Desperate for help to get mother started on e-cigs.

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Ok, firstly, I don't actually smoke, never have. I need to get some sort of starter kit put together for my mother. Everything is going to need to be ordered within the next few days if I want it to get here in time.

The thing is, she's the type that won't learn anything. Computers, VCRs, digital cameras, etc. Seriously could not get her to drag and drop pictures off a digital camera after plugging it into the USB. This has to be something simple to use, recharge, swap cartridges.

But it also can't be garbage. She's tried a kit before, which of course no one can tell me what brand it was including her, that she said tasted bad and was too complicated. I need to get her something with good enough battery life, easy to swap things out, easy to order from a website, easy to use, look similar to a regular cig etc.

Her current cig brand is Misty Rose. Since I've read ecigs don't really taste like regulars, maybe the taste can't be helped? If I try to get her something like donut or hazelnut or some other flavor I doubt she'd even try it, like a kid who won't try a new food.

So to recap, has to be simple, user friendly, reliable, look generally cig-shaped. Bonus points if a starter kit is cheap and liquid tastes like Misty Rose cigs. Doubt I could get her to actually refill cartridges, so let's not go down that road.

Thanks for any help.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Sep 19, 2009
Pittsburgh, Pa
Anything you get her is going to require a little work. The cig a likes use cartridges, you can get the prefilled ones, but they don't last very long, and she would be putting out a lot of money buying prefills since you may not get her to refill. There is nothing that tastes like a cigarette. When I first started out, I used It was a cig alike and I quit smoking in 6 days using their prefilled cartos. Doesn't mean that will happen with your mom. A package of 10 cartos is 18.95 and may last her a week or 2 without refilling.

Sure hope you can find something.


Ultra Member
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Apr 8, 2014
Wow, I wish I could help but what I have in mind would take some effort on her part and she would have to learn new things. Let me be perfectly honnest with you. When I very first wanted to quit smoking I tried those cigalike that your talking about and all it did was waste a lot of money and frustrate me. I couldn't get enough vapor or throat hit to satisfy me, a 26 year 2 pack a day smoker and I continued smoking. What did get me to quit was when I got my first vaporizer battery, a tank, and e juice. The very day I got that set up I never looked back and haven't touched a cigarette since. But this set up I'm talking about required me to learn new things. It wasn't that complicated but it was still different and new. Basically I had to charge the battery, fill the tank and sometimes wash or clean out the tank. But if she is intemidated by new things and does not want to learn I am not sure their is much you can do for her. You can get her a starter kit of cigalike like blu but she will still have to charge it and change out the atomizers. And to be honnest don't have high hopes she will quit on that. For a person to quit, for me anyway, it had to be as good, if not better than smoking and I found that in vaping but definitely not in cigalikes. All I can tell you is you can try...I do wish you the best and I feel for you. But the person has to put forth some effort of their own to be successful. Sounds like she's not really willing to do that at this point. I wish I could have been more help. Good luck.
Alright, well let me run a couple ideas through and see what you think. Vuse supposedly has the highest nicotine output of the cigalikes that will hopefully be widely available via retail soon, any opinions on it? I'm not so much expecting her to quit, rather than make a switch.

It's ok if the first kit I get for her doesn't last forever, just has to hold out long enough to put a foot in the mental door. I'll check out

Maybe you could send me a link or set of links to put together a decent (have a budget of about 50 bucks or less here) starter kit that involves using /refilling a tank (less maintenance the better), and maybe I'll nag and hope for the best.


Full Member
Jun 21, 2014
Quebec Canada
My best pick, I would suggest some kind of cheap ego battery/stardust clearo setup, not too big and quite simple, i guess thatz how most of us started, and a good liquid, i would go for a Natural extracted tobacco liquid like dragon fire or whatever other good liquid. Then I would go from there, but maybe other can give you better suggestions. Cheers


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 14, 2014
Heartland, USA
I hate to be a downer here, but....

1) I don't think it's that easy. If it were, nobody would smoke anymore. They'd all have switched to vaping.

2) I've never tried cig-alikes, partly because they're so expensive and a big part of why I switched had to do with how expensive smoking had gotten, but more importantly because I've never heard a single good thing about them.

3) As far as I know, any vaping setup is going to require a certain amount of "fiddling." Which, yes, means that you're going to have to learn a few things to keep your setup working.

3.5) And that includes learning a different style of "smoking." The nicotine in e-juice is more easily absorbed by tissues in the mouth instead of the lungs. So anybody that's been a "real" smoker, and inhaled, is going to have to unlearn the habit of inhaling and learn to hold the vape cloud in the mouth for a few seconds. (Then you can inhale or not, doesn't make much difference.)

4) Quitting smoking by changing to vaping still requires the absolute desire to stop smoking cigarettes. If you're not committed to that idea, you're not going to have any success. And it sounds like your Mom is still enjoying smoking. I don't really see (from what you've written) the necessary desire to stop.

Edited to add: I also don't know any vaping set-up worth using that actually looks much like a regular cigarette.
My best pick, I would suggest some kind of cheap ego battery/stardust clearo setup, not too big and quite simple, i guess thatz how most of us started, and a good liquid, i would go for a Natural extracted tobacco liquid like dragon fire or whatever other good liquid. Then I would go from there, but maybe other can give you better suggestions. Cheers

How about aro winder kit from madvapes? Any liquid there that would be easiest adaptation for someone used to light cigs? Got a few picked out, including unflavored.


Vaping Master
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Nov 18, 2013
New York, NY
The simplest e-cigs to use are often not the best performing ones. You can't get much easier then cigalikes. I would suggest getting her at least one cigalike kit so she can have a familiar form factor and one ego kit for extra punch when needed. My husband does this for work, as he feels odd with anything larger then a cigalike in public. Your mom kind of sounds similar to my mother in law, who was the same as my husband, only worse. Google the Innokin AIO 510 kit. It's about $40, comes with a charging case for the e-cig. All she needs to do is press the e-cig down into the slot. No need to even screw it in to the case to charge. The case also has slots for extra cartridges, so she'll have back up at hand. 510 threading is the most common threading you'll find, so it'll be easier to find more cartridges.

For the ego kit, go for a bottom coil tank, for easier filling. An ego battery is about the same size as a sharpie marker.

You may want to give unflavored e-liquid a try with her. Many say unflavored, cheap, liquid is actually closer to cigarettes then many tobacco flavors out there.

Last, the absolute best thing to do is take her to a brick and mortar shop and let her try things out.
What's up.. If you want something that will last longer then a low cost EGO style kit try this brand mod powerkit. Pink-Hero.jpg Their products use Kanger coils which are easily found ANYWHERE. They are a standard voltage 3.7 , one button operation on/off, and it can be charged on the desk top dock which you just drop the e-cig into or you can also plug it in with a micro USB cable to charge on the go. It's super light weight and small. Been very happy with mine, I bring it when I am out and about and don't want to carry something bulky.


Super Member
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Mar 17, 2014
Upper Marlboro, MD
In my honest opinion, the best way to get your mom on ecigs is going to be you providing her a reason to quit. Quiting without that absolute desire to quit will most likely just result in failure.

Vaping actually has very little in common with smoking. The only similarities are the nicotine and using your mouth. The technique is different, the taste is different, and the way the nicotine is absorbed in both speed and where it's absorbed is different.

Your mom will have a learning curve, no matter what you get her. But some of the more reliable set ups include Protank 2's, Aspire Nautilus', cartomizers, and carto tanks. Personally, I'd recommend a good carto tank, like IBTanked with reliable cartos, like SMOK cartos. They'll give your mom a long vape time and if set up properly, will last a week or two before maintenance is required. Pair that with a 1000+mah Vision Spinner or eGo twist battery.


Senior Member
May 6, 2014
best bet would be with a 650 ego twist, CE4 and some 18MG juice , a smoker will look for any reason not to stop smoking and no matter if she is good at self educating or not , bring her something that require too much more than lighting a cig and she will give up .

You can also go for an eroll or smoov if it's highly important to get her something that looks like a cig , For me holding the cig between my fingers wasn't a crucial thing in my addiction but for some people it's so important that they must have something with which they can do the same.
However , these 2 ciglikes are more expensive than an ego

after a while she can switch to something better.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 4, 2011
I wouldn't get your hopes up too terribly high, your mom sounds stubborn, and the more invested you are without her really wanting to...well you can always put what you get her back up on eBay.
Not that it's not worth a shot but, just don't put your faith on the line or anything.
Other than that some Ego twists and some kanger bottom coil tanks would be about the easiest I can think of without being crap. Flavours are tricky I'd get a few, and mostly not tobacco and mostly not her favorite treats.
Good luck!


Super Member
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May 19, 2011
Tulsa, OK
My brothers at the time fiance now wife decided, after watching me and him vape, that she was going to do the same thing for her mother. I have vivid memories of her eagerly showing off her fancy new device to everybody that Christmas. PV in one had, being ranted about, lit cigarette in the other. She still pulls it out and shows it off to people. What she doesn't do is use it. I've seen this repeated with wives and husbands buying them for their significant other.

I'm not trying to rain on anybody's parade, but in my experience if its not their idea, and they didn't ask you for help with it, don't get your hopes up.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Aug 12, 2012
Lawrence KS
My wife and I started with Smokeless Image Volts and prefilled cartos. We were both very heavy smokers, but quit very quickly. One thing that helped my wife (58 years old) was the ability to get different colors...have to accessorize you know.

If your mom is a heavy smoker, chances are her sense of taste is shot, so she may find something in the sample pack of tobacco flavors that would work for awhile.

We have both moved on to other hardware, but the Volts kept us going for 6 months or so.


Senior Member
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Jul 1, 2014
I bought my Dad an ego starter kit when he got out of the hospital for double pneumonia and was "officially diagnosed" with COPD. My uncles told me he was bugging them for smokes and I had just bought the ego for myself so I had him try it. He liked it enough to hold mine hostage until I came back from the vape shop with one for him. I bought him 12mg juice called American Red Light because he and his brothers smoke whatever's cheap in a red box and tastes like crap. He likes it enough that he hasn't bought a pack since he's (3 months) been home, but he does still bum smokes from his brothers. I'll take that over his 2 pack a day habit any day. I also started with an evod on his setup but switched to ce4s because, he lost a lot of dexterity in his hands from a prior stroke and the more recent near-death-experience/2 month hospital stay. They are slightly easier to fill using a needle nose bottle. His unwillingness to go back to the hospital is probably what keeps him vaping. I'd say motivation is necessary because he is exceedingly stubborn and normally against new things.
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Reviewer / Blogger
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jan 24, 2014
How about aro winder kit from madvapes? Any liquid there that would be easiest adaptation for someone used to light cigs? Got a few picked out, including unflavored.

Try "Virginia" -- the PG-blend has better throat hit. It actually tastes a GREAT DEAL like Virginia Slims cigarettes, and I seem to recall someone saying in a review that there's a slight resemblance to Kent cigarettes too.

But the real, main question is, does she really want to do this, herself? If she doesn't, you could satisfy every one of the requirements you mentioned, and it would do no good at all. If she's not really interested in quitting cigarettes, then no matter how easy, how cheap, or how good-tasting, she will find something wrong with it -- primarily, it's NOT cigarettes. Even people who REALLY REALLY want it find it challenging in all kinds of ways -- someone not motivated to do it for their own reasons will find it next to impossible, because it really is a lot easier to just smoke and make excuses why vaping doesn't work.



Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 18, 2013
It sounds like you are going to be getting together with your mother &
want to give this item to her?

I suggest you find out what good e cigarette shops are in the area -
wherever you'll be with your mom - and take her shopping!

Make it understood shes new & wants to try one of these - very
possible once she tries one in whatever flavor, she might say its pretty
Find a helpfull employee & put your mom in their hands - they can show
the different options & how they work & she can choose what she is good
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