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Tall Mike

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Aug 2, 2014
Shreveport, La, US
Hi everyone. I've been watching this thread a long time. I've made a couple attempts. They taste good, but not M&H. I was just wondering how long you (matrix) have used milk and honey? It seems to get a chocolate note after a while to me. I'm not saying it can't be used here, but it's surely not in the original. It didn't exist when M&H came about. The stuff I've made ended up more of a mix of M&H and Boss Reserve. The recipes are too complicated and I need to start over. I'll mix up your last post next time I mix. Marzipan is a flavor you should have, but I don't detect it in M&H, and it's pretty easy for me to pick it out. I could see Meringue having a place though. Next time I'm at my mixing comp, I'll look at where I left off and see if it's worth posting. I'll try to be active here more and keep up...and sorry, just realized you already ruled Marzipan out.


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Jan 4, 2011
East Coast USA
Hi everyone. I've been watching this thread a long time. I've made a couple attempts. They taste good, but not M&H. I was just wondering how long you (matrix) have used milk and honey? It seems to get a chocolate note after a while to me. I'm not saying it can't be used here, but it's surely not in the original. It didn't exist when M&H came about. The stuff I've made ended up more of a mix of M&H and Boss Reserve. The recipes are too complicated and I need to start over. I'll mix up your last post next time I mix. Marzipan is a flavor you should have, but I don't detect it in M&H, and it's pretty easy for me to pick it out. I could see Meringue having a place though. Next time I'm at my mixing comp, I'll look at where I left off and see if it's worth posting. I'll try to be active here more and keep up...and sorry, just realized you already ruled Marzipan out.

I have read reviews for the FLV Milk and Honey having a hint of cocoa for some. I thought I could almost smell it a bit from the flavoring bottle. Although so far it hasn't shown up in any noticeable form in my test mixes. Although I did only get it this weekend so I have not had time to let them steep much. It's just working well for adding a nice sweet milkiness but I do realize it's a newer flavor, there are definitely other possibilities. One thing that's boggling my mind is how much I taste what I think is graham from the mix just having the biscuit in it. Especially since in my new test mix I've increased it to 1%. I'm also looking at the FW graham cracker which is light and has a better graham cracker note compared to others I have. Maybe either could be used. I'd say at this point that INW Biscuit or FW Graham should be great candidates for that graham/bakery note. I'm gonna do up a mix soon with FW Graham instead of the biscuit. I've just always tasted a ever so light butteriness at times with m&h and actually both have what seems to be light butteriness.

One thing for me is that I never tasted any type of strong graham flavor in m&h, Just something bakery and more of the peanut butter to be honest. I've been trying to use anything graham/bakery related in small amounts which has been working well. The main note I've always picked out is the marshmallow/ice creamy notes. It was hard to get normal TFA marshmallow at high amounts since it would become too sweet, it seems mixing toasted marshmallow with vanilla swirl lets me get more of the marshmallowy flavor.

So what I might do next is go back to one of my older recipes and tweak it a bit, one with biscuit and one with Graham. Also the one thing that led me to the biscuit is that some reviews say it works well with banana to give that wafer taste in nilla wafer banana pudding. This is one thing early on I definitely got with the original, that awesome nilla wafer banana pudding note. Very light but I remember it was sooooo good LOL.

My medicine flower banana shipped so I'll have it this week. I'm going to be very critical on it as well since I've only ever wanted a fresh sliced banana flavor and so far it's been candy banana with these other flavors. The best so far is the banana nut bread but even then it's still lacking. From what I've read the MF Banana is supposed to taste just like real banana since the process used to extract uses real material for the extraction process. Hence the higher price I'm sure.

I'm thinking the following flavors... Just as a base without the banana for now. In order from greatest to least flavoring. It needs to be light and so far I've had great results in tests around 10% total. It amazes me since I'm the one that used to do up to 30% LOL. I laugh at that now...
TFA Toasted Marshmallow
TFA Vanilla Swirl
INW Biscuit or FW Graham
FW or CAP Hazelnut - I've been back and forth on this one, can swear I smelled it in the original
TFA Cotton Candy
TFA Peanut Butter

Edit: Almost forgot meringue, I can see it as a possibility.
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Tall Mike

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Aug 2, 2014
Shreveport, La, US
this was my last attempt. you can see why I was saying I was getting too complicated. where I have 2 flavors on one line, I just did half and half so it'd fit in my calc. It tastes good at a week or so, and now like 6 weeks later or so. It's not as lite as M&H, but I was wanting something a little heavier.

I'm sure some of this could be dropped or switched.

TFA Toasted marsh/FA marsh - 1% (so .5 and .5, could be increased)
TFA banana cream 1.5%
TFA graham clear 2% (I'll try FW)
INW Biscuit .75%
FA Caramel/Meringue 1% ( .5 and .5)
FW Hazelnut .5%
TFA Captain Cereal 1.5% (will leave this out next time)
FW Cake Batter Dip 1% (If you don't have this flavor, get it. It's good, and I think fits well here)
MF Vanilla 1.25%

This definitely isn't a clone, it's in that profile, but like I said, stronger flavor. You could probably leave out Cap. Cereal and get a similar taste. It needs some more sweetness, which might be sweetener, or just more marsh. Subbing Banana nut bread for BC might work. I started playing with that in other mixes recently, going for a Junkyard Scotch clone. This may need a tiny bit more banana flavor. The cake batter dip is a nice, light, sweet flavor. I don't have time tonight to mix up other versions, but I should be able to get to what you posted tomorrow night.
(edit) obviously MF van isn't in the original. I had just got it. I dont really taste it in there, and it can be replaced with van swirl or something.
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Jan 4, 2011
East Coast USA
Thanks for posting that Tall Mike.

I'll try your recipe tonight. I actually have cake batter dip, I like it and I want to start doing more with it.

So I've noticed what you were saying about the FLV Milk and Honey. I have started to detect that cocoa. I'm wondering if that along with biscuit is giving me a graham note. It's weird. What I've done is re-work my recipe as a base without the banana and with the FLV Milk and Honey reduced. So far after 24 hours I'm liking it much better than the original recipe I posted with it in it. I'll see what some steep time does to it. So far it's definitely sweet & milky with a bit of ice creaminess and the peanut butter comes through nicely but not too strong for me. I'm still finding that no extra sweetener is needed since the FLV milk and honey is sweet enough.

Here is the update:

TFA Vanilla Swirl - 3%
FLV Milk and Honey - 1.5%
TFA Toasted Marshmallow - 1%
INW Biscuit - 1%
TFA Peanut Butter - 0.75%

My MF Banana is scheduled for Friday delivery. I'm anxiously awaiting that so I can add it in. :)

BTW how is the MF Vanilla? I'm looking at getting more MF flavors down the road. Also since MF is more potent did you create a dilution or just use tiny amounts? If you used a dilution, what was the ratio? I'm hearing ratios of flavor/pg, 25/50 & 50/50. Any suggestions?

Tall Mike

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Aug 2, 2014
Shreveport, La, US
Thanks for posting that Tall Mike.

I'll try your recipe tonight. I actually have cake batter dip, I like it and I want to start doing more with it.

So I've noticed what you were saying about the FLV Milk and Honey. I have started to detect that cocoa. I'm wondering if that along with biscuit is giving me a graham note. It's weird. What I've done is re-work my recipe as a base without the banana and with the FLV Milk and Honey reduced. So far after 24 hours I'm liking it much better than the original recipe I posted with it in it. I'll see what some steep time does to it. So far it's definitely sweet & milky with a bit of ice creaminess and the peanut butter comes through nicely but not too strong for me. I'm still finding that no extra sweetener is needed since the FLV milk and honey is sweet enough.

Here is the update:

TFA Vanilla Swirl - 3%
FLV Milk and Honey - 1.5%
TFA Toasted Marshmallow - 1%
INW Biscuit - 1%
TFA Peanut Butter - 0.75%

My MF Banana is scheduled for Friday delivery. I'm anxiously awaiting that so I can add it in. :)

BTW how is the MF Vanilla? I'm looking at getting more MF flavors down the road. Also since MF is more potent did you create a dilution or just use tiny amounts? If you used a dilution, what was the ratio? I'm hearing ratios of flavor/pg, 25/50 & 50/50. Any suggestions?

Hey. MF Van is pretty good. It's a weaker flavor in MF terms, so 1-2% is reasonable for it, at least before much aging. I haven't done any dilutions yet. The other flavors I have (Watermelon, White Cherry, Strawberry, and Pear) also happen to be the weaker ones from what I've read so far, except pear, which I've only used up to about .5%. While the Vanilla is good, you're probably better off spending $8 on a 30ml of INW Shisha Vanilla. They seem to be pretty similar to me, though MF is a little richer. The others are really good and very realistic. The White Cherry is like a white cherry ICEE if you happen to have those where you are. I need to go ahead and make dilutions of them and play with them though. Sorry I'm not more helpful on that.

I just mixed up what you posted and a variation of the one I posted. I'll taste them this weekend. Even if they're not M/H, I'm sure they'll be good. And yeah, that FLV M/H gets stronger as it goes. I think all of the latest flavors they've released are stronger than earlier ones except for the coconut and rich cinnamon (those 2 are very potent).
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Jan 16, 2015
I started reading from the first post at 1030 pm. It's now 530 am and I'm on post #190. It feels like I was watching a real life documentary play out in front of me and I want to be a part of it!

You all seem smart down to earth people and I think I can bring a lot to the table. I have some ideas on how I can help.

1. Give me a shopping list of everything that will be needed now and things that you think might be needed down the road (flavors, enhancers etc). I will order the biggest they sell so in situations where you have an idea but are sitting on the side lines waiting for the mail man to come because your missing a few things all you need do is tell me what you need mixed up and I can do it saving lots of time! I'm on disability and have nothing but free time lol

2. I think we should form a group of vape enthusiasts with the goal of cloning popular e liquids and giving the recipes to people who can't afford to pay the 22$+ for a 30mil bottle that lasts a few days. I don't want anyone to switch back to analogs exposing themselves and others to the plethora of chemicals and cancer causing agents they were looking to avoid by switching to e-cigarettes in the first place!

I have more ideas but my brain wants to go into sleep mode lol. I hope at least some of that made sense to you. once I started reading the first post I lost track of time but didn't want to go sleep before saying I wanted help getting the M&H clone into our hands and while we're at it why not help out a fellow vaper lead a less harmful way of life. I wish e-cigarettes were around a few years earlier so maybe my grandfather would be around today.

Good night!
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Mar 12, 2014
Well said Spamby and welcome as you can tell this thread can go weeks without a post, one reason is ya have to vape up your tasty tries.
I'm in a similar situation and I also ordered up a cabinet of flavors, having done that you realize you can now make all the popular Diy vapes on the various forums some of witch are quite tasty.
Once you start mixing quite a few people myself included find the flavor % is better around 10-15%.
I find that I can take a purchased bottle of M&H and dilute it by almost 50% with VG and it's still very tasty but you will need it for reference.
Milk n Honey was my first go to Vape that I really liked so I find myself coming back to this thread for Ideas.
Matrix961 and a few others won't let this one our favor, I'm not as experienced so I may take their
ideas and expand on them or try my own. I'm glad you enjoyed this thread, I did too but this is a hard nut to crack so just enjoy the vape along the way!
A shopping list would be hard to list, some most used you can glean from this thread but your own ideas may be more useful, you could hit on something we have not.
One suggestion would be to get yourself a good scale, I find it to be faster more consistent & way easier.

Tall Mike, Welcome. You've got a different take on this....a good thing, I may mix your last post tonight looks tasty:)

Hell we're going to have an MnH Army yet !

Tall Mike

Full Member
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Aug 2, 2014
Shreveport, La, US
Tall Mike, Welcome. You've got a different take on this....a good thing, I may mix your last post tonight looks tasty:)

Hell we're going to have an MnH Army yet !

Thanks. I'll try my latest mix later on and report back. I'l be painting some stuff outside most of the day today, so i might not post tonight. My last posted version tasted good, but was light on a couple elements of m&h. The next one was farther off, but I think my newest one will be better. I'm trying to get there with a less complicated approach.
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