Do you feel that Vaping has saved your life?

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Daryl Glen

Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 23, 2013
Titusville, FL, USA
I feel that vaping, at the very least, has prolonged my life. I was wondering if anyone else out there feels the same way I do.
Long story short, I had a heart attack a little over a year and half ago, at the age of 38. I had smoked for 20+ years, and even had my last cigarette about 5-10 minutes before the ambulance came to get me. Being 38, I didn't think that the chest pains I was experiencing would have led to a heart attack, because I was just flat out dumb!
After getting a stent placed in my 99% blocked artery, my cardiologist recommended that I give vaping a try. I did, and I am very grateful for it! I had my year check-up about 5 or 6 months ago, and the x-ray of my lungs was shocking, and that was after a year of vaping. The difference was night and day better!
So....if nothing else, take this little story to give you encouragement to NEVER go back to analogs. Those things will DEFINITELY kill you!


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 31, 2013
United States
Wow, what an inspirational story! Yes I do feel I have prolonged my life by switching to vaping. I no longer use 3-4 inhalers and nebulizers. I can breath! I remember how sore my ribs were in my 2nd month of vaping because my lower lungs were actually working again, crazy. I'm glad you shared your story, I'm glad you're around to share your story!

Daryl Glen

Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 23, 2013
Titusville, FL, USA
Wow, what an inspirational story! Yes I do feel I have prolonged my life by switching to vaping. I no longer use 3-4 inhalers and nebulizers. I can breath! I remember how sore my ribs were in my 2nd month of vaping because my lower lungs were actually working again, crazy. I'm glad you shared your story, I'm glad you're around to share your story!

Thanks for that! And I know EXACTLY what you are saying about breathing again. I used to take Claritin on a daily basis, but not any more!

Daryl Glen

Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 23, 2013
Titusville, FL, USA
Great story Daryl.

I don't if vaping has saved my life, but it has saved the life of my upholstery and clothes compared to smoking. Also, when I wake up, my lungs feel like they are still inside my body....that took some getting used too.
True! Also, the inside of my car is the biggest recipient of new life!
And I'm not saying that vaping is COMPLETELY healthy either, because a lot of it is unknown...but according to my cardiologist, smoking is DEFINITELY the cause of my heart


Full Member
Jul 27, 2010
I don't know if I'd say vaping saved my life, as I was only a 2 PAD smoker for 7-8 years (I say "only" because I know plenty of 20+ year smokers), but it most definitely improved my life.

I enjoy exercise now that I can breathe and have lost 176 pounds in the past 2 years (370 -> 194). I don't even remember what it was like to wake up and hack out my lungs every morning. Stairs are no longer this exhausting uphill battle. People don't complain about how I smell - in fact, most people have nothing but good things to say about how the vapor smells.

Pretty much everything gets better. And I'll most likely live longer if not due to not smoking then definitely due to the weight loss which was possible because of my PVs =)


Ultra Member
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Feb 5, 2009
Living in a box of CelluCotton
They have saved my sanity. As much as I told myself I loved to smoke, and maybe at times I actually did, I knew they were SEVERELY affecting my health. I wheezed all the time, got winded going up stairs, woke up coughing like I had pneumonia, had skin like a lizard ... it was awful. I tried everything to quit but couldn't ever get through more than a few days before I would about go nuts and buy a pack.

Vaping has been a struggle, too, but this last year and a half or so, things have been looking up. I have gear that works, the knowledge to build coils and repair them, enough durable, good gear to last a long while, DIY supplies and juice in quantity. It's been a long road the past few years, but I haven't had a cigarette in a couple months and have reached a sort of vaping Nirvana. I'm also down to 6mg without flinching, with the goal to be at 2mg or 0 by the end of the year. One magical day, I may just leave my vape at home and not look back.

If these things free me from cigarettes, I will remain a staunch advocate and proponent for vaping. It's an amazing thing, vaping. And vapers are amazing people. These boards remind me of AA, only with a lot less God and a lot more fun and science! Vaping may ultimately add years to my life, but freeing me from that dreadful state I was in after smoking a PAD or more for 20 years ..... that is worth every agony, every frustration, every terrible vape experience, every dollar wasted on junk gear. I smell better, food tastes unbelievable, sex is better than ever, I am saving money ... well .... spending it on things I enjoy. And I'm turning people around me into better educated non-vapers, and even getting some smokers to make the switch.

Vape or die, people. Vape or die. :p


Vaping Master
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Jan 13, 2013
30 year smoker. I don't know if it saved my life, but it have to take a deep breath to know my lungs are still there. They used to let me know they were there 24/7. Waking me up in the middle of the night, etc.
My blood pressure is WAY down now too. When I vape, it goes up, but back down within 20 min instead of having to not smoke for 2 days..

Vaping probably either saved my life, or just improved my quality of life. One or the other, or both :)


Super Member
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Apr 9, 2013
Buford, Ga
I had my year check-up about 5 or 6 months ago, and the x-ray of my lungs was shocking, and that was after a year of vaping. The difference was night and day better!
So....if nothing else, take this little story to give you encouragement to NEVER go back to analogs. Those things will DEFINITELY kill you!

Any chance you've got access to those before & after x-rays?
That would make a pretty nice statement / testimonial to vaping...


Ultra Member
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Jan 20, 2012
I don't know that I can say it's "saved" my life but I can say it's improved it. I don't cough & hack each morning. I would probably not have quit until there were serious health issues & I was required to so maybe I have avoided those health issues. It's definitely been a good thing & I'm thankful to have discovered it when I did.

Ben B Brown

Senior Member
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Jul 18, 2013
Baltimore, Maryland, United States
saved my life im sure it has extended it,
side effects of vaping
I can breath again
no burnt holes in everything
no stinky house or car
don't smell like a ash tray
don't have to stand in the rain or cold to vape
increased stamina
can walk a flight of stairs without being winded
yep extended my life
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