ECLAT Electronic Cigarette Study Press Release!

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Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 21, 2013
Greenville, SC, USA
Ok, I just scanned the article quickly (have to get ready for work) but my first impression is not positive.

Don't get me wrong - I'm a strong vaping supporter, believe it's far more healthy than smoking, would like to see studies showing exactly how healthy/unhealthy it is, etc.

But it seems that this article focuses exclusively on ecig's (in this case, cigalikes) effectiveness as a smoking cessation aid (in a study of people not interested in quitting smoking). All great and good but isn't one of the reasons e-cigs have gotten away with so little regulation for so long is because we *don't* advertise them as 'quit-smoking aids'??

In other words, if people/researchers start claiming the e-cigs are effective at helping people quit smoking, isn't this a medical claim? Couldn't that allow the FDA to swoop in and start issuing rules and regulations??

Please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
This is great news.. now all we need is adequate studies that prove long term implications on health or the possibility of any additional health concerns directly linked to vaping that we should be aware of!! Once that is handle and scientifically accepted, We can all wave the universal bird of the USA directed at the FDA, BT, and BP.

Quite frankly, I don't think it is going to matter one bit though. BT and BP will just turn up the heat on regulation and become a conglomerate government entity under the E-cig enterprise. Bt provides raw tobacco materials to be processed by BP into refines Nicotine .. and then maybe a few various companies are created to manufacture and distribute devices and e-liquid (unflavored of course). All under the umbrella of oversight by a pyramid government board driven enterprise.
They will probably make it to where these can be covered by health insurance as well... That way the government will have the ability to create another slush fund that the politicians can find the means to line there pockets with.

Man, I need a good vape. Got my brain cookin ... but this really is some very good news!!!

:evil: SB
To help those of us with very slow and limited internet connections (like me!), could someone please summarize what was said in either video or point to a print article??

Thanks in advance.

(Ugh, serve me right for not reading the last post in the thread. Thanks.)

Basically.. These scientist conducted a tiered research study on a group of 300 smokers that were absolutely unbiased and did not have the want to even quit smoking. There was a control group that did not receive nicotine at all throughout the year this was researched. The other two groups remained at two different strengths of nicotine.

By the end of the study... The research proved that the ecigarette performs better than the current NRTs on the market... so much so that over the entire statistical data for NRT user only 3 percent quit using the current NRTs - and only .02 of those individual stay quit after the entire period of treatment of whatever NRT they are on.

With this study on the 300 individuals on ecigs ( where the control group didn't even have nicotine in their juice) - the entire study had a 3% quit analog succession but remain vaping after the year was up, 4% succession over-all quit analog and vaping after the year and 12% of the group that did not have nic at all cut there analog usage by at least half. He said this increased the entire group study to a 16% success rate for quitting as a total NRT therapy.

The opponents that say that ecigs do not compare as an appropriate NRT can no longer say that based on this approve scientific research study and they can no longer say that it doesn't perform better than the current NRT programs that are available and FDA approved from BP.

:evil: SB


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 1, 2009
Ok, I just scanned the article quickly (have to get ready for work) but my first impression is not positive.

Don't get me wrong - I'm a strong vaping supporter, believe it's far more healthy than smoking, would like to see studies showing exactly how healthy/unhealthy it is, etc.

But it seems that this article focuses exclusively on ecig's (in this case, cigalikes) effectiveness as a smoking cessation aid (in a study of people not interested in quitting smoking). All great and good but isn't one of the reasons e-cigs have gotten away with so little regulation for so long is because we *don't* advertise them as 'quit-smoking aids'??

In other words, if people/researchers start claiming the e-cigs are effective at helping people quit smoking, isn't this a medical claim? Couldn't that allow the FDA to swoop in and start issuing rules and regulations??

Please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

As long as they're not marketed as cessation they don't get treated like cessation (in the US at least). The fact that they can work as cessation gets the blatant attackers to back off (I limit that to blatant attackers because there will still be covert attacks because someone's pocket is getting lighter). Think of it as chewing hard candy to quit smoking, that doesn't make candy a medical device even if someone does a study showing that it's xx% effective.

How safe they are compared to smoking (THR) is pretty easy and could be done quickly with a study of patients with "smoking illnesses" who switched to ecigs. I would guess that since so many doctors are coming around that that study has enough data that someone could start rounding it up.

The testing of how safe they are takes a very long time. We could be waiting a lifetime for good news from that, bad news would come sooner.
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