment 548670

    Ah, but it is AMAZING to see pileated woodpeckers so up close and personal. They are a spooky bunch.


    * Resident Wood Nymph *
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    Aug 20, 2009
    Raven's Haven, Indiana
    Not as dramatic as Bald Eagles, but once in a while something good shows up on the surveillance system. Here's a "snip" of a robin taking off. The blue elements on and behind the tail are "highlighted motion" that the software inserts. Captured on a 4 megapixel camera.

    View attachment 548658

    What a cool shot!!


    * Resident Wood Nymph *
    ECF Veteran
    Verified Member
    Aug 20, 2009
    Raven's Haven, Indiana
    Good Morning Volties, :)

    Oh how I would love to actually see an eagle other than TV. They are magnificent!

    It’s a big task trying to catch up here but wow… so much I’ve missed.

    Sandy I am really sorry to see that you lost Tom and Penny. I don’t mean to open wounds but I just had to let you know that. The kids that you tutor are truly lucky to have you. So many paid teachers don’t invest as much as you do in getting through to each and every kid that they teach.

    Lizzie, the same for you, losing both Rusty and Penny Poo… so close together. I know that was very hard. I also saw that you don’t have Nevada anymore… aw! Now you have new buddies… Pony Baloney and Cash the “wonder puppy”. How are the goats? You are still busy busy Lizzie.

    Awsum, I’m glad to see that you are better and Bo is doing good now. You have been on top of things taking care of Bo’s health crises.

    Rave, hopefully you will regain use of your right hand very soon. Thankfully, you have a great support system of caring family and close friends. You will be back to your feisty self in short order. I’m praying that you won’t need surgery. How are your sugar gliders?

    Terry, you have been a good good friend to Rave. I hope everything is going good for you too.

    Uncle, you don’t want anyone making a fuss over you but… you are in my thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery.

    Wuzz, You and your wife are on my prayer list too.

    Trit… where is my gorgeous guy! ;)

    I just had to let you know that you all are dear to me.

    There is more than my right hand to regain at this point. I will explain in another post. But yeah - I will fight with all that I have to regain my "feisty self". And yer right: I couldn't have a stronger support system. Thank goodness for Terry, my daughter, and my BF! :) As for the gliders: sadly - they are getting old. One of the daughters is on her way out.


    * Resident Wood Nymph *
    ECF Veteran
    Verified Member
    Aug 20, 2009
    Raven's Haven, Indiana
    RAVE! How are you? :)

    Hiya Gorgeous! ;-)

    Okay. Here's the deal: They analyzed the results of my thoracic and cervical MRI's. Apparently what's killin' me is a spinal infection. It's either bacterial or fungal. Thank goodness it's not viral. I'd just have to ride that out. They made an emergency appointment for me with a specialist for today for testing to find out just what bug I have. No doubt they will have to dose me with antibiotics. I'm hoping that they can be oral rather than IV. Don't wanna go back in the hospital. It's not fun there. But - I'm not having fun here either. The pain is now shooting down my right arm and left thigh. It's possible that I will have to have a spinal tap. That would also have to be done at a hospital. I'm going to pack a bag just in case. So many unknowns ...

    Anyhow - please wish me luck, my friends.
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