Dry, Burnt taste and NO flavor on BRANDNEW Kanger Subox Mini.

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Sep 5, 2015
So I just got the Kanger subox Mini, and i'm getting a dry, burnt taste with no flavor. I am using a pretty clear looking e liquid but I cant even taste a HINT of flavor. I'm using a brand new coil, made sure to prime it and let it sit for a bit, the battery is fully charged (LG HG2 18650 3000mAh 20A Flat Top Battery), and i'm using the .5ohm OCC coils. I tried all kinds of wattage settings, right now I am keeping it at 25W, still getting a really HOT burnt taste. I don't know whats wrong. I made sure to verify the The Kanger Kit, the coils and the external charger.


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Sep 11, 2013
Eastern Ohio, USA
When you say you prime the coils, what do you mean? Are you saturating the coil before installation, or are you just letting it sit? Although I don't have the Subtank Mini, there are reports of some folks having dry hit issues with the OCC heads with high or max VG e-liquids.
This fix here worked for a guy at work that vapes:

Also, there's always the possibility that the OCC head is just a dud, that does happen from time to time.
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Full Member
Sep 5, 2015
When you say you prime the coils, what do you mean? Are you saturating the coil before installation, or are you just letting it sit? Although I don't have the Subtank Mini, there are reports of some folks having dry hit issues with the OCC heads with high or max VG e-liquids.
This fix here worked for a guy at work that vapes:

Also, there's always the possibility that the OCC head is just a dud, that does happen from time to time.

I am only using a 35%vg liquid here, I did go head and give the video idea a go anyway, didn't do anything for me. I also am noticing a really rough throat hit as well, much rougher than cigarettes actually. I don't know if this makes a difference but when I did the thing with the safety pin, I noticed the cotton was very hard, almost like a wall and not like fluffy cotton. Btw, I dripped like 3-4 drops of liquid into the coil and let it sit alone for a like 1 min or so and then I let it sit in the tank for a few minutes.


Full Member
Jul 3, 2015
I am only using a 35%vg liquid here, I did go head and give the video idea a go anyway, didn't do anything for me. I also am noticing a really rough throat hit as well, much rougher than cigarettes actually. I don't know if this makes a difference but when I did the thing with the safety pin, I noticed the cotton was very hard, almost like a wall and not like fluffy cotton. Btw, I dripped like 3-4 drops of liquid into the coil and let it sit alone for a like 1 min or so and then I let it sit in the tank for a few minutes.
I don't have any experience with the Subtank, but your cotton definitely should not be hard - you may have gotten a bum coil? Did it come with a second replacement coil?


Slightly mad but harmless
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Sep 11, 2013
Eastern Ohio, USA
I am only using a 35%vg liquid here, I did go head and give the video idea a go anyway, didn't do anything for me. I also am noticing a really rough throat hit as well, much rougher than cigarettes actually. I don't know if this makes a difference but when I did the thing with the safety pin, I noticed the cotton was very hard, almost like a wall and not like fluffy cotton. Btw, I dripped like 3-4 drops of liquid into the coil and let it sit alone for a like 1 min or so and then I let it sit in the tank for a few minutes.
The only other thing I could suggest is that you do a series of priming puffs - close off or block the airflow, and take a few drags just as if you were vaping, that should pull e-liquid into the coil. However, if you did already saturate the wick, it could be that there is a hot spot on the coil that's causing your problems. I would suggest changing the coil. I wish I had more input, but hopefully that will fix it. 35 VG should wick like a champ.
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Full Member
Sep 5, 2015
I don't have any experience with the Subtank, but your cotton definitely should not be hard - you may have gotten a bum coil? Did it come with a second replacement coil?
The only other thing I could suggest is that you do a series of priming puffs - close off or block the airflow, and take a few drags just as if you were vaping, that should pull e-liquid into the coil. However, if you did already saturate the wick, it could be that there is a hot spot on the coil that's causing your problems. I would suggest changing the coil. I wish I had more input, but hopefully that will fix it. 35 VG should wick like a champ.

Okay so I tried to blocking airflow thing, didn't work. So I'm like okay this coil is obviously ....ed so I get a new one out. New one has hard cotton also, and its reading like 1.4ohms. First coil I pulled out read .9ohms im like wtf so I a new one and thats the one I've been using. Pull out a THIRD, the threads gotta be ....ed up or something cuz It was tilted sideways quite a bit. Pull out a fourth.... sideways. Pull out FIFTH, sideways AND its reading .7ohms. I know I screwed it in right cuz the other coils werent sideways, I also tried rescrewing it a few times. So after the fifth one, I'm like alright, .... this. So I pulled out the RDA, its pre-wired, I did the cotton. A little better, still a little too warm and hot, throat hit not as bad. Still no flavor. Still having the same issue basically.

Elizabeth Baldwin

Vaping Master
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Feb 2, 2014
Lexington, Kentucky, United States
When you put a new coil in, be it a OCC or the RBA section, always start on very low watts, like 13 or 14, and take several hits before going up a few watts. Slowly work your way up until it's the sweet spot.

Also, after priming, also take a few long puffs without pushing the button. This gets the juice flowing.

Btw: where did you buy your occ coils? I ask because there are generic ones not made by kangertech out there. They are usually hit or miss. I use only the RBA section. No dry hits. Taste is great too.


Full Member
Jun 24, 2015
I don't have any experience with the Subtank, but your cotton definitely should not be hard - you may have gotten a bum coil? Did it come with a second replacement coil?

I primarily use the RBA deck in my ST Minis, but the dozen or so Kanger VOCCs I've used have all had very, very hard cotton in them. No bum coils, fortunately.

I would open up the airflow and pull harder if both pre-built and RBA are exceedingly hot.

High PG (>50%) or high nic content (>.6%) is usually the culprit when it comes to excessive throat hit. I usually run 70% VG and .3% nic in all of my tanks (.6% in a few of my lower wattage tanks).
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  • May 31, 2015
    Oregon, USA
    While others might think I'm crazy for doing this but before I install a factory coil in a tank I FILL IT with juice. Thats right - FILL IT. Fill 'er up and then let it sit. You'll know that it has been absorbed enough when the two juice holes darken up because they are wet with juice.

    Then I just grab a paper towel (or tissue) put the bottom (510 end) in my mouth and blow the excess juice out the other end. THEN it is ready to install.

    Most folks like to start with their power LOW (<=10w) and take a few puffs, move to 15w and take a few puffs, 20w and take a few puffs and so on until they are getting a decent vape.

    A few drops for a few minutes never seemed to work for me so (like I said) I flood the darned things and then slowly ramp them up and rarely (if ever) get a dry hit.


    Ultra Member
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    Sep 30, 2014
    When I'm priming the pre-built coils, I drip juice into the top to prime it. I keep dripping drops into the top until the cotton in the juice flow holes start to change from dry to wet. it will probably take 10-15 drops sometimes. Then I'll put a drop on each hole to finish priming it. You can then fill the tank and assemble it. I'd wait a few more minutes for it to complete the saturation before vaping. And like Elizabeth said, start with the wattage lower. I'd start at 15 and work up. A burnt taste means the cotton is burned and there is no recovery for that.


    Full Member
    Sep 5, 2015
    When you put a new coil in, be it a OCC or the RBA section, always start on very low watts, like 13 or 14, and take several hits before going up a few watts. Slowly work your way up until it's the sweet spot.

    Also, after priming, also take a few long puffs without pushing the button. This gets the juice flowing.

    Btw: where did you buy your occ coils? I ask because there are generic ones not made by kangertech out there. They are usually hit or miss. I use only the RBA section. No dry hits. Taste is great too.

    Thats a good idea with the starting out low. Will keep that in mind. And I got 2 5 packs from myfreedomsmokes, as well as the kit. I get my juice for mountain baker vapor.


    Full Member
    Sep 5, 2015
    I primarily use the RBA deck in my ST Minis, but the dozen or so Kanger VOCCs I've used have all had very, very hard cotton in them. No bum coils, fortunately.

    I would open up the airflow and pull harder if both pre-built and RBA are exceedingly hot.

    High PG (>50%) or high nic content (>.6%) is usually the culprit when it comes to excessive throat hit. I usually run 70% VG and .3% nic in all of my tanks (.6% in a few of my lower wattage tanks).

    Yeah.. I use like 24mg/ml and that is even a little low for me sometimes so I can't get less of the nic. I kinda ....ed up with the pg vg thing cuz I bought a 236ml bottle of this stuff from mountain baker vapor. You think it would be a bad idea to ADD vg to the bottle?


    Senior Member
    Aug 13, 2015
    adding vg to the bottle is perfectly fine, although it will dilute the flavor, and Nic if you just add plain vg.
    i highly recommend it though. That much pg is gonna be incredibly harsh.
    I can't even stand 50/50 with a mod.
    it wouldn't be a bad idea to order some high vg juice of the same flavor to mix with, but if you don't mind cutting the flavor down WalMart seeks vg in the pharmacy section. That should make it much more tolerable if you dilute it to 30-40% pg, and I'd rather vape juice with very little flavor than juice that burns like flaming razor blades and that honestly might be the whole problem
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    Ultra Member
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    Feb 26, 2014
    I can't stand a burnt taste at all! I keep my kbox way down at 10watts. If I go much over that, it tastes burnt. I make my own juices and like sweet, fruity liquids, so they have a good bit of creams and sweeteners in them. I think the higher sweeteners and creams make them taste burnt at lower wattages. I'm not a cloud chaser or a sub-ohmer, so it works great for me.


    Full Member
    Feb 2, 2015
    South Carolina
    I fill my OCC coil as well. I watch it until I see the cotton on the sides is wet. Then I put the tank on it full of juice and let it sit for fifteen to twenty minutes. Start low on wattage while it's a new coil. Some sweeteners gunk them up so much and so fast that it will taste bad no matter what. My coils usually last for several weeks.


    Full Member
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    Sep 19, 2015
    When you say you prime the coils, what do you mean? Are you saturating the coil before installation, or are you just letting it sit? Although I don't have the Subtank Mini, there are reports of some folks having dry hit issues with the OCC heads with high or max VG e-liquids.
    This fix here worked for a guy at work that vapes:

    Also, there's always the possibility that the OCC head is just a dud, that does happen from time to time.

    Thank you.

    Mine was so dry and rough. Took it out and followed the method even thought still got juice.

    So far it's better and smooth.


    Ultra Member
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    Oct 29, 2014
    Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
    My cotton nautilus coils have the harder cotton in them, seems like a wall and not fluffy or anything. But it still soaks it up. You can put drops on the holes and literally watch it soak in, I do that until it doesn't soak in anymore and then I let the tank sit for a half hour, then start on low power and work my way back up to normal power. Pretty universal procedure for any cotton coils no matter what company makes them.
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