Do you feel that Vaping has saved your life?

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Happy Vaper
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May 3, 2012
Coldspring, Texas, United States
Hey Daryl, I was in the same boat. Smoked for over 30 years at 40 had my first stent, 42 first heart attack, 5 more stents over the next 2 years, second heart attack at 44. At 46, my 7th stent, one week later my third heart attack. Two days later (August 2, 2010) open heart surgery for a bypass. Sad thing is I smoked thru it all and even after the bypass. Then in Feb 2012 I bought my first ecig. Haven't had nor wanted an analog since. My last visit to the cardiologist he was asking me about symptoms "chest pains? NOPE shortness of breath? NOPE light headed? NOPE anything? NOPE". He said "Come on man, give me something to work with here or I'm not gonna need to see you for a while". Needless to say he is very happy with my vaping and recommends it to other patients. Save my life? I would say YES!


Vaping Master
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Sep 18, 2013
Geekville, USA
I have been a hopeless cigarette addict for most of my adult life. I have tried countless times to quit. Friends and family and co-workers have literally begged me to quit, darn near to the point of intervention!

I still have an analog once in a while but it is getting to the point where I really do not prefer a smoke to a vape. The last one I had, I tamped out after two puffs. Cigs are becoming gross to me.

I truly believe that vaping is saving my life. My skin and lungs are clearer. I have more energy and I do not stink! My cig habit is over 30 years old and I see the light to getting the gorilla off my back!

Daryl Glen

Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 23, 2013
Titusville, FL, USA
That's fantastic. What does your doctor(s) say about the before and after?

Well, at my one year checkup, I had my chest x-rays, and he told me that it looked as if I hadn't smoked for 20+ years! In his words, the difference between the before and after were "dramatic". I looked at them myself, and even though I'm not a doctor, it was very clear to me the difference.

Daryl Glen

Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 23, 2013
Titusville, FL, USA
Hey Daryl, I was in the same boat. Smoked for over 30 years at 40 had my first stent, 42 first heart attack, 5 more stents over the next 2 years, second heart attack at 44. At 46, my 7th stent, one week later my third heart attack. Two days later (August 2, 2010) open heart surgery for a bypass. Sad thing is I smoked thru it all and even after the bypass. Then in Feb 2012 I bought my first ecig. Haven't had nor wanted an analog since. My last visit to the cardiologist he was asking me about symptoms "chest pains? NOPE shortness of breath? NOPE light headed? NOPE anything? NOPE". He said "Come on man, give me something to work with here or I'm not gonna need to see you for a while". Needless to say he is very happy with my vaping and recommends it to other patients. Save my life? I would say YES!

Well, you have had it rougher than I have, but I'm so glad to hear you are off the analogs! Stay healthy my friend!

Daryl Glen

Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 23, 2013
Titusville, FL, USA
I have been a hopeless cigarette addict for most of my adult life. I have tried countless times to quit. Friends and family and co-workers have literally begged me to quit, darn near to the point of intervention!

I still have an analog once in a while but it is getting to the point where I really do not prefer a smoke to a vape. The last one I had, I tamped out after two puffs. Cigs are becoming gross to me.

I truly believe that vaping is saving my life. My skin and lungs are clearer. I have more energy and I do not stink! My cig habit is over 30 years old and I see the light to getting the gorilla off my back!

Best of luck to you, and keep fighting to stay off the analogs!

Daryl Glen

Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 23, 2013
Titusville, FL, USA
I had a major heart attach and started smoking as soon as I got out of the stupid!! I vape now and have stopped drinking! (I hope all this helps)

It will definitely help! I literally had my last cigarette just a few minutes before the ambulance picked me up. Now that I look back on it, I realize how much of an idiot I was (still am, but just not as much)!
Keep vaping and best of luck to you!

Daryl Glen

Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 23, 2013
Titusville, FL, USA
It amazes me with each story how far we've come! My cough is gone...I can smell the soap on my skin again....I'm not embarrassed to walk in somewhere smelling of smoke....ahhhhh....
Kissing my wife with confidence that I don't smell like an ashtray is pretty awesome too! ;)


Super Member
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Feb 11, 2013
Rochelle, VA
Hawt diggity dawg, I love this thread.

Yes, I have an autoimmune disease, that impacts my thyroid. Combine that with being high strung and a mental illness, nicotine really evens me out. But smoking was so unhealthy I was always feeling unwell.

So it was like I always had to chose between being bat **** crazy or sick. Now I don't have too.

Daryl Glen

Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 23, 2013
Titusville, FL, USA
Your cardiologist recommended vaping? That is awesome! Sign him (or her) up to speak at the next AMA meeting! We need more DOCTORS on our side! :)

He most certainly did! I was shocked! I had a check-up a week after getting out of the hospital. When I saw him, he asked me how bad I wanted a cigarette and he told me not to lie (he knew I had smoked for 20+ years). I told him the truth, which was that I wanted a cigarette, but I wasn't going to have one, because I NEVER wanted to go through what I went through ever again.
That's when he told me about vaping. I told him that I had tried the disposable ones at the gas stations (pre-blu) and they were terrible. He agreed and said that I should buy stuff that was online, because they were MUCH better than the ones sold at gas stations.
His name is Dr. Shah, and he LITERALLY saved my life.
My heart attack was what is called "the widow maker". 95% of the people who have that particular heart attack,die. I had a chance to tell my wife and my mom that I loved them before they loaded me up on the helicopter.
So, yes, my cardiologist is the one who opened my eyes to this world, and I am eternally grateful to him.....again!
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