Ego's Are Garbage (Warning to Newbs)

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 12, 2013
I am still fairly new to vaping. While I may not have the time logged a lot of members here have, due to my background, I do know a lot about electronics, physics, computer science, etc.

My point here is to warn newbs about cheap batteries. If you are new and are thinking about buying an ego style battery, let me tell you unequivocally to NEVER do it. Ego style batteries are cheap Chinese garbage. I will say it again, cheap Chinese garbage manufactured by workers working under slave labor conditions. The goal of these Chinese companies is to churn out as many units as possible with ZERO quality control. If the battery doesn't work, it's no sweat because they know it becomes the U.S. vendor's problem. And most of the time, the U.S. vendor will not give you a refund for something DOA because the Chinese do not warranty them. These guys can't even produce manuals with proper English grammar (because they are too cheap to hire English translators), so do you really think they are going to have much communication with U.S. vendors? Nah, the Chinese are laughing all the way to the bank at our stupidity and our reliance on their shoddy "craftsmanship."

I would estimate it costs the Chinese about $1 to produce your average 600 mah ego battery. By the time they make their way to the consumer here in the U.S. (or other countries) we are paying 15-20 bucks. If you buy from a B&M, you will pay about $15 right now. On the internet you will probably find them a few bucks cheaper. Still it's a huge markup.

The biggest offender of cheap, crap products is SMOK. I bought 2 Smok Ego "Emax" batteries from my local B&M store. These are the 1300 mah VV/VW batteries that you may have seen. I spent $35 a piece (yes, way too much). Neither of them really work. The box says that you are supposed to get a "30% low battery warning." It states that the LED will flash red. Neither of my two batteries ever do that -- they just die unexpectedly. While one of my batteries will last me about 12 hours on 8 watts (which sounds about right for 1300 mah), the other one lasts me about 2 hours before it totally dies.

So I took this battery back to my local B&M and told them it dies after a couple hours (at most). They told me they will have to "test" it. They didn't take my word for it because they are basically on the hook for it since the Chinese won't warranty them. (They didn't tell me this, but I know that's what it is. Otherwise, they would just give me a new one and send the old one back). So, basically, these vendors are taking all of the risk if something doesn't work. This ends up screwing the consumer like me because the vendors are out whatever they paid for the battery plus a new replacement. So, basically, if this local B&M doesn't either refund me or give me a replacement, I will never buy from them again and make sure all the smokers I know never buy from them either.

So, my advice to newbies? Go out right now and buy a Provari or a ZEN or a Futura or another high-quality U.S. made device. Yes, they are expensive. Yes, a full kit will cost you at least $200-$300. Yes, it will hurt the budget for a while. But it is definitely WORTH it. I have spent probably $200 just on EGO batteries in the short few months I have been vaping. What do I have to show for it? Nothing. Most of them no longer work. I have two in the other room right now that are dead as a door nail after light usage over a couple of months. On the other hand, a Provari will last you (easily) 5-10 years and give you a much, much better vape.

So, for all of you veterans who tell newbs to "start with an Ego" I will have to firmly disagree. Ego's are garbage and should be completely bypassed for real equipment from day one. There is nothing "complicated" about VV/VW. Any new user can figure it out after 5 minutes of usage. Yes, sub-ohm can be dangerous and I understand why people do not encourage newbs to rebuild, but rebuilding is a different animal from VV/VW. Newbs should be encouraged to spend a couple hundred bucks up front and get the best from day one. Get good equipment and be done with it (at least for a few years).

I will never buy a Chinese battery again. I will buy U.S. mods and batteries that are made in Korea or Japan. Take my advice and save yourself a LOT of headaches. Trust me on this, newbs.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 12, 2013
Well, that's your opinion. I think many long-time vapers would tend to disagree and continue to recommend them as the best option for new vapers.

They are junk. Why anyone would recommend such shoddy garbage is beyond me. But, if you want to go buy a $30 battery and have it die after a month (with no warranty), then be my guest! The Chinese will laugh all the way to the bank.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 10, 2014
New Mexico
I have 2 ego ctwists. Honestly, had them since December, and they are still running like champs. These are my first experience with variable voltage and I love it (prior to this I used pen style batteries). Do I want a Provari or something nicer one day? Sure. Would I have bought a variable voltage battery if all they had was a Provari and not a cheap c-twist? No. I'm not going to spend that much on something that I'm not experienced with.

I got both my ctwists from a B&M starter kit for a very reasonable price. They are more like "stepping stones" than a mainstay. They allow you to get a feel for it before you upgrade to something more expensive. No, they aren't top of the line quality. But for a beginner, it is a good, affordable start.

Elizabeth Baldwin

Vaping Master
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Feb 2, 2014
Lexington, Kentucky, United States
I started out with 2 egos. Bought my husband 2. We have VTRS, nemesis, and smoktech magnetos, and use the egos when in a hurry. Never had issues. Had them for months. If they are so bad, you'd think out of the 4 I have that at least one of them would have went bad by now, but no they all still work fine. Sure, I'm into more advanced stuff now but they are good back ups and a good starting point for newbies. If I had it to do over, I'd still start with them... So that tells you something.

You had a bad experience with one. That doesn't mean they are all bad. Sure there's a dud in everything... Even US made stuff had duds every now and then.

At the price of an ego I think if one goes bad its not going to break a person to replace it.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 19, 2013
Ontario, Canada
If i had to pay more money than i did. I would never have known how well ecigs work because i never would have paid the price for anything more than what the egos cost. Thank goodness there was a cheap and fairly good one to try out. Now i know i like vaping and how it works and enjoy vaping. Now i am going to be upgrading soon!


My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
Supporting Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 16, 2010
I am still fairly new to vaping. While I may not have the time logged a lot of members here have, due to my background, I do know a lot about electronics, physics, computer science, etc.

My point here is to warn newbs about cheap batteries. If you are new and are thinking about buying an ego style battery, let me tell you unequivocally to NEVER do it. Ego style batteries are cheap Chinese garbage. I will say it again, cheap Chinese garbage manufactured by workers working under slave labor conditions. The goal of these Chinese companies is to churn out as many units as possible with ZERO quality control. If the battery doesn't work, it's no sweat because they know it becomes the U.S. vendor's problem. And most of the time, the U.S. vendor will not give you a refund for something DOA because the Chinese do not warranty them. These guys can't even produce manuals with proper English grammar (because they are too cheap to hire English translators), so do you really think they are going to have much communication with U.S. vendors? Nah, the Chinese are laughing all the way to the bank at our stupidity and our reliance on their shoddy "craftsmanship."

I would estimate it costs the Chinese about $1 to produce your average 600 mah ego battery. By the time they make their way to the consumer here in the U.S. (or other countries) we are paying 15-20 bucks. If you buy from a B&M, you will pay about $15 right now. On the internet you will probably find them a few bucks cheaper. Still it's a huge markup.

The biggest offender of cheap, crap products is SMOK. I bought 2 Smok Ego "Emax" batteries from my local B&M store. These are the 1300 mah VV/VW batteries that you may have seen. I spent $35 a piece (yes, way too much). Neither of them really work. The box says that you are supposed to get a "30% low battery warning." It states that the LED will flash red. Neither of my two batteries ever do that -- they just die unexpectedly. While one of my batteries will last me about 12 hours on 8 watts (which sounds about right for 1300 mah), the other one lasts me about 2 hours before it totally dies.

So I took this battery back to my local B&M and told them it dies after a couple hours (at most). They told me they will have to "test" it. They didn't take my word for it because they are basically on the hook for it since the Chinese won't warranty them. (They didn't tell me this, but I know that's what it is. Otherwise, they would just give me a new one and send the old one back). So, basically, these vendors are taking all of the risk if something doesn't work. This ends up screwing the consumer like me because the vendors are out whatever they paid for the battery plus a new replacement. So, basically, if this local B&M doesn't either refund me or give me a replacement, I will never buy from them again and make sure all the smokers I know never buy from them either.

So, my advice to newbies? Go out right now and buy a Provari or a ZEN or a Futura or another high-quality U.S. made device. Yes, they are expensive. Yes, a full kit will cost you at least $200-$300. Yes, it will hurt the budget for a while. But it is definitely WORTH it. I have spent probably $200 just on EGO batteries in the short few months I have been vaping. What do I have to show for it? Nothing. Most of them no longer work. I have two in the other room right now that are dead as a door nail after light usage over a couple of months. On the other hand, a Provari will last you (easily) 5-10 years and give you a much, much better vape.

So, for all of you veterans who tell newbs to "start with an Ego" I will have to firmly disagree. Ego's are garbage and should be completely bypassed for real equipment from day one. There is nothing "complicated" about VV/VW. Any new user can figure it out after 5 minutes of usage. Yes, sub-ohm can be dangerous and I understand why people do not encourage newbs to rebuild, but rebuilding is a different animal from VV/VW. Newbs should be encouraged to spend a couple hundred bucks up front and get the best from day one. Get good equipment and be done with it (at least for a few years).

I will never buy a Chinese battery again. I will buy U.S. mods and batteries that are made in Korea or Japan. Take my advice and save yourself a LOT of headaches. Trust me on this, newbs.

So let me see if I have this Straight.

You bought a Couple of Batteries and had some Problem.

So ALL eGo Batteries made by ALL OEM's are Bad.

Every heard of the Expression... "Throwing the Baby Out with the Bath Water"?


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Feb 2, 2013
The Jungle
They are junk. Why anyone would recommend such shoddy garbage is beyond me. But, if you want to go buy a $30 battery and have it die after a month (with no warranty), then be my guest! The Chinese will laugh all the way to the bank.

LMAO. Wow. Glad there are more reasonable voices to drown out yours around.


Super Member
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Jan 24, 2014
Missoula, MT
I disagree and I'm happy to explain why. When I was a smoker, I didn't know much about e-cigs at all. I had heard from a few that it worked for them, but I've also heard that same thing about cold turkey, Chantix and whatever else too...and those didn't work for me. When I was looking at e-cigs, I wanted a way to dabble without any kind of major investment. I set the budget at $100, which seemed more than reasonable from my perspective.

I got into a decent eGo kit and it didn't take much. The experience was good enough to help me quit right then and there and I was under budget. This then opened up the budget I was spending on e-cigs to get into better equipment, but that was only once I was "sold" on the concept and knew it worked for me. If I had to buy a $200+ Provari to get into it, USA made or not, I probably wouldn't have been so eager to jump in. The bottom line is that many eGo's are of decent quality and do provide an adequate experience that gets people into vaping.

Are there bad batteries? Yes. I'm certain even Provari's had a bad unit at least once. Does a Chinese person make it? Part of it...but also much of it is manufactured by machines, just as we do here with USA made things. Are many Chinese exploited? Absolutely. Is that my fault, or your fault or something that we should be morally conscious of? Perhaps...but it's not you or I who's making these decisions for either the people, the governments or the associated corporations who are involved. If it's not the Chinese, it'll be someone else...that's been going on for centuries. Are we going to change the world with our choices? I'd like to think so...but the millions upon millions who soak up all the cheap imports without a care in the world say otherwise. What's one more, really?

As for the poor middle man who's plight I think you're trying to defend, I'm afraid that's a cost of doing business if the business owner assumes a warranty in the import business. It's the business person's option to choose to market uber cheap, faulty gear or something a step sounds like you dealt with the former. But, if he charges you 3-10 times the price for a cheap battery...he either makes a decent profit for himself when all goes well...or he can afford to replace your faulty units several times over. He can also choose to dismiss you as a customer, should it be chosen that way. Nonetheless, no business person will stay in business if they're not making keep that in mind...there is an equitable exchange. And an equitable penalty, should a business person conduct business poorly.

As for you and the fact that you feel you were taken? Don't do business there any more, vote with your dollar every single time. Make the decisions that are right for you. But do let other people make their own decisions and respect the reasons why they might do so. Consider their perspective and understanding might be different from yours...and we'll all get along just fine.

Anyway, I could wax ecstatic quite a bit more...but that's the gist of what my opinion is.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Aug 20, 2013
Stockholm, Sweden
The four basic egos I bought almost a year ago (no-name non-vv) have never given me any problems. I don't use them much anymore since I have an SVD and a couple of mechs, but they certainly give a good vape when I feel like giving them a try. I wouldn't have tried vaping if the only option was an expensive vv device (and I'm not even talking Provari-expensive, a vamo+ batteries+ charger might be too much of an investment if you're not sure that you'll like it).

Oh, and I find your prejudiced ramblings about China and the Chinese offensive. They did also invent the vaping technology we use, and produced the first vaporizers, if you didn't know that

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My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
Supporting Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 16, 2010
I started out 3 years ago with egos and they have been great for us. I have one ego that is over a year old and going strong. I als have a Vamo, several Innokin VV's/Inno/MVP etc..and still love my egos for on the go.

Yeah... An eGo with a CE2 is the Perfect Size to fit in a Shirt Pocket.

My 400mAh Vision Spinner is my Go To PV when I'm Out and About.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Yeah I started with egos. One of them died after 5 months and I replaced it for $15. The others have lasted over a year and have been handed down to a buddy who was using cig-a-likes. He is still using them giving them over a year and a half total so far. I kept one battery as a backup or if I want something small to stealth vape with. I had a great experience with them.

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