DIY Starting Points

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Jan 10, 2013
Hi all,

After about three months now of vaping I have decided to delve into DIY flavors. I have ordered from a variety of vendors and quickly homed in on what I like to vape, but I find I switch regularly between about 10 flavors to keep from getting bored. All are either fruit related or bakery related. I have found plenty of recipes to try and read a lot on equipment and calculators (which I really don't get yet), but my question.....finally is concerns the base materials.

I have only ever vaped 50/50 PG/VG and I'm OK with that, but would like to experiemt with mix myself. I have only ever used 18-24MG nic and that works for me, for now, but would like to try scaling it down to see how it works. <<< The other reason I want to DIY

I know I will need PG and VG base. I get that. I also know I need nic and this is where I'm confused.

Should I get one or the other, or both bases above with nic? Or get them without and buy a nic concentrate like Wizard has? If the concentrate, is it best to just get the highest concentration avaialable? (Hopefully I didn't break any rules on nic discussions here???)

You would think this might be the easy part, but it's a bit confusing to me. I feel competent to mix what I get, per recipes I find, but want to get a supply of the basic base materials that all will need to try out small batches of recipes I find.

I appreciate any thoughts on this and vendors you recommend for anything. Wizard, for example, seems to be out of nearly all PG and VG right now.


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Jun 2, 2011
SW. Indiana
I get my nic base 100mg and PG. Because I'm diluting it to 18mg I have plenty of room to add VG. I usually use around 30% VG. If I used 18mg base that is all PG, I wouldn't be diluting and wouldn't have room to add VG.

I'd suggest you get 36mg 50/50 base to start with. That will be safer getting your feet wet and still allow you enough options to change your pg/vg ratios if you want. As you get more familiar with it you can get high strength base and you'll have a better idea of what ratio you prefer. Don't be surprised if you like different flavors with different ratios.


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Mar 26, 2011
Yes,correct. I suggest downloading the ejuicemeup calculator by breaktru. There is a "Website" tab at the top of it that has a drop down menu with a "How to". That will show you how to use every input on the calculator to achieve your desired results. There are other calculators that allow you to input more flavors than ejuicemeup, but it is IMO the easiest one to use and understand.

ETA: Most flavorings are pg based. Those that aren't usually will state that they are alcohol or vg based so you can factor that in too in the final pg/vg ratio.
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