CLUE Contest Pack

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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Feb 6, 2010
Valley Head, Alabama

The original suspects of CLUE found out that we are having a contest and they are NOT being left out. Pesky little characters they are. They were kind of mad that some of them were left off the suspect list so they have invaded the VaporJunction site.

Please help us find them so we can get rid of them. They hide well and we simply don't have the time to track them down. As payment for finding 1 you will receive a CLUE contest pack. Your pack will contain a list of 9 eliminations (3 suspects, 3 weapons, and 3 locations). The pack will give you an advantage and put you 1 step closer to solving the mystery.

Questions and Rules:

Only 1 pack per person (Please quit hunting once you find one)

Can I share my pack with my friends? Sure but please do so via PM and do not post your pack on the forums. If you do, you will be eliminated from the contest. Do not pass go, do not win an E-Power lol.

If you share your pack then you are also putting them closer as well. So share carefully.

Where do I look for the CLUE characters and what do they look like?

They are on the many pages of the Vapor Junction website. Just start clicking. As to what they look like. Here ya go.


What do I do once I find one?

Copy the link of the page you found him on then click on him or her to be brought back here to the VJ forums on ECF and post the link along with the name of the one you found so we can get rid of the pesky little thing.

Once we see your post and confirm it we will PM you your CLUE Contest Pack of 9 eliminations.

There are 6 characters so we have 6 CLUE Contest Packs to give away. Each character may only be found once.

That's it. Happy hunting.
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 13, 2010
Maple Grove, Minnesota
Happy to be here TT, always good to have another place to hang out and talk about bug zappers and such! I figure if my buddy Texas T is here its gotta be a reputable place ;)

I have heard you give VJ your stamp of approval many times, and I know you don't do that frivolously ... so I will definitely keep them in mind when I need stuff :)
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