Dragon's Fire by Heather's Heavenly Vapes

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Nov 7, 2010
Heather's Heavenly Vapes recently came out with a "Purity" line. These are naturally extracted flavors with no PG in the process. Rejoice 100% VG users as you can finally get high quality liquids with amazing flavor. When I read that Heather's was releasing new natural extracted tobaccos, I had to give them a try.

The tobacco that started it all is Dragon's Fire. Described on the website as "a pure extracted tobacco with a deep, rich, sophisticated flavor." I thought from the description that this would simply be the tobacco base. Many vendors provide the base tobacco eliquids for those that don't want anything extra. If you're looking for the base tobacco flavor, you won't find it here. It is a sweeter tobacco with flavors that fit the description perfectly. I believe this is extracted from Cavendish tobacco as it is sweeter but it doesn't taste like sweetener was added. I think there may be some caramel added and other flavors. It's not exactly a cigarette/pipe/cigar/snuff replica. However, it is an original, unique, and creative flavor.

I've had this liquid for two weeks and I can tell you steeping does help. Though amazing out of the mail, the flavor does get fuller as time goes on. The flavor is a little smokey but not quite the same as the Gandolf eliquid they also sell. I have never had an eliquid that tastes quite like this. As I've written in the Gandolf review, Heather's Purity tobaccos leave no residue on an atty/carto.

Final thoughts, this is amazing. Dragon's Fire is not hot and spicey as you may assume from the name. It is a sweeter tobacco with an amazing natural tobacco flavor. If you're a little nervous about trying the new Purity line, I recommend giving Dragon's Fire a try first. While I do not like this quite as much as Gandolf, that doesn't take away from the greatness of this liquid. This is another all day vape for me, as I'm almost out of my first 15ml and I just bought another 30ml. While Gandolf just edges this one out for me, I still give it a strong 10/10.


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Dec 30, 2011
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No problem. I think it may be today or tomorrow; so, I will give my initial reactions and two week follow-up. I hadn't tasted Dragon's Fire yet--so I won't be able to compare it to the original--but, I also ordered extra etract on the other flavors I had tasted, so I will be able to quantify the difference...hopefully. Hey, worst case scenario, I just got more HHV! HA


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Oct 21, 2010
Columbia, Missouri
I recently ordered some Dragon's Fire. A 30ml bottle, in fact. I like Gandalf so much that when luce's review stated that Dragon's Fire was "not quite" as good as Gandalf, but still great, I chose to dispense with the sample size and go for the gusto, presuming that I would almost certainly like it. After the package arrived, I let the Dragon's Fire steep cap-off for four days, then loaded up a carto this evening for a first taste.

To my surprise---given that luce's review didn't mention it---I realized after a few minutes of vaping what is to me quite an odd flavor that one of the primary flavor ingredients must be (to the best of my ability to discern) banana. I say "primary" because the banana is quite distinct, to my palate anyway.

While I have some AltCig Banana Milkshake that I find palatable, banana is not among my favorite eliquid flavors. I like bananas as food, but as a vaping flavor I tend to go into that scrunched-up face thing after the exhale. With the sole exception of Banana Milkshake, I've never found a banana nicquid I liked. And I've tried a bunch, mostly as samples included as freebies in orders for other juices.

I fear that the same will prove true with Dragon's Fire.

Perhaps I'm wrong. Perhaps no banana flavoring is used in Dragon's Fire. I mean, luce didn't mention banana, nor is there any reference to banana (or any other flavor) on the HHV web site description of said juice. If I am wrong, however, then my taste buds must be really whacked, because my perception of the banana flavor is not iffy---it's definite.

Anyway, I do wish that more vendors would offer better descriptions of their juice flavors. Does it really hurt them so much to tell customers what flavors are used in a given juice? I don't expect an exact recipe, just a rough idea of the component flavorings that contribute to the end result. The cryptic approach---wry and arch though it may be---leaves me feeling bereft of "sales help." And when I spend my hard-earned money on a juice that turns out to have flavors I don't much like, well, I'm less than pleased.

Unless I'm wrong about the banana element in Dragon's Fire, in which case the joke's on me.

All right. I just vaped a bit more Dragon's Fire. All I can say is that is there's no banana flavoring in the juice, then the mix of other flavors (something in the tobacco, perhaps?) ends up synthesizing an effect that my palate interprets as very similar. If it ain't banana, it might as well be. And that is not what I was hoping for.

I hate being critical of HHV, because I'm a total fan of Gandalf, and both Adam and Heather seem like lovely people. But there is it. Win some, lose some. Gandalf? Yes! Dragon's Fire? Sorry, but no. I can affirm that Dragon's Fire is a complex juice that some folks may love, but as of this evening I'm not likely to be among them.


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Dec 6, 2011
North Carolina, USA
I have to agree that there is certainly a banana-esque flavor that comes forth in a few of the HHV Purity tobaccos. I found it in Gandalf, Oompa, and Pirate's Booty, as well as in Dragon's Fire, and commented on it in the Natural Tobaccos thread. I have resigned myself to believing that it is a natural note that occurs with these juices, and it is most akin to a natural tobacco musk. When I had tasted these juices fresh from the mailbox, it was more pronounced, and it was reminiscent of a tangy tropical fruit. As the tobacco base stiffens and comes forth during the steeping process, the "banana/fruit" mellows and becomes part of the whole. This is after 3 weeks of steeping BTW.

Another strong note I get from many of the Purity juices is a dark chocolate. Of course, Oompa has the strongest chocolate, but it is also a little creamy and sweet. In Dragon's Fire, it is darker and deeper.

Of the Purity juices I have, Dragon's Fire is by far my favorite. It is rich and full-bodied without being harsh, and it has a full mouth feel on the inhale, ample throat hit, and a nice finish on the exhale.

On a side note, I have found that Gandalf has a slight resemblance to BWB's RY4 with the floral/herb/spice high notes. Yup, after tasting them side by side, there is definitely a similarity. Anyone else get that?
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Oct 21, 2010
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I hadn't made the association between Gandalf and BWB RY4, because they're "listed" under different categories in my brain---Gandalf is under "Juices I love," while BWB RY4 is under "Juices I once loved but now don't."

I just tried them back-to-back, and darned if you aren't right. There is a definite resemblance, which is shocking to me because it disrupts my neat categories. I guess that means that I'll have to consciously invite BWB RY4 back into the "Juices I love" group, because I don't want to kick out Gandalf. LOL.

As for your comments about Dragon's Fire and the HHV's Purity line, I'll assume that you're right. Makes sense to me that there's no actual banana flavoring in Dragon's Fire, and that my perception of that flavor is coming from elsewhere in the mix.

I hope you're also right about the tobacco stiffening up over time. Maybe I'll come to like Dragon's Fire more then. Lord knows I want to like it---I just need that odd banana note to recede into the background.


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Nov 7, 2010
these do change over time. I really haven't seen liquids change so much since BWB. as the flavors mature the liquid takes a deeper, more mature stance. usually the problem is that we buy the 15ml and vape it too quickly to see this happen. I bought 30ml of dragon and gandolf so I would be able to steep it while I vaped it. It really went to the next level after two weeks.


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Oct 21, 2010
Columbia, Missouri
these do change over time. I really haven't seen liquids change so much since BWB. as the flavors mature the liquid takes a deeper, more mature stance. usually the problem is that we buy the 15ml and vape it too quickly to see this happen. I bought 30ml of dragon and gandolf so I would be able to steep it while I vaped it. It really went to the next level after two weeks.


That's great! Something else to look forward to...

I haven't noticed that Gandalf has changed much for me over two bottles in two months, but I liked it right off, so maybe I haven't been paying attention. I'd be thrilled if Dragon's Fire morphed into deliciousness for me.

At least now I know why you didn't mention banana in your review. Apparently only spaceballs and I can taste it. We must be aliens from a different planet. LOL.


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Jul 4, 2009
Ogden, UT, US
Last week a vaping friend at work asked if I'd heard of any great new juices, so I told him about Gandalf and Dragon's Fire. He typically gives me a sample of new juices to try and I'm curious to see if I too will experience banana-esque-ness.

I may have a species of alien taste buds because, for me, BWB Casablanca is nothing like the fans describe... it tastes more like chewing on a weed plucked from a tobacco field.


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Dec 18, 2011
Rochester, NY
Hi all, I was all set excited and ready to order some HHV but not I'm leery. I was thinking of getting Dragon Fire, Cowboy, Gandalf, Huntsman and Oompa. Now I hear there is a banana flavor and comparison to BWB. Unfortunately I don't care for either of those. Would you say these have the same base note/ undertone flavor of BWB? I'm not sure what that flavor is or how to describe (I'm terrible at that) but it didn't agree with me. I'm not bashing BWB as I know it is a quality juice that many people love. I am just trying to find tobacco juices that I will like. Thank you!


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Dec 6, 2011
North Carolina, USA
Hi all, I was all set excited and ready to order some HHV but not I'm leery. I was thinking of getting Dragon Fire, Cowboy, Gandalf, Huntsman and Oompa. Now I hear there is a banana flavor and comparison to BWB. Unfortunately I don't care for either of those. Would you say these have the same base note/ undertone flavor of BWB? I'm not sure what that flavor is or how to describe (I'm terrible at that) but it didn't agree with me. I'm not bashing BWB as I know it is a quality juice that many people love. I am just trying to find tobacco juices that I will like. Thank you!

Bill and I are talking about juices that are still fresh, so they haven't steeped long enough. Like I said earlier, that pseudo-banana-ish flavor went away after a week or so of steeping. Once the tobacco becomes more pronounced, you are left with a warm full-bodied semi-sweet tobacco (Dragon's Fire) that is out of this world good. I would not pass up trying this juice because of something someone else says. Who am I to blow against the wind?

Also, the comparison of Gandalf to BWB RY4 should be taken with a grain of salt. They share a similar flavor profile, but they are in no way the same juice.

Alien taste buds FTW!
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Dec 12, 2011
Northern NY, United States
Banana?? Really?? Just goes to show ya.. everyone tastes something different. I am not a tobacco fan at all.. have never found one that resembled an analog even a tiny bit... until Gandalf. And I get no banana out of it at all. Just down and dirty, almost dusty, analog.. which I love when indulging in a nice cold beer. My favorite though is Oompa.. it's very similar to Gandalf (to me) with just a hint of chocolate.. also quite deelish with a cold brewski. My liquid stash is quickly becoming a sea of purple caps.. there isn't one I've tried that I haven't liked.


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Oct 21, 2010
Columbia, Missouri
OK, it's been six days since spaceballs and I had our exchange posts about Dragon's Fire having a banana-like undertone.

I'm happy to report that steeping is working its magic, although slowly. As of today (July 21st), I'm vaping Dragon's Fire and enjoying it. It's not great yet, but it's pretty good. The banana-like undertone had diminished---it's not entirely gone yet, but less detectable than before. And the overall flavor is melding nicely as whatever combination of flavoring elements that produced what my palate tasted as banana are reabsorbed into the delicious creaminess that Heather obviously intended.

I want to re-state that other people may not taste at all what spaceballs and I did. My posts are intended to be accurate reports of my own subjective experience, rather than judgments or advice to anyone about what to buy or not buy. To be plain, I consider myself a fan of HHV's juices.

I'm now cautiously hopeful that Dragon's Fire will turn into a winner for me. It ain't Gandalf, but it could be more than just good with some additional steeping time. What the heck, time is all I really have anyway.


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Oct 21, 2010
Columbia, Missouri
Another week has passed, and a curious flip has occurred. I'm vaping Dragon's Fire a lot and Gandalf not so much.

What are the causes for this reversal? I'd imagine that steeping plays some role, but I think it may be more me than the juices.

Except for the merest hint---perhaps more memory than literal perception---the banana-like overtone I didn't love in Dragon's Fire has faded completely, leaving in its wake a delicious creaminess. And, to my great surprise, the chocolate element in Gandalf (chocolate, cocoa, whatever it is) has deepened and blossomed so much that it's now pushing aside some of the other flavor components that made Gandalf so wonderful to me. It's not bad as an uber-chocolately tobacco blend, but I'm not in love with it nearly as much as I was.

So, for now at least, I actually prefer Dragon's Fire to Gandalf. Who would have guessed?


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Feb 9, 2011
Treasure Coast
Another possible alien taste bud sighting to report. 8-o

I received my first Dragon's Fire yesterday, and (absolutely contrary to my usual practice) immediately loaded up a carto. :) I get a lovely tobacco with a strong sweetness of dark honey! (No banana, no cocoa, etc.)

I really like that dark honey flavor note; I only hope it doesn't disappear on me completely in the next few weeks. :unsure:
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