ECF Survey, take it?

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ECF Guru
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ECF Veteran
Aug 5, 2013
In the Mountains
I did even though it was very late and past my beddy bye time. I have a minute quibble with a few of the questions, primarily those with a simple yes/no answer. It isn’t just this survey, which I thought was pretty damned good, it’s all those surveys that ask for a yes/no answer when your answer might well be not so cut and dried. The survey did have lots of “other” options or places to express your answer in more personal terms and I was very grateful for those opportunities.

For whatever reason, it didn’t record one of my answers and left it blank. No doubt user error but wish I could correct it for ECF’s sake.

The survey link is up at the top where the Alerts used to be (hope those are reinstated quickly) and hope everybody takes it soon. For an ecig survey, it’s pretty damned good. Have at it! You could win cold, hard cash. And thank you ECF, nice to see a survey with some intelligence behind it.


ECF Guru
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ECF Veteran
Aug 5, 2013
In the Mountains
I know what you mean; I had to look them up too. I vape 99% DIY so it was a bit tougher. I wanted to do well on it because I’m so sick of the gratuitous, self serving negative propaganda in the press. What is really nice is knowing that there is no backstabbing ulterior motive in the survey. It will be interesting to see how the resulting stack up.


ECF Guru
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Nov 17, 2013
New Orleans La.
I was confooosed about question 8 & 9.
I wasnt planning on buying anything new in the near future ( Q8)
and had to answer 9 with the text box ( answered Q8 with no)
Q9 asks how much are you going to spend on your next purchase... Im not buying anything new... so why ask how much Im going to spend??
also the yes/no answers should have an IDK too


Senior Member
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Mar 28, 2012
emeryville, ca/st. joseph, Mi
I'd like to see the survey released to news agencies, maybe a press release of some kind .....we have to start fighting before we find ourselves buying on the black market ....and I would too !

I have strong words for people who don't have a clue regulating us know it's backed by the big money of phamacy co., tobacco co, and even the gov't ( think of how much money they lose in taxes ! ....all of those groups are losing big money to our group ...


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 12, 2013
St Paul, MN
I did the survey

#21 & #31 are missing the check circles for other
#42 should read "Is it" instead of "how"
#61 "Would it be happy for us" should be "Are you ok with us" or something similar. "Would it be happy for us" sounds like it was a translation from an Asian instruction manual
Last line should be "Your email" not "You email"

Just saying.
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