Do you plan to quit someday?

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Dec 14, 2013
For me it was, but I understand that we are all different in what it takes to get off the smokes. Back when I started in 2010 there were concoctions made with tobacco alkaloids from wet tobacco soaked, squeezed, and filtered to create a solution to add to ejuice. Some swore by it, but for me all it took to quit was vaping 24mg juice. Did that for a year or two and began the move down to 3mg nic juice.
I went from not believing I could ever quit to not smoking at all in less than a week. I used 18 mg mostly, with some hits of 24 here and there, and I got some WTA as well, which I think really helped with the cravings I experienced on occasion. But I've not been able to reduce my nic that much. I tried dropping from 18 to 12 and found it unsatisfactory. 15 was OK though, so I stuck with that for several years. I took another couple of years to wean myself down a half a milligram at a time to 13, where I've been stuck for a couple of years now.

Early on, I thought: If this worked for me, it should work for anyone. But it doesn't. Some take to it, some just don't.


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ECF Veteran
May 30, 2017
I love how he couldn't get through a six minute segment without clutching his vape.

I am going by the ICD coding which defines addiction as actually less harmful than dependency,

Obviously there are less HARMFUL dependencies like a lard ... who can't lose weight being dependent on INSULIN because they also have a FOOD dependency.

Or, a type 1 diabetic whose pancreas does not make insulin and they have to take it. The dire consequences of halting a DEPENDENCY are just as bad in either case.

DEPENDENCY means you cannot or will not do without it and the consequences of not having it is DIRE. I am dependent on most of my meds, in the sense that BAD things will happen to me if I stop taking them,.

Dependency is worse than addiction. You can recover from addiction. I do not consider myself DEPENDENT on my vape, but I certainly consider it an addiction that would be NO fun to have to get rid of.

I was addicted to my Suboxone, but not dependent. If I had stopped it abruptly, I would have had a very unpleasant, painful detox but I would not have DIED. Happens all the time in prisons dude. Tapering it is bad enough but I am neither addicted to or dependent on opiates and you better believe I am going to keep it that way.

You don't know the difference and neither does that twit in the video. I'm glad he's not my teacher and I BET he vapes during class. I had COMPTENT teachers who didn't get their degrees from community colleges.

There are healthy and unhealthy dependencies. It is healthier for me to REMAIN addicted to my ecig compared to TOBACCO but without my ecig I would surely return to being addicted to tobacco.

Words have meanings and definitions and if we are talking MEDICALLY which I think we are, he is FULL of BUNK.

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I’ve heard it called a cessation device, and I guess to some that equates it to the patch or pills, which are meant to be stopped after quitting has been achieved.

Well, the genius of the e-cigarette is that it is not a desert of deprivation. It replaces many of the pleasures of smoking. That is why it works for those of us for whom nicotine addiction is not the core reason or at least not the only reason we smoked. (The one time before this that I tried quitting smoking by vaping, I went down to 0 mg. and stayed there. But then nicotine was already making me sick to my stomach. As in, smoke a cigarette, dry heave, smoke another cigarette. I used to have a cup that I carried around with my cigs and lighter in case the dry heaves didn't stay dry. Now THAT is addiction. If we had not already known that BT futzed with plain old tobacco and paper to make it more addictive, I would've guessed anyway.

The patches and gum were, to me, unsatisfying in every way besides keeping me from going into nicotine withdrawal. They're not satisfying at all. So, yes, easier to quit them; but then I and many others quit them anyway because we went back to smoking. I think that's a downside, personally.

The secret to vaping's success is that it is pleasurable. That does mean one needs a reason to quit. Not finding it pleasurable anymore is a very solid reason. Just carry your vape so you don't get ambushed by a cigarette. (I joke not.)


Self-Proclaimed Member
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Aug 25, 2012
Alberta, Canada
I love how he couldn't get through a six minute segment without clutching his vape.

I am going by the ICD coding which defines addiction as actually less harmful than dependency,

Obviously there are less HARMFUL dependencies like a lard ... who can't lose weight being dependent on INSULIN because they also have a FOOD dependency.

Or, a type 1 diabetic whose pancreas does not make insulin and they have to take it. The dire consequences of halting a DEPENDENCY are just as bad in either case.

DEPENDENCY means you cannot or will not do without it and the consequences of not having it is DIRE. I am dependent on most of my meds, in the sense that BAD things will happen to me if I stop taking them,.

Dependency is worse than addiction. You can recover from addiction. I do not consider myself DEPENDENT on my vape, but I certainly consider it an addiction that would be NO fun to have to get rid of.

I was addicted to my Suboxone, but not dependent. If I had stopped it abruptly, I would have had a very unpleasant, painful detox but I would not have DIED. Happens all the time in prisons dude. Tapering it is bad enough but I am neither addicted to or dependent on opiates and you better believe I am going to keep it that way.

You don't know the difference and neither does that twit in the video. I'm glad he's not my teacher and I BET he vapes during class. I had COMPTENT teachers who didn't get their degrees from community colleges.

There are healthy and unhealthy dependencies. It is healthier for me to REMAIN addicted to my ecig compared to TOBACCO but without my ecig I would surely return to being addicted to tobacco.

Words have meanings and definitions and if we are talking MEDICALLY which I think we are, he is FULL of BUNK.

I've set forth that a dependence is the urge or compulsion to continue using a substance, and that an addiction is when a dependence is indulged despite it causing significant harm to the user.

Apparently you've defined them the other way around, which seems like a surmountable matter of semantics, yet you seem intensely upset about it. And, as if to justify your displeasure, you feel the need to throw in a callous ad hominem attacks against the good Father.

You've muddied the waters with a third condition—the case in which a user can't quit a substance because it would kill the user. I won't question your experience in that area. I have none. I will point out that it seems less of a contradiction than a distraction as the subject is softer stuff.

My intent remains to encourage vapers specifically not to see themselves as victims of "capital-A" Addiction, weak-willed and helpless, with all the other baggage that goes along with such mental problems; but simply as affected by an understandable and rather unremarkable physical dependence. I doubt that we disagree on this core message, so please do not take offense at my way of conveying it.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 30, 2017
Fair enough. It may come down to semantics but my point is a dependence can be healthy OR unhealthy and an addiction can be empowering or DIS empowering. I suppose how you define the words matters, but the idea that I would be "dependent" on a long acting opiate for the rest of my life, I would have found discouraging. I actually find the term addiction EMPOWERING as it does mean I can impact it in a way dependence does not.

While I would not enjoy detoxing from cigarettes if say, the end of the world were nigh, I suppose I might find it preferable to dying slowly due to lack of insulin.

But that's fine. I'm sorry, but the priest doesn't do much for me and it's not the dog collar.

Try Father Martin on for size, at least he will make you laugh and leave you with something of relevance to think about. Long deceased, but rather beloved. I don't believe he had any addiction degrees, but he was an excellent teacher and a sweet human being. Etc.



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  • Nov 20, 2018
    The difficulty in quitting doesn't make the addiction. That's the physical dependence. Addiction is in the harmful consequences of the physical dependence.

    we can argue on what's worse and how each other define it but I guess (almost) every smoker will confirm that his life (and life of his close family members) would've been better (in many ways) without cigs.


    Ultra Member
    ECF Veteran
    Apr 2, 2018
    safe distance from a black hole
    The tobacco I smoked for 42yrs sure was addictive!

    I still want a tobacco cigarette after two 2yrs of being totally nic'd up! At times more nic'd up than I ever was with tobacco.

    Not trying to get in the way of you all trying to define things for your selves, its probably fun. Maybe nic is an addiction, maybe its a dependence but for me it hasnt got a patch on tobacco as far as addiction goes. 2yrs tobacco free tomorrow and I have serious cravings for tobacco still. If nic is addictive and Im an addict I am totally at ease with it, nicotine is a seriously light weight addiction compared to tobacco, for me.
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    PV Master & Musician
    ECF Veteran
    May 22, 2010
    Central GA
    I guess I was one of the lucky ones. I never wanted to quit smoking. I liked it and it gave me a satisfying "hobby", something to do with my hands. Vaping ticked all the boxes and I slid right into it not worried about quitting smoking, but trying a new hobby for what it was worth.

    I continued to smoke here and there, about 5 or 6 a day, but mostly vaping. A year into vaping I decided to quit and see what happened. I ordered a Provari V2 as my quitting reward. I haven't smoked a cigarette since.
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    PV Master & Musician
    ECF Veteran
    May 22, 2010
    Central GA
    Lately, I've been playing with higher nic juice to see what happens. I mixed up a couple of 100ml bottles of 18mg. 3mg is where I have been for years, vaping two 4ml Kayfun tanks a day.

    Yesterday, I vaped 12mg all day and only went through one 4ml tank. It's kind of nice to be able to take a couple of hits and be satisfied for a while instead of chain vaping 3mg. 18mg was a little much so I used some of it to convert to 3mg and 12mg.

    I'm playing around to find my new sweet spot for nic.


    Ultra Member
    ECF Veteran
    Apr 2, 2018
    safe distance from a black hole
    I guess I was one of the lucky ones. I never wanted to quit smoking. I liked it and it gave me a satisfying "hobby", something to do with my hands. Vaping ticked all the boxes and I slid right into it not worried about quitting smoking, but trying a new hobby for what it was worth.

    I continued to smoke here and there, but mostly vaping. A year into vaping I decided to quit and see what happened. I ordered a Provari V2 as my quitting reward. I haven't smoked a cigarette since.
    Yeah, we are all different. I spent about 30 of the 42 yrs smoking thinking about giving up, trying to give up or toying around with different ways to quit.
    I did give up for about a year once and it was a horrible year. A few days or a week after I finally broke down and returned to smoking one of the guys I had working for me who had only known me as a non smoker told me that I was a much better person now that I smoked! Ive never forgotten that. The change in disposition was that noticeable. I felt it, from the first cig, normality and calm had finally returned. It was like jumping in to deep cool refreshing water....except it was smelly and dry and smokey.
    I was 31 then I think.
    From about the age of 47 I was working at quitting by the age 50 but couldnt.
    At 53 I was down to 8 cigs a day and had accepted that death was around the corner and I would smoke right up to that day.
    Then I started vaping and a month later quit tobacco, and I havnt killed or maimed anyone or even topped my self. So thats good.
    But I have fought most of the way against a want for tobacco. There has been periods where I havnt thought about tobacco or even imagined it to be a good idea to have a cig but generally I have had a desire for a cig most of the 2yrs.
    Even upping my juice nic mg dosage or increasing daily nic consumption doesnt stave off any of those cravings.
    Im at the stage now where I consider nicotine I vape and tobacco as two different things for me. Nicotine in vape is piss weak compared to tobacco.


    PV Master & Musician
    ECF Veteran
    May 22, 2010
    Central GA
    Yeah, we are all different. I spent about 30 of the 42 yrs smoking thinking about giving up, trying to give up or toying around with different ways to quit.
    I did give up for about a year once and it was a horrible year. A few days or a week after I finally broke down and returned to smoking one of the guys I had working for me who had only known me as a non smoker told me that I was a much better person now that I smoked! Ive never forgotten that. The change in disposition was that noticeable. I felt it, from the first cig, normality and calm had finally returned. It was like jumping in to deep cool refreshing water....except it was smelly and dry and smokey.
    I was 31 then I think.
    From about the age of 47 I was working at quitting by the age 50 but couldnt.
    At 53 I was down to 8 cigs a day and had accepted that death was around the corner and I would smoke right up to that day.
    Then I started vaping and a month later quit tobacco, and I havnt killed or maimed anyone or even topped my self. So thats good.
    But I have fought most of the way against a want for tobacco. There has been periods where I havnt thought about tobacco or even imagined it to be a good idea to have a cig but generally I have had a desire for a cig most of the 2yrs.
    Even upping my juice nic mg dosage or increasing daily nic consumption doesnt stave off any of those cravings.
    Im at the stage now where I consider nicotine I vape and tobacco as two different things for me. Nicotine in vape is piss weak compared to tobacco.

    Some go as high as 36mg nic to get off the smokes. You can always taper down as your desire for tobacco decreases. If you haven't tried them, whole tobacco alkaloids (WTA) are a proven method since they contain more of what gave us satisfaction with tobacco.

    The link below is a list of whole tobacco alkaloid ejuice sellers.

    wta whole tobacco alkaloids - Bing
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    Ultra Member
    ECF Veteran
    Apr 2, 2018
    safe distance from a black hole
    Some go as high as 36mg nic to get off the smokes. You can always taper down as your desire for tobacco decreases. If you haven't tried them, whole tobacco alkaloids (WTA) are a proven method since they contain more of what gave us satisfaction with tobacco.

    The link below is a list of whole tobacco alkaloid ejuice sellers.

    wta whole tobacco alkaloids - Bing
    I quit smoking using 24mg freebase. I can and do make up batches of high mg nic salts and high mg freebase from time to time. Getting a lot of nic doesnt diminish my cravings for tobacco. Ive sat on the couch pale and ill from to much nic with the thought, "I would love a cigarette right now" running through my head :D


    Moved On
    ECF Veteran
    May 30, 2017
    Back when I played in a band every weekend I smoked on stage and had an ash tray on my Peavy 2x12 amp. :) I bet you can't do that these days.

    Yeah, and it's not really fair, considering you can do THIS on the AMA.

    LOL I wouldn't watch it if you have heart condition consider yourselves warned.


    IDK If it's the censored version but it doesn't really matter.
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