E-cig ruins ability to smoke regular cigs again and enjoy it.

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Aug 5, 2009
South Africa
yep and total hypocrisy.. and why ex smoker turn into the biggest "smoker" haters out of the lot.. they should understand why people smoke but they dont.. he he


I agree - perhaps subconsciously, deep down under all the relief and joy of no longer smoking, there is an envy of sorts .. ..


Senior Member
Jun 21, 2009
Fort Worth, Tx
I went on a trip and left my luggage at home. Was horrible. I did have my e-cig with me, but no charger and only one battery, and some juice. After the battery died. I bought a pack of my cigs. They were horrible. Had no problem with finishing it because i wanted the nic. But it pretty much made me decide i would really try to quite the nic incase these ecigs do get banned. i do not want to go back to analogues


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ECF Veteran
Aug 26, 2009
Detroit Rock City
After only vaping (while still smoking) for one week I'm starting to notice a difference. My analog use is way down and when I do smoke one it just seems much harsher. I don't hate analogs yet, but I could see getting used to vaping all the time. After not smoking for a whole morning, a few coworkers came in from having their analogs and they just stunk terribly from about 10 feet away. That's all the motivation I need to stick with vaping.

I ran out of my first batch of juice yesterday so am stuck with analogs for now, but I have some on order and can't wait to get back to vaping.


Ultra Member
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Jan 25, 2009
North Yorkshire UK
After only vaping (while still smoking) for one week I'm starting to notice a difference. My analog use is way down and when I do smoke one it just seems much harsher. I don't hate analogs yet, but I could see getting used to vaping all the time. After not smoking for a whole morning, a few coworkers came in from having their analogs and they just stunk terribly from about 10 feet away. That's all the motivation I need to stick with vaping.

I ran out of my first batch of juice yesterday so am stuck with analogs for now, but I have some on order and can't wait to get back to vaping.

My fascination with smells is that it's so easy to make bad smells for nothing but impossible to make a good smell for nothing.


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May 26, 2009
wonder if it is the flavor of liquid makes any difference for the experience. I know trying analogs after 2 months of vaping (it was brutle trying to force them down) I wan't to leave that memory intact of how awful smoking analogs were.. just the mental thought and physical experience of analogs are NOT an option because the wonderful love affair memory I had was destroyed.. I'm around alot of smokers and all I seem to think about is being so happy I feel freed from them lol hadn't taken the time to think what they smell like from other people smoking them... I keep pinching myself to make sure I am not dreaming for feeling nothing.. lol...

Casey C

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Aug 3, 2009
Fort Wayne, IN
Actually since I have been vaping with vg, tobacco actually 'tastes' ok again.......it seems that the PG was the thing that made it taste really bad to me. The good thing though is that there isn't any 'craving' to smoke tobacco.

Wow, you're right, been smoking ecopure today and it's changed it somewhat - also notice that when I smoke the ecopure it sort of numbs my lungs? When I use my uh, tobacco water pipe, I can't tell how much I have inhaled when I've been smoking ecopure. A little disconcerting...


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Aug 14, 2009
Virginia Beach
I think it is psychosomatic also. I can see absolutely no change in how real cigs taste. I guess if you can make yourself believe that they taste like crap that is good if you want to stop smoking. My eyebrows raise when I hear someone say that after 20 years of smoking and one week of vaping suddenly cigarettes and smoke is more than they can bear.

It's that way for me. I smoked menthol cigs, and I tried to have a cig the other day. It was an utter failure. I tasted 0 menthol- all I could taste was the nasty cig taste. I'm sure long term menthol smokers understand what I mean. For me- a regular (non menthol) cig has ALWAYS tasted like crap- and when I tried to smoke the other day, the tobacco taste came through the menthol in the cigs. Ugg.

Part of it too though I think is the lower nic content of liquid. I've been vaping 1ml of 9mg liquid in a day. I used to smoke over 20mg of nic in a day. The 1 cig I had not only tasted like a non-menthol cig, but it also gave me a buzz. Not a pleasant feeling when I was driving at the time.

And my smell has come back some too (maybe it's just that i don't smell like smoke myself now)- I was working in the kitchen earlier, and was too close to an ashtray. Ugg. I've never been able to smell an ashtray before from 2 feet away.

So, there ya go- there's my experience. The cig I tried to have was 4 days after the last one- I've been completely off the analogs for the time on my banner. (and i was a pack+/day analog smoker for 12+ years, so take it for what it's worth)

Truly, right now I would like to have an analog- for the harsher smoke (i still feel like my ecig is an ultra-lite something, and really crave a good hit of something) and I probably would if I didn't know that I wouldn't be able to taste the menthol in it. But it's not worth the trouble, for the licking-the-ashtray taste of a non-menthol cig.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 16, 2009
I agree - perhaps subconsciously, deep down under all the relief and joy of no longer smoking, there is an envy of sorts .. ..

If they only knew how much better tasting and feeling the E-cig is, they would envy us... I for one certainly do not envy smokers. Like someone said, it tastes like cardboard, and at least for me it's completely unsatisfying now compared to the E-cig. But keep in mind, ( if I drink ) I use the 510 with high 24 or 36 555 flavor, and my hits are very strong and flavorfull. Side by side with an analog, it completely blows it away. I look around at all the smokers and think to myself if they only knew how good this is they would drop their cigs in a second. Nic hit you say? Trust... using the high liquid, you feel it just as much as analog, then add the taste and the throat/Lung experience, moistness rather than dryness, and it's a whole nother drug on an advanced level of heightened experiences lol..

But just because my mind has adapted so well doesn't mean that other people feel the same way. I know if I only had to smoke an evo, or pen model, or ( anything less than a 510 ), I'd probably still prefer analog cigs, in fact I know I would cause I used to only have the pen model, and I did prefer analog until I got the 510.

I am not a judgmental ex smoker, people can do whatever they want for themselves. I used to smoke and enjoyed it, but don't anymore because I found something much better for me. I used to not mind second hand smoke, but now I'm more sensitive to it, my smell is back so would rather not have it blown in my face, I will move myself rather than say anything. I complained about smoking an analog because I was no longer adapted to it and it was very poor compared to E-cig, dry like cardboard, and no rush like I remember. You would complain too if ur once fav cheesburger tasted like dog ****, right? My mind changed and no longer received the same effects from the analog, no stimulation... I've got friends who feel the same way now after getting hooked on the e-cig.
I'm going to experiment with people, give them a 510 for a whole night of drinking, let them puff away like crazy. Then I'll take it away and watch them miss it. I'll continue to do it and see how it messes with their analogs. Smokers are now my test rats. Who's envious and laughing now...:evil::evil::evil:


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 16, 2009
It's that way for me. I smoked menthol cigs, and I tried to have a cig the other day. It was an utter failure. I tasted 0 menthol- all I could taste was the nasty cig taste. I'm sure long term menthol smokers understand what I mean. For me- a regular (non menthol) cig has ALWAYS tasted like crap- and when I tried to smoke the other day, the tobacco taste came through the menthol in the cigs. Ugg.

Part of it too though I think is the lower nic content of liquid. I've been vaping 1ml of 9mg liquid in a day. I used to smoke over 20mg of nic in a day. The 1 cig I had not only tasted like a non-menthol cig, but it also gave me a buzz. Not a pleasant feeling when I was driving at the time.

And my smell has come back some too (maybe it's just that i don't smell like smoke myself now)- I was working in the kitchen earlier, and was too close to an ashtray. Ugg. I've never been able to smell an ashtray before from 2 feet away.

So, there ya go- there's my experience. The cig I tried to have was 4 days after the last one- I've been completely off the analogs for the time on my banner. (and i was a pack+/day analog smoker for 12+ years, so take it for what it's worth)

Truly, right now I would like to have an analog- for the harsher smoke (i still feel like my ecig is an ultra-lite something, and really crave a good hit of something) and I probably would if I didn't know that I wouldn't be able to taste the menthol in it. But it's not worth the trouble, for the licking-the-ashtray taste of a non-menthol cig.
The 510 seems to satisfy and takes the urge away, it's not an ultra light in the least.. and if ur drinking and need an extra kick, high nic really does the trick. I only do that if I drink, the high nic doesn't mess with me, but it does keep me from desiring any ecig or nic for a whole day or more after an evening of drinking, so to me the high nic is not bad at all.


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Aug 14, 2009
Virginia Beach
I'll probably go back to using higher strength for cravings and such, but I'm diluting now waiting for some juice in the mail...

And once I can afford it, I'm going to get a 510, just because people keep saying the hit is better... But that'll take me a few months. In the meantime, I do the best I can. ;)


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
I'm going to experiment with people, give them a 510 for a whole night of drinking, let them puff away like crazy. Then I'll take it away and watch them miss it. I'll continue to do it and see how it messes with their analogs. Smokers are now my test rats. Who's envious and laughing now...:evil::evil::evil:

LOL, I did that today at work. I gave a guy one og my 510's for about three hours. He wanted to buy it from me right then and there! I gave him the link to the forum and my favorite ecig supplier.

E-cigs have been nothing short of miraculous for me. I boought a crappy ecig from my smoke shop last Thurs and had a 510 by last Sat. I have not touched an analog since. I had been smoking at least 1 pack a day for the past 31 years and tried EVERY method to quit.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 14, 2009
it dosnt ruin it for me.. in fact it does the opposite.. real ones used to make me cough after many years of smoking.. now they dont and i can actually enjoy one..

i dont smoke many and never buy them.. but havnt built up the usual stop smoking hatred of them..

i do think this common hatred of real ones is just part of the psychosomatic part of quitting.. i never needed to acquire it..


ps.. i havnt noticed the enhanced sense of smell or taste that is often mentioned ether.. things taste and smell the same as they have done for years.. no change..

The vehement anti-smoking ex-smokers never made sense to me, but I have to say my perceived taste of analogs has changed quite a lot since I started vaping fulltime. I don't believe it's psychosomatic. I certainly haven't rejected analogs nor do I (and nor did I) have any real desire to quit smoking.

I vape a lot of fruity and desserty flavors (odd because I don't care much for real sweets, though I do like fruit). And while I vape pretty much all day long, I only smoke one to three analogs each day. I would enjoy them quite a bit were it not for the taste.

I've never really liked the taste of cigarettes.. in fact, the main reason I smoke Pall Malls Light 100s is because they have about the least taste of any cigarette I've found other than ultra lights (which just didn't do the trick for me nicotine-wise). After vaping all day, I think I kind of expect a pleasantly sweet flavor and the analogs don't deliver. The only real difference, though, seems to be that the flavor is much more pronounced -- before, they didn't seem to taste like much of anything, but now it seems quite strong.

I had the same thing happen when I unintentionally "switched" to diet soda after staying with my parents for a month or so. I was drinking my dad's Diet Coke for about a month and had previously drank a lot of regular Coke. After that, I tried drinking regular Coke again and it tasted unpleasantly acidic and syrupy. I've never gone back to the real thing; again, not out of any desire to make the switch, but because if the diet tasted better I might as well drink that.

I suspect that after having the same taste in my mouth for a long period of time, I became somewhat immune to it. The same thing happens when I vape the same flavor for several days straight... it begins to taste like not much at all.

Spicy food seems to work the same way. If I don't eat anything spicy for a long period of time, a jalapeno is shockingly hot, but it seems only a little spicy if I've gradually worked my way up for several weeks. According to my mom, this also happens with salty foods.. if she eats low sodium food for weeks on end, canned soup tastes excessively salty. (I wouldn't know; I'm on a prescribed 10,000mg sodium diet due to low blood pressure.)

I'm quite certain if I went back to smoking analogs all the time, I wouldn't mind the taste after a week or less. But I now enjoy vaping more (most of the time) so I do that instead, except when I want the blast o'nicotine enough to have an analog.

As for enhanced sense of taste and smell -- I notice the smell of cigarette smoke more than I did (again, probably because I'm exposed to it more) but it doesn't especially bother me. Beyond that, more subtle flavors seem more noticeable now, but it's not a huge difference.



Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 2, 2008
I bought a pack of smokes 2 weeks ago. Couldn't get through one. Gave the pack to a smoker.

I would say it was psychosomatic but it didn't taste as good as I remember. I don't know if it's the e-cig or that new fire ......ant design. But it didn't taste good and I didn't even feel the smoke and throat hit as I remember it.

Maybe it's psychosomatic...or maybe it's because the e-cig has a better flavor and actually *stronger* smoke than the Ultra Lights. I was a MUL smoker for 10 years.

I'll take my e-cig hands down these days. The only e-cig problem is the refilling and battery life. But even then, with my PCC, the world is great. And the not having to go outside in 115 heat is a dream come true.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 30, 2009
Albany, NY
I have been smoking the e-cig for a while now, and one day forgot to bring it with me on a long weekend trip, so I was forced to smoke regular cigarettes to satisfy my smoking urge. Well, that was so horrible it took over my weekend. I complained like crazy about smoking regular cigs, it was nasty, did not give me the same feeling or taste as e-cig, in fact it was down right torture. I missed the E-cig like it was a whole nother drug. I was surprised to know that smoking real cigs was so unsatisfying compared to months before when I used to enjoy it. The E-cig ruined my experience with regular cigarettes. It made it very unenjoyable to the point of not bothering to even try anymore.
So when they say does E-cig get you to quit smoking, I say YES, it changes the entire addiction. I adapted to the E-cig easy after a few days, but adapting back to regular cigarettes, almost impossible... The feeling an e-cig gives is so much better than real cigs, the rush is so much more I feel, and the lung - throat hit, is so much more satisfying.

It's crazy because I never thought it would be this powerfull but it is, just overall a much better experience, and wow it's so much safer which blows my mind.

Another thing... I got so used to being able to control my puffs, have one here and there and put it away... regular cigs, you are forced to smoke the damn thing all the way down for the moment, then it's done... not satisfying, not convienent, no pleasure. The E-cig is refreshing and constant only when you need a drag the most, it fits so well. Anyone have a similar experience??

Seems to be fairly common. Same here. I think it'd be harder to go back to regular cigs after the superior flavor, control, and cost of the e-cig than it was for me to start smoking analogs the first time (way back when).


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 30, 2009
Albany, NY
I bought a pack of smokes 2 weeks ago. Couldn't get through one. Gave the pack to a smoker.

I would say it was psychosomatic but it didn't taste as good as I remember. I don't know if it's the e-cig or that new fire ......ant design. But it didn't taste good and I didn't even feel the smoke and throat hit as I remember it.

Maybe it's psychosomatic...or maybe it's because the e-cig has a better flavor and actually *stronger* smoke than the Ultra Lights. I was a MUL smoker for 10 years.

I'll take my e-cig hands down these days. The only e-cig problem is the refilling and battery life. But even then, with my PCC, the world is great. And the not having to go outside in 115 heat is a dream come true.

Beats the hell out of -20 in New York winters. I'm really going to be laughing at my friends when the cold weather hits and they're all huddled together in a foul smelling cloud of yuck trying to suck down a cig before the frostbite sets in on the 2 fingers they use to hold it.


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ECF Veteran
Aug 21, 2009
ronkonkoma, NY
Hi all,

I'm one of those who have been vaping for one week and quickly realized I'll never go back to analog.

Smoked a pack a day for 24 years. Got a Blucig last week. Realized by the next day that I wanted something more. Got a Janty Stick a few days later, plugged in a Cappuccino cart and from the very first puff I knew that e-cigs were my future...

In one week, I went from a stinky smoker to a vapevangelist :thumbs:
I've turned on three other heavy smokers to the vapism.

how cool is that?

i do think this common hatred of real ones is just part of the psychosomatic part of quitting.. i never needed to acquire it..

No they just taste like burning weeds out back... no psycho... umm... whatever for me... lol


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 15, 2009
Upstate NY, USA
I have been smoking the e-cig for a while now, and one day forgot to bring it with me on a long weekend trip, so I was forced to smoke regular cigarettes to satisfy my smoking urge. Well, that was so horrible it took over my weekend. I complained like crazy about smoking regular cigs, it was nasty, did not give me the same feeling or taste as e-cig, in fact it was down right torture. I missed the E-cig like it was a whole nother drug. I was surprised to know that smoking real cigs was so unsatisfying compared to months before when I used to enjoy it. The E-cig ruined my experience with regular cigarettes. It made it very unenjoyable to the point of not bothering to even try anymore.
So when they say does E-cig get you to quit smoking, I say YES, it changes the entire addiction. I adapted to the E-cig easy after a few days, but adapting back to regular cigarettes, almost impossible... The feeling an e-cig gives is so much better than real cigs, the rush is so much more I feel, and the lung - throat hit, is so much more satisfying.

It's crazy because I never thought it would be this powerfull but it is, just overall a much better experience, and wow it's so much safer which blows my mind.

Another thing... I got so used to being able to control my puffs, have one here and there and put it away... regular cigs, you are forced to smoke the damn thing all the way down for the moment, then it's done... not satisfying, not convienent, no pleasure. The E-cig is refreshing and constant only when you need a drag the most, it fits so well. Anyone have a similar experience??
Im sorry you have experienced the problem of "analog distaste" ;). It must be HORRIBLE! These darn things took away your ability to enjoy a disgus... I mean, wonderful cigarette! How dare these things improv... I mean ruin a perfectly good tobacco smoking experience? In spite of all these terrible things, I agree with ya 100% :thumbs:
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