Did it take you more than one attempt to quit smoking?

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Vaping Master
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May 27, 2012
Not true.

I sometimes vape 80% PG unflavored and it tastes quite good to me.
Remember, we are all different.

Sometimes it's easy to forget that.

and actually for me unflavored eliquid was the closest thing to smoking cigs unlike any flavored eliquids. I still enjoy it (70-75PG) and vape it to this day.

I tried a number of different methods over the years with no success to quit smoking before I tried vaping. I was able to quit smoking day one with the use of a cig-alike after 30+ year 2/pk/day habit but I was determined to quit smoking and believe mindset and willpower has a lot to do with it. I did vape a lot more than I ever smoked at first though.

The form factor, refillable cig-alike, felt like a cigarette and using it exactly the same way as I did when I was smoking (with the morning coffee, after eating, on work breaks, on the phone, driving... typical smoking triggers) was a big factor for me too. I believed it seriously helped the mental aspects as well as the physical act of smoking itself while minor adjustments in nicotine (down for me because I started too high) helped with that dependency. I played around with flavors quite a bit before I found that "one" or two flavors so I am not sure how much they played into staying off the cigs for me, unflavored or with a touch of menthol eliquids really did come closest to smoking for me and still (over 4 years later now) I grab a cig-alike if the urge to smoke ever hits me.

Support over the first year from family and friends who did not understand vaping but loved that I was not smoking was important to me and finding ECF, groups and different forums after that first year of vaping was great for the fellowship of those who did understand the vaping part :)

All but one of my friends and family who tried vaping have either remained dual users (vaping only when/where they can't smoke) or have gone back to smoking. I think it's because vaping takes more effort, fuss and planning than just mindlessly picking up a pack of smokes at the gas station and the commitment was just not there.

Best advice I could give would be you have to more than just want to quit smoking, you have be serious about it and very committed to do what it takes to achieve that goal.


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Oct 23, 2013
Port-of-Spain, Trinidad & Tobago
Hi everyone!

I'm working on a blog post for E-Cigarette Direct/the Ashtray Blog, aiming to give some advice to people who've tried vaping but didn't take to it, and I'm looking for a bit of input to pin down the most common reasons smokers struggle to switch.

I was wondering if some vapers here with more experience than me on this front would be able to offer some insight (personally I chain-vaped like a lunatic for the first few days and managed to quit first-time). I have a few specific questions, but if there's anything you want to add then obviously feel free!

Did it take you more than one attempt to switch? If so, what was it that made the difference and helped you finally make the transition?

Or if you still smoke and vape, what's the main thing holding you back from switching completely?

Do you know anyone else who struggled to switch or was a dual user at first but quit smoking on a subsequent attempt? What made the difference for them?

How important a factor is support (from other vapers or stop-smoking services) when you're trying to switch?

And lastly - what's your number one piece of advice for someone trying to switch?

Any input you could offer would be very much appreciated! :)


1: Did it take more than one attempt to switch?

2: Do you know anyone else who struggled to switch?
Problem is cost and ease of use. Much easier to just light a cig.

3: How important a factor is support?
For me: none.

I have the impression that long time smokers like myself with messed up lungs, find it much easier to switch than young smokers.


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Jan 24, 2014
Best advice I could give would be you have to more than just want to quit smoking, you have be serious about it and very committed to do what it takes to achieve that goal.

This. All thru my first month as a vaper, it was still just an experiment to me, a novelty that had the curious effect of gradually replacing cigarettes. About a week before I actually quit the cigarettes, everytime I'd light one, I'd feel myself grimace with distaste, but still try to smoke it, trying like crazy to find the old satisfaction... but it just wasn't there anymore; even the TH, the part I find most irreplaceable, was stronger in my vape than from my ultra-light cigarettes. Towards the end of that week, I finally got down to just one cigarette a day, for 3 days in a row -- that one in the morning was the one I had the hardest time getting rid of; I'd try to vape, but I just couldn't get satisfied, and I'd have to finally go on out and smoke.

I wondered why it was so much harder in the morning, than at any other time, and I finally realized that, half asleep, I was trying to vape as if I was smoking -- short hard draw, fast deep inhales... and I recalled reading here that trying to vape that way is just not very effective for nic absorption. So, that night while watching TV, I practiced the long, slow draws, letting it hang around in my mouth and throat before inhaling, and then letting it emerge via my nose as much as my mouth. I was using 6mg in a cigalike at the time, but I managed, with that technique, to absorb so much nicotine, I gave myself the sharp stomach pains. So, the next morning, I consciously made myself vape that way... got the sharp stomach pains again, and felt very little inclination to go out and smoke. That was my very first smoke-free day. Once I knew that I COULD do it... I became committed.



Vaping Master
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Mar 18, 2013
So my best advice is: Don't "give up" smoking, just find a way to enjoy vaping more.

I don't agree with not giving up smoking but I do agree that finding a way to enjoy vaping more is the key. Now I'm nearly 3 years in and wish I never touched a cigarette. I wish vaping had been available 25 years ago because I enjoy it so much more.


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During my 45+ years of smoking the longest I went without one was 6 months. That was the first time I tried to quit and did it cold turkey. Not a single minute during that time did I not crave a smoke. I finally decided that I would not spend the rest of my life with those cravings. The next time I tried the patch. I smoked while wearing the patch. Saw after 2 weeks that the patch was a waste of money. I tried a few other times but it never lasted more than a few days.
Then along came this new fangled thing called an electronic cigarette. Thought I would give it a try. What did I have to lose. Well, That was almost 4 years ago. I lost the desire to smoke. :D I have moved on from that original little cig-a-like called a nic-stick but haven't had a smoke since the day I bought that little life saving device.
Hubby was right there with me and I thought it would work for him too. It did for about 6 months but he wasn't satisfied so now he is a dual user. He has gone from 2 or 3 packs a day to 1/2 pad so I consider it a win for him too.


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Sep 14, 2015
Not this time around. I'd tried vaping twice before, first back around '07-08 when it was mostly just cigalikes. I definitely cut my cigarettes per day by 50% or more then, but it wasn't satisfying enough to motivate me to buy more juice once my initial samplers ran out, went back to smoking.

Tried again a couple years later, when the pen-styles were all the rage (I was on a Magma Inferno), same story. More satisfying this time, but not enough to motivate me to keep it up once the samples ran out.

And then this time, 2015. The gear had advanced enough that once I bought my subtank mini and iSub G (came with my MVP3 pro kit), it was done. Smoked through my final pack of tobacco, and that was it. Been pure vaping for just under three months now, and have absolutely zero cravings for tobacco. I've still got friends who smoke, but have never been the slightest bit tempted to bum one off them, so it seems the cord is well and truly cut. And that was with two tanks that I now consider pretty subpar, just in terms of quality of vapor and especially flavor (though they're both excellent starter tanks). I've since moved on to the goblin mini, aromamizer, and a new marquis RDA.


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Jul 14, 2015
Denver, CO
I have no idea how many times I tried to quit over the course of 35 years. I finally quit 5 years ago and haven't had a smoke since.

The kicker is this--I didn't use vaping to quit. I got the crap scared out of me by a severe upper respiratory infection, and physically could not smoke for several days. Before I got "well enough to smoke", I bought a box of patches. That and lots of fear proved to be the ticket. So I'm one of the very rare success stories for the patch.

But I found out that it is a struggle that never ends, at least for me. For over 4 years, I did all of the wrong things to make up for not smoking--overeating, drinking, smoking another substance...

I gained a lot of weight and developed diabetes. And still fought daily with the still present addiction.

I discovered vaping earlier this year, and couldn't be happier! I vape 0 mg, because I really don't have nicotine urges anymore. I just need to be doing something hand to mouth. And this is still better than overeating. I've lost 22 pounds in five months. Sometimes I even forget to eat.

For me, vaping is mostly an anti-relapse mechanism, as well as something I enjoy greatly.

For anyone quitting smoking, I recommend that you try to keep in mind, at all times, that this will pass and you will feel so much better in a few days. If positive thoughts don't do the trick, try this (a doctor told me to try this, and, sick as it sounds, it did help me)--exhale as much as you can. Now don't inhale again for 5 seconds. Feels very uncomfortable. It's what having COPD feels like. Or so I was told. Whatever. It helped me.


Full Member
Jun 2, 2013
Hull, UK

Thanks so much for this - really appreciate it! :)

If positive thoughts don't do the trick, try this (a doctor told me to try this, and, sick as it sounds, it did help me)--exhale as much as you can. Now don't inhale again for 5 seconds. Feels very uncomfortable. It's what having COPD feels like. Or so I was told. Whatever. It helped me.

If that's anything to go by, having COPD feels absolutely horrible! I can see why that helped, because I really wouldn't want to feel like that all the time.

And thanks again everyone for all the stories and tips! They'll all really helpful! I'll come back here when the article goes up (prob in a few weeks) and share it! :toast:


ECF Guru
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Jul 12, 2012
USA midwest
Did it take you more than one attempt to switch? If so, what was it that made the difference and helped you finally make the transition?

I dual used for 2 weeks, then just decided never to buy cigarettes again and went home on Friday to a long weekend, and resisted driving 30 miles round trip for a pack of cigarettes. By Monday I was a full time vaper.

Or if you still smoke and vape, what's the main thing holding you back from switching completely?

Do you know anyone else who struggled to switch or was a dual user at first but quit smoking on a subsequent attempt? What made the difference for them?

How important a factor is support (from other vapers or stop-smoking services) when you're trying to switch?

I really only needed support to use/learn about ecig devices and vaping methods. The sheer challenge of using the technology back in 2012 kept me "busy", which was good since it did remove my thoughts about cigarettes. I probably tried out more stuff than was necessary, but I was curious about everything.
I don't require emotional/psychological support to quit smoking, eat differently, or start exercise programs, etc. once I set my mind to a goal. I quit smoking cold turkey for 5 years prior to vaping, but had a major relapse when my dog had a tragic accident.

And lastly - what's your number one piece of advice for someone trying to switch?

You do have to have an intention/desire to quit using cigarettes in order to quit using cigarettes. :)
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Tootie Puffer
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Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
Hi everyone!

I'm working on a blog post for E-Cigarette Direct/the Ashtray Blog, aiming to give some advice to people who've tried vaping but didn't take to it, and I'm looking for a bit of input to pin down the most common reasons smokers struggle to switch.

I was wondering if some vapers here with more experience than me on this front would be able to offer some insight (personally I chain-vaped like a lunatic for the first few days and managed to quit first-time). I have a few specific questions, but if there's anything you want to add then obviously feel free!

Did it take you more than one attempt to switch? If so, what was it that made the difference and helped you finally make the transition?

Or if you still smoke and vape, what's the main thing holding you back from switching completely?

Do you know anyone else who struggled to switch or was a dual user at first but quit smoking on a subsequent attempt? What made the difference for them?

How important a factor is support (from other vapers or stop-smoking services) when you're trying to switch?

And lastly - what's your number one piece of advice for someone trying to switch?

Any input you could offer would be very much appreciated! :)


I smoked cigarettes nonstop for more than 6yrs, cigars for more than 1yr. Switching to vaping was relatively easy. The first few days it was a bit of a struggle. I've tried patches, Nicotrol, nicotine gum, and quitting cold turkey before.

When I started vaping I did not use an e-cig. I studied what was available on the Internet while going through Nicotrol withdrawals and yes, even smoking a few cigarettes...then I saw vaping. I followed that down the rabbit hole based on what I saw of a neighbor. I did not ask or indulge him... I thought he was nuts, hahahaha. He had a e-cig pen. Low wattage. When I went to the vape shops I bought a 75w Sigelie box mod, then a 150w Sigelei, and now I have 5 Aspire Atlantis II tanks, more than 2,500ml of prepared e-liquids and at least 5 - 250ml, 100mg flasks of pure nicotine. I'm buying raw nicotine, prepared e-liquid, and supplies right in case there is a cut off by the Feds.

I smoked abt 10 cigarettes the month I started vaping, Sept 7th, 2015. I was at a pack or more per day when I started. Have 6+ packs of unopened Marlboro Light 100's from my last carton in the freezer. If I ever want one it's there but the taste is awful. Have not smoked a cigar in years, a cigarette since abt mid September, and I do not plan to smoke any of either going forward. This is the third or fourth time I've quit, but as long as I have reasonable access to vaping gear I do not think I'll ever go back to cigars or cigarettes.

Have no intent to quit vaping at the moment. I'm very satisfied with where I'm at, and am bulking up in everything from gear (electronics, tanks, replacement parts for everything) to raw 100mg nic, in case restrictions are placed on the materials needed to continue at a reasonable cost. See my signature. I think my goal is to have enough nicotine and flavors on hand for at least 5yrs maybe more. PG/VG should be available so I'm not too worried.

I do not need this or any site for reinforcement, but it's interesting to see new gear and see what people are saying abt laws nationwide (US). I don't need support from anyone and I pop in to a shop once in a while to see what is new on the vape scene. I don't get the attraction for the vaping scene. It's here though if you are looking for something regarding the process. Vape shops are plentiful in the Chicagoland area for now...but maybe not for long. The City of Chicago has just passed an 0.85 cent tax on all gear, and a 0.55 cent tax per ml of e-liquid sold. It's just a hunch, but I'd bet the tobacco lobby is behind the preposterous tax amount, and I'd be willing to bet that a number of shops close within Chicago. I'll be going DIY in the months ahead and using recipes from this and other sites to hone my skills just in case there is a ban on anything. If you need support for vaping, fine, no biggie, ECF is a pretty nice site overall. Lots of knowledge on ECF.

As far as switching goes, vaping is much much much cleaner for you and your body. What I mean by that is you never feel like you're choking on tar or cigarette additives overnight or the next morning, and for the most part you know what is going in to your body. You're freebasing nicotine in ammonia and up to 7,000 other chemicals when you smoke a cigarette. Cigarette & cigar smoking are a filthy habit that I'm glad to be rid of.
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Full Member
Feb 10, 2013
I switched from the first puff (2 years, 10 months, 8 days ago).
It was a little hard (and remains), because my very sensitive throat.
The first month i was visiting the steamstore every other day.
After 5 months i switched to rebuildables and mods.
If i was not member of steamforums, i am sure that i would back to smoking.
In my case it took willingness to quit smoking and information from forums.

Thekla's case.
She tried 5 times.
All efforts with my encouragement, never asked anything about steaming.
No more than 2 days at every try.
She doesn’t really want to quit smoking.

George's case.
George switched 4 months after me.
After the first year, he started to smoking at the same time.
2-5 cigarettes every day.
It was obvious that the eGo batteries and ViviNova style atomizers he still used, needed an update.
After he updated to mod and Aspire coil atomizers, no more cigarettes.

Meropi's case.
3 and a half years.
She doesn't know what battery is or how match nicotine is in her e-liquids.
And she doesn't want to know!
Sometimes she smokes. It's time for Aleko to get a new flavor for her.
Her hardware is whatever Alekos gives and setups for her.

Alekos's case.
Alekos switched a month after me.
Since then he never touched a cigarette.
He steams with everything that is out there, hardware and liquids.
He is a steamhobbyist.

Different people, different cases. Go figure...


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Jan 24, 2014
I didn't want to quit smoking at all -- I wanted to become a non-smoker without having to quit smoking! :D So vaping is perfect! I still have a habit that is enjoyable to me, very familiar, quite similar to smoking... yet isn't smoking! How awesome is that?!?!?!?! And it even tastes better (no tobacco ever grown is as good as strawberries!), smells a HELL of a lot better, and doesn't make me stink either, nor does it leave poisonous crap behind in my lungs. Ahhh... this is having my cake and eating it too. :D

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