Did you cut down before quitting?

Did you reduce the number of tobacco cigarettes you smoked before you quit completely?

  • Yes, I reduced the number smoked before I quit

  • No, I smoked the usual amount and then just quit one day

  • Have reduced the number smoked and intend to quit

  • Have reduced the number smoked but don't intend to quit

  • Have not not reduced the number smoked

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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 12, 2009
Acme Looniversity
When I started I was smoking during the day and vaping at night to see if it would satisfy me. Eventually, I gave my cigarettes away. But I do know people who just switched cold turkey. It was that morning cigarette and just before bed one that were the hardest to give up. I think the 510 has played a big part in satiating me.

--Prof Daffy


Moved On
ECF Veteran
Oct 3, 2009
Trainer PA
I decided to start leaving my cigarettes in the car and vape while at work. After that I found that if I had cigarettes around I would smoke them because "they were there" which is not a good reason. Now I'm down to 1 a day if I bum one, or just buying a pack before I hit the bar. I hope to not have to give up my real cigs at the bar, but who knows...that may happen too now that I'm on this menthol kick and I found a good marl menthol juice from strictlyejuice.com...

I didn't vote, because that being said...I haven't completely quit yet...



Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 28, 2009
Gradually stopped cigs. I had no goal, no intention.

Got my first kit on a trial (Fifty-One...), puffed it a couple of days, then called Totally Wicked to order juice. While on the phone with them, I ordered a 510 kit.

Haven't looked back, and haven't touched the Fifty-One since I started on the 510.

I was curious more than anything. And sick of the government stealing my money.

In the beginning, I couldn't get used to vaping while driving. Once I got over that imaginary hurdle, I was home free. I haven't had a cig in about a month, maybe 6 weeks or so, haven't wanted one, haven't missed them.

I feel I got very lucky when I got my first 510, and I got even luckier when I got my first juice order from Tasty Vapor. I've become a vaping ho.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Sep 19, 2009
Pittsburgh, Pa
About the same with me. 2 packs a day for 32+ years, then switched to vaping. I was down to about 7-10 cigs the first week, by the beginning of the second week I was cig free.

And doesn't that just AMAZE you? I am still in awe about it. I smoked for 46 years and quit in 6 days.
Congrats, BTW...


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 24, 2009
Denver Colorado
I got my e-cigar and lasted about 6 hours then went back to ciggs and never touched teh cigar again. 2 weeks later I got my 510 titan and within 2 hours I threw my current pack of smokes away knowing i'd never need them agian. That was June 30th 2009.
Since then there has been 2 times I ran out of battary life or juice and I was very close to buying a pack to get me thru but I didn't.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 24, 2009
Akron, OH USA
Well, I actually did quit about 15 years ago by cutting down gradually before quitting. And that was WITHOUT the benefit of e-cigs or any kind of NRT. So yes, it can be done - I was tobacco free for 5 years and then started hanging out with smokers again and bam, re-picked up the habit. This time, with my e-cig, it's gonna be a lot less painful though.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 29, 2009
Warren, MI USA
And doesn't that just AMAZE you? I am still in awe about it. I smoked for 46 years and quit in 6 days.
Congrats, BTW...

Thank You. What gets me is if you really watch a Chantix commercial and listen to all the "possible side effects", yet, vaping isn't an accepted form of smoking cessation.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jun 26, 2009
I successfully cut down many times in an attempt to get myself ready to quit. But then I'd feel better since I was smoking less and the notion of quitting would disappear from my mind. Eventually, the amount I smoked would climb back up to my norm.

When I finally did quit, I had no plan and hadn't cut down at all. In fact, I was smoking at my peak level of two packs/day. I'd tested the waters a bit with the e-cig for a few months — finding a decent device, some good e-liquid, trying to get the hang of using it and reading a lot on here. One afternoon when I was miserable from a cold, I decided to just see how long I could go without smoking if I got serious with using the e-cig. I thought I might make it a few hours, but it's been 12 weeks so far :)


Full Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 20, 2008
I had 8 cigarettes left when i got my first ecig in October 2008, i smoked them along with the ecig, and haven't touched them or craved them since then. I didn't imagine for one second, that me, a long term heavy smoker would rather vape than smoke the old cancer sticks, but i was so very wrong, and i'm glad i bought that first ecig:D.
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