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Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 23, 2008
i together with with two other family members are currently testing three e pipes or six atomizers so they could be considered six pipes..

the pipes are very substantial and nicely made.. but how long the little atomizer coils last we have yet to determine..

in my view none of these things last long.. a new pipe atomizer costs 14 dollars from i cig china.. a ruyan pipe costs 350 dollars..

so far the e-cig pipes are working well.. but we are dripping them.. 10 or so drops onto the atomizer with no cart gives about 2 hours nice smoking..

they dont seem to like to pull liquid from the cart.. simply popping a cart in dosnt produce much smoke with any of them.. it should do but it dosnt.. ???

i am hoping for the atomizers to work well for four weeks on average.. if they do i will be happy.. i order spare atomizers in advance.. when they fail i buy some more..

so far they are just past the first weeks use.. one did fall off after about one week but a good wash under the tap had it going nicely again..


ps.. as for which is the best.. well there are many different prices from many different places.. but u could well be getting the same product.. i dont think there are many different makers..


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 24, 2008
the Netherlands
e-Cig; Ruyan; Ming Yang; PartySmoker - those are at least 4 really different pipes (have all been taken apart to make sure). There is also a fifth one, but can't find the name of that one right now (name= numbers rather). From cheap to expensive they are e-Cig, PartySmoker, Ming Yang, Ruyan. There seems to be classes of difference between the cheapest and the next in row; but that I only know from reading dutch forums where they are tested, not from own experience.
Good luck on finding a good one for you :)


Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 23, 2008
my "cheap" ones seem quite well made.. how about rephrasing your "cheap to expensive" to good value to rip-off.. my cheap ones seem to be made from real wood.. with nicely machined brass parts.. an atomiser that looks like any other atomizer.. the same technology is used.. the same cheap off the shelf batteries are used.. all in all i cant stretch my imagination to justify the high prices charged for some of these products.. except a higher mark up and too many people believing in the salesmans dream "u get what u pay for mantra"..

what really matters with these things is how long they last.. so far the life span of any of them no matter what the cost dosnt look good..

but one takes ones pick and pays ones price..

best of luck whatever u buy..


ps.. kingfox is a name not mentioned.. but they use exactly the same photograph as e-cig..


Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 23, 2008
sadly most people do.. cheap is synonymous with rubbish.. hence my alternative phraseing.. sorry

i cringe every time i hear the old "you get what you pay for" adage.. its all too often used..

but knowing enough about engineering to tell a poorly made product from a well made one.. all i can say is i dont see "cheap" when i look at the low cost e-cig pipes.. i also cant imagine what could be possibly done to one to justify a six fold increase in price.. except of course the good old "you get what you pay for" mantra and people believing it..

i would love to have close look at one thow.. just to see.. he he



Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 24, 2008
the Netherlands
I more or less get the impression, that the differences between cheap and more expensive are not so much the quality overall for each kind (might take a minor role in it though); but that it's much more about the 'luck of the draw'.
So if you are the (just throwing numbers out here) 1 out of 8 lucky one to get a góód e-cig (some are) that you can indeed be very happy with it for a long time; and with the next in the row the 'draw' might be 1 in 4 or 1 in 5; and the next one maybe 1 in 3 or 1 in 2... It seems to work more along those lines, from what I read, really... (plus what also is counted in, of course, is the level of service and it's availability: a pipe being replaced in two days if it goes down, feels a lot less of a let-down then one taking 8 weeks to replace). It's a mix of things. And of course what álso counts is how a person starts in this: you, expecting disposables, won't feel the same as someone expecting a decent e-pipe to last a year at least... and then to be repaired, not thrown out.


Full Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 23, 2008
Bristol, UK
I had an e-cig pipe for a while.

Same thing as one of the previous posters said; it only worked when dripped. Almost no smoke with a cartridge. It worked great when dripped however, nice smoke, good taste.

Unfortunately it didn't work for very long. (4-6 weeks?) The internal switch got stuck and the thing overheat... I'm lucky i realised before it set my sofa on fire!... After that happened i threw it in the bin straight away. Maybe i was just unlucky.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 23, 2008
the problem i have is a problem with the technology.. a small cost nothing length of resistor wire coiled and sat in a little ceramic pot.. when i say cost nothing i mean cost nothing.. cheap or expensive end product its cost nothing.. it however is the biggest cause of failure.. i expect it to not last long.. constantly going thru a hot cold cycle each time a puff is taken.. heating up to near red hot temperatures by roughly one amphere of low voltage current passed thru it.. it simply isnt the kind of thing with long life..

the same idea is used by all e smoking devices.. the same cost nothing little coiled piece of resistor wire is used in a 45 dollar pipe or a 350 dollar pipe..

as for the rest of the pipe.. basically we have a pressure switch.. probably the second most common cause of failure.. again a pretty cheap cost little device.. but very critical.. a simple manual press switch would be more reliable and work better..

more of the rest.. well we have some metal gauze around the little ceramic pot.. its job is to leech liquid from the wool in the cart and pass it to the little pot.. again very unreliable even crude technology.. getting the right measure of liquid from the cart (wool) to the heater coil happens when it feels like it.. hence why some people resort to dripping.. again very cheap and crude technology..

all this is powered by a cheap 3 dollar battery.. the same cheap 3 dollar battery in a 45 dollar pipe as in a 350 dollar pipe.. this battery gets charged by a cheap 3 dollar charger.. again the same charger in a 45 dollar pipe as a 350 dollar pipe..

we are in essence using disposable unreliable technology.. its fairly new and ruyan charge enough up front to replace the failed (cost nothing) parts a few times.. e-cig charge a price more akin to the cost of manufacture but fail on the service.. its shouldnt take a genius to work out why..

my aim is to find a cost effective and reliable means of e smoking.. functional but good bang for buck..

some of the forum members simple want a new shiny latest whiz bang (bragging rights to use a computer forum term) toy to play with and post about..

i play the bragging rights game in my computer forum.. here i am just after something that reliably works and comes at price i can afford..

if my 14 dollar e-cig pipe atomizer and switch lasts 5 or 6 weeks i will be happy with it.. as for the poor service.. when u dont expect or ask for it and have spares on hand its not the slightest problem.. i might see having to send the more expensive device parts back and having to wait for new ones to arrive as a major problem thow..



Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
May 16, 2008
i agree with you trog,except about the bragging thing.i dont think its about bragging rights,its about the desire to have something that works better than whatever they currently have-or even than is currently available--however misguided that may be.its only natural,given the frustrations of using these devices currently,that at least some people are gonna jump on every baby-step of progress in mild desperation..many might think this is nonsensical,but thats the way it is and its gonna continue like that,no matter what anyone says.in many ways its a good thing,because it prevents product development from becoming stagnant-we need early adopters.what i really dont understand is why people spend well over the odds on current unimproved devices because of the brand name or whatever-that truly does not make sense to me..as for buying devices which have attempted to develop and evolve....well if anything,for the vast majority of purchasers,i think its about aspiration-not attention seeking on a forum.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 23, 2008
there is a heavy does of forum snobbery goes on mr darcy.. just like there is in the real world.. i get it aimed at me often.. if u didnt buy cheap mr trog you wouldnt get these problems.. brand loyalty (the computer term is fanboyism) also prevails.. buy janty mr trog stop wasting your money on cheap e-cig rubbish..

but i now think the whole idea behind these things is (or was) occasional use.. the early ruyan promotional video kinda exemplifies it.. a group of well to do people in a restaurant with not a sign of smoke in sight.. a healthy way to socialize and appear to be cool..

the one dollar each ruyan carts also fits in with expensive occasional use..

there is a world of difference between a 30 a day roll-up man trying to replace his habit with e smoking and the occasional "party smoker"..

i also dont see much innovation going on.. only in making the things smaller.. trying (for marketing reasons) to make them more like a real cigarette.. this does not produce better functionality or lower consumable costs.. in fact it does the opposite..

i view my pipe rather like an industrial version of a mini cig.. because its big it should last longer and so far it does provide the best e smoking experience.. the bang for buck factor is still on test.. having to replace the entire carved wood bowl and machines brass pieces every time the cheap little coil or switch fails dosnt exactly help.. but at 14 dollars a throw it dosnt have to last that long..

the downside.. its a blo-dy great sherlock holmes pipe.. i have grown to quite like mine.. its very "fondleable".. no problems for home use but its a bit big to carry around for outside use.. then we have the "image" factor.. he he

this of course could all be put right with a product designed for my kind of industrial use.. not a copy of ruyans rich mans socializer..


ps.. my argument will never be accepted by the majority current e cig users.. its too boring and its too logical.. which is not what todays average e cig forum user wants..


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
May 1, 2008
Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
Fanboyism? Snobbery? RUBBISH! Trog, you can smoke what you want, but my e-cig.com is the worst performer I have bought yet! I get well over twice the amount of smoke from my Njoy, and that's using an Njoy battery on the e-cig.com atomizer; if I use the E-cig.com battery it's even worse. There's nothing fanboyish about it, it's all about performance. And I am FAR from a brand loyalist, I will toss over any brand for a better performing brand in a freaking heartbeat.

Seriously Trog, head to head, the cheap brands do not perform as well as the better made brands. There are real engineering and quality control differences between them. It's NOT all the same thing, like you keep saying it is.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
May 1, 2008
Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
Trog, you're overlooking the real difference in the quality of what you get for that price. I don;t have the pipe model, but I do have the e-cig.com penstyle, and it's way inferior to my myecig.com model or especially to my Njoy model.That's where you and I disagree, I see a clear difference in what you get for your buck (or quid I suppose for you).


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
May 16, 2008
trog,i do understand your philosophy about buying cheap and disposing often,and fair play to you-im not questioning anyones methods on how to get the system which suits them-as you know i buy cheap from pillbox myself,and im happy with that and recommend his affordable cigs constantly...but i dont think there is as much fanboyism in e-smoking as you seem to believe,its not xbox360 v ps3-its a drug delivery system,and i believe most people just want the best device they can get to get their fix,and thats why they jump on new products which have made some effort to improve-and there are improvements starting to happen in battery life,cartridge life and atomisers-ok they might be fairly minor,but they are happening.are they worth the money?well possibly not-it wont stop people buying them tho.i use cheap and cheerful devices and cartridges,and so far so good...i ordered a kissbox more out of curiosity than anything,because ive never owned an expensive brand name e-product,and im interested in comparing the two ends of the price spectrum.i actually dont expect to find that much difference between them,im prepared to be disappointed,but its an experiment for me-albeit an expensive one,and you never know til you try.it doesnt mean i'll abandon buying and recommending my cheap stuff...but i dont think you can be truly objective if you just stick to a certain mindset.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 13, 2008
Port Charlotte, FL USA
Good, throrough comparison, Leaford. This thread began with a question about the E-Cig pipe. I owned one. And I would have been thrilled to have had the vapor from even your E-Cig pen model. The pipe was always a wimp. But ... trouble is ... no one knows what's possible if they limit themselves to one company. I thought I got as much vapor as anyone using anything. Wrong! But how could I know? I made a Newbie's mistake back in early January by buying a sorry product from a sorry company (I only learned that later). Never again. E-smoking devices might share the same patents, but they don't share the same care that goes into making a quality product.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 23, 2008
i have a feeling the less heat created by the little coil the longer it lasts.. also the longer the battery lasts.. not all people want tons of smoke.. i do..

so we can have a play off.. long life and reliability or lots of smoke and less life and reliability.. the bottom line is i know what makes these things tick (or not tick) and it aint quality control.. i also know for certain the more current u pass thru that little coil the more likely it is to fail.. increasing the voltage makes them all produce more smoke..

but this isnt simply about how much bloody smoke they produce.. more smoke can be simply produced by a shorter wire coil with less resistance.. one that passes one amp of current will create more smoke than one that passes half an amp of current.. but and the big but.. the coil will burn out quicker and the battery will run down quicker.. the makers are playing a balance game

i bought three e-cig minis.. amusing really cos thought the batteries would fit the pillbox 90I mini i was happy with.. they didnt.. he he he.. but there was not one faulty component amongst all three.. this implies good quality control.. however as smoke producers i would give then three out ten.. the occasional user i sold them to is still using them without any faults after five weeks.. they suit his needs.. he isnt trying to replace his real cigs with them.. he simply wants them to "party smoke".. this they are doing with no problem..

as for the cheap pillbox dse901s they are very good as smoke producers.. i am sure equally as good as any.. no matter what the price.. but an atomizer every two or three weeks is needed for me.. considering their price i would put them high on the recommended list.. now "party smokers" might get a couple of months use out of one these.. i dont.. they fit in with my lots of smoke short life theory..

i have also just tried an e-cig usb classic device.. as a smoke producer.. praps six out of ten.. it occurs to be e-cig might be taking the long life less smoke approach.. how long it will last i will never know cos i wont use it..

my latest e cig pipes.. well without any doubt provided they are dripped they have spoilt me and the other two family users as regards using anything else..

they quite simple produce consistent reliable mellow smoke with a very easy suck.. and clouds of it.. up to two hours of guaranteed single draw consistent smoke.. then another ten drop drip is needed.. not a real problem compared with making fifty roll-ups per day..

the batteries well they are 960 mah.. no clever technology here (not as there is anywhere) they are just big 18350 ones.. pretty much guaranteed a long life.. good for six or seven hours of heavy use..

so far we have only been running them for two weeks.. again all parts work with no failures as yet.. how long this great functionality will continue.. we dont know.. ???

we are now e smoking pipe people so i hope the damn things do last a while.. he he he

my desires are simple.. good quality consistent every day e smoking at a cost effective price.. how i get it i dont care.. but i know without even trying i aint gonna get it the ruyan way..


ps.. my experience (comment) is aimed at general readers.. there are far more silent readers than posters.. some might just want the same things as me..


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
May 1, 2008
Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
trog100 said:
...not all people want tons of smoke... ...but this isnt simply about how much bloody smoke they produce... ...i bought three e-cig minis... ...as smoke producers i would give then three out ten... ...i have also just tried an e-cig usb classic device.. as a smoke producer.. praps six out of ten...trog

Shall we take a poll, Trog? The "smoke" is what carries the nicotine we enjoy and are addicted to. The smoke carries the flavor. I think the majority of us agree that more smoke is better. As to longevity, we're all new to this. Two weeks, five weeks. Whatever. My Njoy is going on three weeks now. We will see how long it lasts, I can't prove it will out last a low performing e-cig-co model; but you have yet to offer a counter example to demonstrate that it wont last as long or longer than yours.

As to Pillbox's, he and his sounds similar to Meltrix and his pieces at MyECig.com. Plain, generic units, but from one of the better factories That's probably a good middle ground, IMO. But they are still outperformed by the best of the name brands, like Njoy and Janty, in my experince, and possibly by Ruyan going by reputation.
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