Diabetes and Vaping

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 28, 2010
Arlington, MA
Ok so i'd still classify myself as a noob vaper about 2 weeks a vaping under my belt and loving every minute of it! but what i'm noticing is a lil bit of a jump in my blood sugar levels. nothing too crazy about 25-50 extra over a few hours. I'm just wondering if they are any diabetic vapors out there that also experience this or if anyone knows why? I'm pretty much just vaping PG liquid right now a lil bit of starpuffs VG from cignot. Any ideas would be much appreciated! Also another thing i just thought of vaping insulin instead of shots would be pretty sweeett! I'm not ganna be a test dummy for that though haha


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 13, 2010
New England
That's very interesting Maktak096. I'm also a diabetic [pills and diet] I don't always have to take my medication but I've noticed that mine has only been spiking a little bit and it's usually because I haven't balanced what I've eaten. The other night before going to bed I decided to check it after vaping heavily and it was only 71....oooops so it may not be the vaping that's doing it. Were you nibbling on something you shouldn't have been nibbling on? The only other thing is maybe where you have cut down/stopped smoking you maybe substituting it with other things that might be making it spike that high?
Good Luck


Quantum Vapyre
ECF Veteran
Sep 16, 2009
I'm not a doctor, but the only issue would be with VG which metabolizes to glucose. However, there are stories of other diabetics here that use VG and have no issues at all. I would search the health and safety forum, maybe using keywords diabetes and glycerin or something like that. I don't it is enough glucose to be an issue, but others have addressed this in some detail, even with doctor visit results.

Perhaps to be safe until you get more info, try lowering the VG in the juices if you can. Good luck!


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 12, 2009
The way insulin smells, I don't think it would make a very tasty vape. Even the small amount present when my son changes the catheter on his insulin pump permeates a room.

He vapes, and while I don't think vaping spikes his blood glucose levels, with the pump and the miraculous way it has helped him to reach near-normal glucose levels it would be hard to tell if there were any such trend.
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